This triggers me and I don't know why

this triggers me and I don't know why

I am a father myself, married to a woman, wholesome humble family home

this just feels wrong, poor fucking kid all for their social status

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that so?

>this triggers me and I don't know why
it's because you're homophobic

probably because you feel sorry for the kid.
kids tend to be influenced by two things, their environment and their parents so if your parents are two faggots they'll make sure they surround the kid with everything signalling that being a faggot is the way to go.
if the poor fucker they adopt doesn't end up a faggot or a dyke it'll be a miracle

Poor fucking kid all for their... desire to have kids. Implying there isn't a dime a dozen shitty straight parents out there. How many shit heads with straight parents are there? How many depressed people with straight parents are there?
Those statistics don't matter?
Exactly because you can cherry pick all you want and it doesn't make a difference because the sexual orientation of the couple doesn't correlate to the quality of the person.
Damn you triggered me OP you're so stupid.



Umm they aren't expecting a baby, they are paying a woman to bear a child for 9 months, isn't that the same as prostitution, paying for a service with no taxs n shit

Gay couples don't have accidental kids, and the process of adopting kids is usually more difficult than it would be for straight couples. The consequence is when they do adopt they are generally better-than-average parents. Studies have been done, google it.

you do realize that the VAAAAAAAAST majority of gay people came from families with straight parents, right?

>Sup Forumstard
Pick one.

>They have not revealed any more details about the pregnancy, including whether or not a surrogate is involved.

>mix cum
>put in random bitch's vagoo
i thought triggering is just smth sjw do. idiots like you are no different from your "enemy"

You don't say? nothing gets past you Einstein
doesn't change a damn thing about the point i'm making, but don't let that stop you from spazzing out

what happens with kids who have just one parent? do they get asexual? what a stupid statment with no evidence

>I don't know why

Because you've been brainwashed, you stupid faggot.


We *need* a new genocide. Homosexuals need to die the worse pain possible.

Maybe it's YOU who are brainwashed you stupid liberal fag?

shut up fag

>the process of adopting kids is usually more difficult than it would be for straight couples

As it should be, duh. Imagine being called "faggot boy" born from the asshole of your father for the fiirst 18 years of your life.

So you expect two faggots bringing up a kid to teach it that societies norm involves a man and a woman?
dream on buttboy

Nigger, you must be drunk. I hate the same things as you.

>doesn't correlate
That's because correlation describes a linear dependence

You dumb fuck

i am bi and i never saw my father fucking some other dude. so your theory is never proven

>anecdotal evidence

Perhaps you're retarded? Ever think that maybe you just lack the essential parts of the brain in order to not be a retard?

Probably not

OP is a bigger faggot than the faggots in his OP

>calls OP retard
>response is overflowing with autism

were you brought up by two faggots? if no you have no point, read again what i said you dumb fuck

As long as the baby is not black, I'm ok with it.

>this triggers me and I don't know why
I know why. It's because you're a little whiney bitch.
Why get triggered about anything in the first place? Don't you have other shit to do than to worry about degenerates and their degeneracy?

his parents are rich white. one is an accomplished athlete and the other is an oscar-winning screenwriter.

OP and his wife are probably both losers

>this triggers me and I don't know why
Probably because you're a healthy minded individual


user isn't scared of things that are different just because they are different.

user hates things that are different when they are shitty. niggers and sjw cultural cancer and mudslimes, and himself.

what a massive faggot OP is this time

Stop being reasonable

Imagine getting your school shot up and you have no idea why whatsoever, because you're too dumb to realize abusing a person makes them hate your shit to the point of fucking you up.

No really, since when is
>people are shit that's why you're not supposed to do whatever
a good argument for anything?
No really, is there anyone in your god forsaken country that is able to take responsibility for your actions? It's literally everyone that does this. liberals, conservatives, black people, feminists, white people, you name it. Literally everyone has someone to blame for being a useless piece of shit.

Pretty decent bait. Faggot

And take your spacing with you

The only thing that bothers me is why cant they fucking adopt a child.

>posts on this site

Yeah right. They might be degenerates, but so are you.

>"Reddit spacing"
Quit trying so hard to fit in newfag

Every fucking thread this newfag shows up

Fuck off.

If having gay parents made you gay, having straight parents should logically do the same.

Of course, we're not actually dealing with logic here, just feels.

>strawman argument

And in which way is it a strawman?

>If having gay parents made you gay, having straight parents should logically do the same.

not quite the same as prostitution lmao

you're purposely exaggerating what user said to counter and easily defeat his argument

You can fuck off back there too













>posting on Sup Forums
>7 trap threads, 10 WWYD/Cuck threads, and 2 gay/Futa threads
>wholesome straight
Nigger, you went full retard.

>if your parents are two faggots they'll make sure they surround the kid with everything signalling that being a faggot is the way to go.
if the poor fucker they adopt doesn't end up a faggot or a dyke it'll be a miracle
he didn't exaggerate a thing

Do you ever actually read a thread or just skim it then flex your fingers like a desperate to get attention fuckwit?
read this shithead
kids tend to be influenced by two things, their environment and their parents so if your parents are two faggots they'll make sure they surround the kid with everything signalling that being a faggot is the way to go.
you probably missed that bit in a desperate attempt to prove how fucking empty between the ears you actually are, but you know this is the chan, what should I expect other than cretins

read again user, he's exaggerating the claim by saying that if two gay parents will make a faggot, then two straight parents must SURELY make a straight kid

They're a cute couple and I wish them all the best.

My husband and I have 3 children. 2 mine, 1 his all through the same surrogate. I could have done without them at the time. But he wanted kids so I agreed.

surrogate implies their own sperm and not an adoption dumbass

OH right okay, so why are there gay kids in straight families then? I mean if theyre surrounded by two hteros who will be signally that being a hetero is the way to go?
Especially since 90% of society's cues also say that being a hetero is the way to go?

I mean, if having gay parents is going to influence you into being gay if youre actually straight, then how doesnt society and your parents inluence gay kids into being straight? How do the majority of gay people come from straight households?

>kids tend to be influenced by two things
multiple things, sure as hell not 2, genetics, culture, parents, enviroment even the shit you eat messes with your brain
and debatable what causes people being gay, so don't pretend to be some sort of an intelectual when everything you posted has no scientific backing

It’s because those gays aren’t fulfilling their purpose of NOT having children. The whole point of homosexuals is they don’t breed.

And yet, people have grown up with parents and an environment that is substantially hostile to gays and still become gay.

see that's a strawman argument and it makes you look stupid

Explain how it's a strawman.

except that's not a strawmen, he's implying gay parents along with enviroment produce gay children
logical conclusion is then that straight people produce straight children
it's equivalent, try again tard

Why don't you just concentrate on your own shit and not worry about other people who have no affect on you?

and what two of these factors are the ones they're exposed to with greatest effect?

It’s exactly prostitution. They’re just renting her body for a longer timeframe.

This kid is going to have an fantastic life. Op´s family is probably poor af.

*increases the probability
It's not 100% but it does make a world of difference

And how did that work out for you?

user is taking other user's argument and exagerating by making a "if A is true the B must also be"

please quit using words you saw other people use.

That is not a strawman. It's showing how your argument is void.

depends on the fucking child, there are children that grow up on the streets left only to the enviroment part

If having gay parents makes you gay, then why wouldnt straight parents make you straight?
You are yet to explain, at any point, why this isnt equivalent and why it's some kind of made up crazy exaggeration.

proof, where? there is no consensus on what causes people to be gay, let alone the probability

>self-aggrandizing that that your partner and kids equal le wholesome humble moral hi-ground
>but everyone that triggers you just wants kids for le social status
This is fucking hilarious. You're probably not even baiting and are just an amazingly un-self-aware hypocrite.

I mean you're BRAGGING about being "HUMBLE" with the implication it supposedly makes you superior to strangers you've never met but are upset by your own boogeyman fantasy of.
Way to make yourself look infinitely more stupid and obsessed with social status than fags. Seriously, it would be much better if you were open and honest and just said you're absolutely booty-devastatedly triggered by fags instead of struggling to make up some self-contradictory excuse.

Cry about it.

are your parents retarded? would make a lot of sense based on your logic

>surrogacy is totally just sex-work even with no sex because it's weird and too hard for me to understand and fags benefit from it!

>we need to literally murder EVERYONE who upsets muh oversensitive feels!

>gays shouldn't get kids because people like me will insult and berate children to try to push muh feels that gays shouldn't get kids
Wow, that must be the most amazing logic ever, self contained with no need or room for anything else, you could even call it "circular" ;^)

lol, yeah right like we wouldn't gas all the racist dumbshits. where do you think popular opinion lies? with your stupid hated ass? when genocide comes, you will be in the chamber

Becouse of retards like saying that is ok to be gay.
Also, he said enviroment and parents not just parents.
Get gassed faggot

>Don't you have other shit to do than to worry about degenerates and their degeneracy?
They really don't.
A normal functioning person who just hates fags and shit will mostly just leave them to their own faggotry because they have their own more important life to deal with.
These obsessed oversensitive brainlets are just sad dysfunctional people almost as fucked up as fags and have nothing but inane clickbait "news" to distract from and blame for their own issues.
Plenty also employ ridiculous lies about being successful and having model wives and huge families that they "raise right!" despite spending all their time shitposting on Sup Forums.

>Also, he said enviroment and parents not just parents.
which he mentioned, get gassed imbecile

where'd the fags come from when all of society told them it wasn't okay? you are screaming about faggots on a device invented by Alan Turing, noted faggot.

Im sorry user did someone hurt your fee fees? ;;

>Surrogacy is a method or agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or persons, who will become the newborn child's parent(s) after birth.

Where you born retarded or did your parents drop you?

>I don't know why
Because it's fucked up.
>this just feels wrong
Because it is.

Kids need a mom and a dad. This is by design of nature. You fuck with nature, you aren't going to win. Deal with it.

>Kids need a mom and a dad. This is by design of nature. You fuck with nature, you aren't going to win. Deal with it.
so is disease, better accept death every time you get the flu

Do you even logic? Statistical analysis? Don't talk about stuff if you have no idea what you're talking about...

fuck you and fuck nature i do what i want

>Studies have been done by politically correct brainwashed 'progressives' with leftist agendas, so it is fact because 'muh Google' (no, no bias there).

That's because only straight people can reproduce you ignorant fuck.

No..because this is impossible. 2 men cannot have a baby. The story should read "2 men find a surragote to carry one mans seed and plan to raise the baby once it is born as a family" 2

>their purpose of NOT having children. The whole point of homosexuals is they don’t breed.
THIS x 1000. It is to eliminate faulty genetic code.

no proof?
ofc no proof, fucking imbeciles

FALSE EQUIVALENCY, look it up if you need to, this shit should be common sense.

Seriously, being triggered by fags putting their often higher-than-average education and, mostly-wasted, funds towards raising more white kids who might otherwise be unwanted.

except it's not

look out boys we have a SCIENTIST IN HERE multiple phds studied at harvard mit yale all the big schools yep not a half baked theory no sir true science

This is pseudo-science nonsense

>so is disease, better accept death every time you get the flu
This is so beyond retarded it hardly deserves a response, but whatever, I'm kinda bored.
This is a false equivalency if there ever was one. You fail massively with that argument, but then, that is completely unsurprising...