

I hope this is legit, I'll need some hangover kino for tomorrow

how long are evas nude scenes in this?

Eh the only kino i saw in it was the skeleton battle

10 min or so

This, holy shit that part was 10/10 and everything else was awful, except maybe the beta protagonist looking up whatsherface's skirt.

The movie is nonstop exposition and explaining all the rules of their goofy time travel.

>X-Men year 18something

>Rated R

Does she show her tits in this one too?

Why are all the main characters white in this flick?

Because nobody gives a fuck about niggers.

Because day rasis.

sounds cool

Because Burton is based and tells SJW's to get fucked.

>except maybe the beta protagonist
You mean Based Eva isn't even the main character in this? BRAVA TIM

>Why are all the main characters white in this flick?

Really? I should watch it then
>Tim Burton plows Eva Green's ass every single night
Why live

How about orientals?

Is Eva Green Burton's new Helena Bonham?

They are the new Jew power couple.

Yea pretty much.

I just hope he doesn't marry her or something.

>that 10 minute long sex scene where all the boys gangbang Eva Green


The /ss/ potential within this makes me ache with excitement..

She's sucking the life out of him.


More like gives him life user.

He was dead inside until she save him.



Go away Helena.


The only kino was when the beta and the qt blonde went underwater to the ship. Everything else was trash.