Did you order your gf yet?

Did you order your gf yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Not yet. I might. I kind of like the idea.

I feel so bad for you that having a sex doll is somehow an idea you "kind of like."

I got b& once for posting one of the loli sex dolls. Tread carefully.

where did you get that wig?

bump for interest

>I feel so bad for you that having a sex doll is somehow an idea you "kind of like."
Do I care if you feel bad for me? No, I do not.

Nice doll

Yes, tread carefully, indeed.

Unless that doll was manufactured in 1999, or earlier, OP is violating federal law and the Word of God.

Also, you're a retard.

Wow, what an argument, "I DON'T CARE!" Get help big guy.

Are her toes connected?

They're connected to the foot bone.

Now hear the Word of the Lord!



Pathetic loser posting these pervert doll threads fuck off


I'd love to back you up in your smug, superior, condescending rant, but you're in Sup Forums, dude.

You can't be wading in the lake of the pathetic loser pervert kingdom, and go pointing your finger at others.

You filthy, intolerant piece of shit.


Loser faggot can't get laid and fucks dolls so he posts a poignant butthurt response. Stay mad bitch

these are looking better and better

There's an even newer version. After you've owned it for a year, it's starts to put on a couple of pounds every six months, it stops letting you fuck it, and it flirts with your best friend.

They're getting more real every year.


>it stops letting you fuck it


Your imaginary sex is boring.



i dont know girl that one sounds more broken

I kind of want one because I love women's fashion, but don't have the will, desire, or body type to be a trap. I want to be able to dress it up and take pictures and all that. Not really even all that interested in fucking it. I just want a model that I don't have to pay or actually talk to so I can sew and do all my shit.

>but I'll probably still fuck it.

Did you specifically buy the 'heroin addict' model?


a few years ago some guy in eastern canada got busted importing one of these and the news made him like some sort of murderer who burns down houses.

>dude just wanted to get his rock off.

>Dammit pay attention to me!
Here's your (you)

jealous fat bitch detected kek

I meant more the eyes. They're fucking creepy with the bags and shit.

what company does everyone use? Can I get ones that are Japanese quality realistic but aren't Asian looking?

Ignore the 12 year old, keep posting cute girls (dolls)


You mean, because they look Asian?
Is that what's bothering you?

Wow. Racist much, you fucking lowlife nigger Jew?


What company is that?



I'm going to get me a Love Doll I don't like and buy her a house.


RL simulator 2018


WHat do you do when you want to talk not fuck?

Sup Forums

They are great listeners.

INB4 faggot.

>"posts a poignant butthurt response"

>fights back with butthurt response

the irony.

Are there any videos of these dolls?


Yes. Disney has a Hall of Animatronic Sex Dolls in their theme parks now that Hall of Presidents is no longer politically acceptable - there were pre-1865 presidents.

It's an E ticket to watch live and a C ticket to watch the videos, though.




YFW you realize your husband plans to kill you and replace you with a doll.

...and how slim the likelihood anyone else will notice.



Has anyone tried dressing it in a fursuit? Never seen a sex doll in a fursuit.

Normally you'd need tits to prove you're a girl, but how unfunny this joke is already convinced me

Wow. Because one vile deviancy just wasn't enough for you? Had to push it one step further, didja?

fuckin things cost way too much
plus i doubt my gf would be happy about it



This concept made me chuckle. This is two fetishes it never occurred to me to put together. Now I'm curious.

Truth be told, I'd much rather see a loli one in furry jammies with an animal-ears head band.

Would definitely consider it once they get a little more realistic looking, the uncanny valley thing in the face is a little off putting for now, they're on the edge of CGI meets mannequin. Total loser move, but the inner basement dweller in my heart would love a hot teen doll that I could dress up and fuck whenever.


Yeah, always pushing the limits, man. Most of these dolls look uncanny, most of the cost is making them look and feel real. You don't have to care much about surface finish if it'll be covered in a suit, head construction can be simplified etc.
Body proportions are off, dolls are much better.




No, too small.

Also, the head is way under proportion.


These dolls are beautiful


Fuck off skinjob



Jk I want one, just feel the need to insert blade runner

No. Expensive and likely to be seized.


I own one. Pic related.

Ask anything if you're thinking about getting one. I have about 20 mins.



> And then there's THIS faggot.


?? sinthetics.com




why do you waste money on shit quality wigs?



Worth the money?




Because I like the way that they look.


