I know its none of my business what gay people do

i know its none of my business what gay people do
but personally i just dont agree with it
anyone else know this feel?

Live your own life.

What other people do is none of your concern.

i feel this way about christians, muslims and jews.

I think public displays of affection are wrong with the exception of wholesome actions like hand holding or hugging. Basically idc what you prefer just do it in privacy.

t. fag

dont even know why the far right care so much about faggots

they are absolute pieces of shit i want distance from these animals not to go as far as wanting to know what they do in their privacy

eh, gays at least don't follow some barbaric, borderline fascist cult and are an imminent threat to western society.
Muslims nowadays are.

What's to agree with?

No. I don't care what others do as long as they aren't hurting anyone else because I'm not a religious and/or bigoted faggot

I've got far more important things to worry about. Plus I'm not so insecure that I'm psychologically threatened by people living their lives differently to me.

Actually, I'm quite happy for as many men as possible to be gay... less competition in the dating game.

>some barbaric, borderline fascist cult


This. As long as you aren't going around being a shitbag to others, I don't GAF what you do for fun.

Yes, you are a libtard brainwashed faggot.

I don't care what they do but I don't fell like hearing them talk about how many dicks they sucked and seeing their gross shit everywhere

I dont care what they to as long as they do it indoors.I fucking hat walking down the street and seeing two faggots kissing each other.

Yep, they like..like dicks. And fucking assholes aswell.

Not him, but are my only two options being a liberal faggot or a retard who is intensely butthurt about someone doing something you don't like like yourself? Is suicide an option? Cause that's my choice.

not quite

Dick and let dick.

if its none of your business why do you care?

Well in my book there's an important difference between faggots and gay people.
I don't have a problem with gay people (as long as they keep their distance), but i really don't get why i have to pretend that faggots are normal members of society.
I don't dress up as a clown and expect everyone to respect my clown sexuality - maybe i should to prove a point.

user is a wise, wise man.

This. Abandon thread, we're done.

I feel the same about fedora-crowned edgelords who disrespect the religion of others. Grow up, will ya?

Who fucking cares what you feel.
I HATE homophobes... should I tell them?

Why are you so butthurt about republicans, then?

Because they always have to push their beliefs down anyone's throat?

I dont care as long as they are not public about it. Also i dont like political movements about it. Overall i just ignore it and forget about it 99% of the time.

If you want to get knocked unconscious, sure

how ironical

doesn't pretty much every political group do that?

You've seen a gay march before right?

enjoy your valentine's day lol

Well the degree of "pushing" varies between slow execution and telling people they'll go to a warm place when they die.

never seen one where they behead straights.

Damn straight! Oh.. wait....

I think it's a narcissistic personality disorder t.b.h but I don't see why anyone would give a fuck about strangers' sex lives.

By force?

Have you ever interacted with a painfully gay human? I mean full blown tranny kinda shit.

If you want to bother people because they dont like faggots and possibly get your ass handed to you then yes go a head

eh, even the latter ones can be problematic if they scream loud enough or can play the victim card.

I used to feel that way, then I had a crisis about life in general and now I feel like no one matters at all, not even my family not really...we’re all gonna die and slowly rot away good or bad, black, white, racist or nigger

no that feel i stupid, i dpnt give a fuck abaut faggots, i just hate them because i want a reason to bully

I have. Not a tranny tho but they would talk flamboyantly and wpuld make girly gestures

I respect your RIGHT to have a religion.
I will never respect your religion though.

I think male hoosexuality should be legal but discouraged, kind of like smoking.

It is objectively a public health concern. Just look at the CDC's numbers for stds for men who have sex with men.

You just had an existential crisis nigga.

Go find something cool that you find reasonable supporting for the rest of your life and do that.
Otherwise you'll be even more insignificant than you're bound to be anyways.

and those are higher than straight sex stds? Not arguing your point, just curious

This pretty much

And do you find interaction with them:
a) "completely normal"
b) "kinda weird"
c) "fucking disgusting, could you stop doing that? wtf."
d) open fire

its just how i feel
although i would never be one of those religious protest people
i simply just dont agree with being gay

to be fair, to me it would be just as annoying if a chick would behave that way

Oh yes much higher. Not just HIV, but a bunch of stds.

>i know its none of my business what gay people do


Dude think of it this way, Africans are from Africa, Mexicans are from Mexico Americans are from North America, if we were supposed to mix up this shit it would be called such, its be like North America-everybodyville and Mexico-everybodywelcomehaven

Any more questions??

Where is a faggots home country? Like Mexicans have Mexico and Africans have Africa.

Objectively speaking the world would probably become a better place if everyone shared the same skin and language under global communism though.
Not sure if that'll work out in the near future though or lead to nuclear war.

yeah me too bro

My wife's best friend is gay, and one of my gun range buddies is gay. I don't care if someone is gay or not.
what I don't like is the social justice cunts that give themselves special snowflake made up sexualities. They can go fuck themselves.

If we assume that communism would work for humans I agree, but honestly I'm kinda skeptical about that

Im not attracted to guys but basically i choose option b. More annoying than anything

Therefore the nuclear war option :^)

Im retarded. I read "attraction" instead of "interaction".


California, San-Fran is fag capital

other opeoples emotions are not of concern to any1, if i see smthing that i find funyy i laugh at it. fuck u

No effect on my life. Don’t care.

You mean some dead loser? Who the fuck cares what he thinks?

That sounds terrible.

any unnatural behavior ultimately leads to vast amounts of unpredictable damage.
just like with alcohol and drugs, gay sex eventually leads to wrecking own body and mind, and damages to people around.

being unnatural, gay sex may give pleasure (physical and mental) but won't ever give satisfaction (neither can give real feelings - "gay romance" is an oxymoron, despite what the best fictions about homosexuality want to show). this is why it's usual for many gay people having 50+ different sexual partners per month. and it's also the reason why gay people are intrinsically liars, unfair and cruel people, secretly obsessed with destroying their targets (not only the ones they want to fuck). having a gay coworker usually ends up in paying for damage that you didn't do, being scolded for problems you didn't create, getting mobbed because gays (closeted and non-closeted ones) are pushing their own agenda.

thus, even if you consider gay sex as a legitimate behavior "as long as gay people don't demand it has to be praised and pushed everywhere", you cannot avoid its aftermath and damages. this is the main reason why gay sex - just like drugs, murder, etc - has to be severely punished.

Why though?

Everyone being the same? Yeah, that would suck.

but Sup Forums is for fags, why you here? fags may not have a country but the have a forum and its Sup Forums, fuck off just cos you only like traps don't mean you're not gay.

idc about what ppl do in the bedroom. this is /b: we know fetishes and alternate lifestyles, doesn't matter what, but we've seen almost all of it that nobody should care anymore.

what is annoying is that someone has to disclaimer, proclaim themselves "gay" or "trans" to weave right into a "protected class/bubble" to save their asses from being hired/fired in the game of workforce and status.

i know a guy who just suddenly married a guy to move up on the political work ladder, and i feel that that sort of relationship is "sad." he doesn't get fired because he has pride flags all over his social media sites; all he can do now is continue to climb the political ladder and succeed---all under the ruse of "i'm gay, haha, can't touch me, plebs!" crap. it's crap, and we all know it.

these days, knowing someone is gay before knowing them personally is very sad. sad, indeed.

A world like that would be pretty stagnant and boring. The reason we have things like Rock music is because of cultural differences intermingling

Sure there is. More stds going around to to gay men having higher risk. It jumps to the straight population via bi guys. Lots of taxpayer funds going for prep and std treatment.