Post what your typical Democrat voter looks like

Post what your typical Democrat voter looks like

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My dad said Glen Beck said Democraps are all Klans and Klans are bad becuz they hate black people and Jewish ppul so bad Democraps BTFO, kthx god bless Israel (shoutout to Pastor Doug)

Bearded numale, uppity college girl., longhaired troglodyte, petty criminal.



Dubs confirm

















Typical Democrat on the west coast

Don't forget these beauties run New York

That's the typical Republican you retard.




Not if trump can stop it, you dirty African.


Spoiler: He can't.

being open minded means accepting people who may look weird, act strange and believe in things you do not. But so what? Being open minded also means that I live my life and they live theirs.




Accept if those weird people don't vote the same way you do. Then you make fun of them like the hypocritical piece of leftist trash that you are.

what do i care if future generations are brown? I won't be around anyway. Trump supporters spend their time worrying about shit they never ever will experience themselves.

His mom kinda looks like Gary Oldman in Dracula

Smug Clooney got BTFO
>why should I care if my kids are hated minorities
>It won't effect me personally
And here we have the selfish me me me mindset of the left



Who is making fun? You are. Relax man, your shit will always be your shit. No one is taking your guns or your race, or your money. Trouble is, son, you believe the hype,

You might want to do more research before you post.

I hate the US. We've turned into the worlds dumping ground. The United States is a cesspool

>open your eyes a little wider

Because if Sophia does, her eyes will fall out of her head.

Sure I'm selfish. I get one life and I'm going to live it on my terms, not by what Trump tells me the terms are. If you want to spend your life angry, then be angry. So what? Could care less, son. Enjoy your outrage, it may be all that really defines you

>>why should I care if my kids are hated minorities
You're assuming your ideology will continue to exist into the future.

Fight to change that. There are groups our there doing what they can to wake people up and make a change to make sure the US doesn't go the way of Brazil.


Nigger your groups are making sure the US goes the way of Moldova, an all-white slum.

And you're assuming yours will as well. Your ideology got rekt in 2016.

Heck, maybe it is the direction all planets make in the multi-verse. They start the same, then branch out, and then re-emerge. Makes sense, I guess.


Wrong, but would still be better than a mixed race slum. See Brazil and South Africa.


That is what we were designed for. Read your history. We were never about one race. We were always a melting point. Literally from the very first people who stepped on the land. Shit, man, did you sleep through history class?

We're circling the drain, friend
Jesus, trump is a carbon copy of his mother. Even the hair.

So, white people are supposed to go extinct? Or, we were never supposed to exist? What about Wakanda?

>Wrong, but would still be better than a mixed race slum. See Brazil and South Africa.
Right, your ideal state is WV, an all white utopia where everybody dies of black lung using the resources of the 1920s to power the industries of the 1950s. You don't have much of a vision for the future, user.

You have no idea what the meaning of "extinction" is. Hint: It's not having living mixed-race offspring.

The male equivalent is a skinnyfat dork

Nope, my ideal state is one where whites have their own nations like all other races do. Not one where we are a hated minority targeted by non whites like in South Africa. KYS you fucking retard.

So, you be sayin Obama is white n shiet?

"Open My Anus"

>Nope, my ideal state is one where whites have their own nations like all other races do.
>Gives example of a colonial settlement
I couldn't make this shit up.

lol you're kidding me right? look at race and immigration stats for the US throughout it's history. The vast vast majority have been White immigrants until the Immigration Act of 1965.


>gives an example of a country that was quite nice when whites rules.
>now is a shithole where dumb nigger rule and whites are a targeted minority but everyone ignores it
South Africa is the perfect example to use against you idiots.

Definitely whiter than the average 56% American Slav/Celt/Teuton

And yet, still a brown nigger with an afro, wide nose and black eyes. Your point?


>South Africa is the perfect example to use against you idiots.
Not exactly if you are seriously arguing for separate nations for separate races. I don't consider transplanting Dutch trash 9,000 miles from home to the ass-end of black Africa as being much of a policy to promote racial separation. Especially when the first thing that happened after they got off the boats was they fucked the Khoisan.


cherry pick war?

>Your point?
All you "whites" are trying to be us.

Man fuck Bill Nye for selling out. he was so awesome in the anti-creationist debate, but then he said that bull about genders. fuck him

Nigger did you read the OP? I can't blame you if not, pretty faggy.

Is that not what this entire thread is?

>be us
welfare leeches who can't take care of their kids?
>posts nigger raised by whites because his leftist trash mom and nigger dad couldn't

Jew women are so sexy

i'd hit it

Keep bending spaghetti Pasquale. Someday you'll be another George Washington.

So tired of you political faggots and your obsession. Nothing ever changes regardless of who is voted into power in the states or anywhere else. Just shut the fuck up.

don't bother voting goyim

That's KRS ONE



bitch, that's the "Let Me Speak With Your Manager" haircut.

>implying continental Euros aren't kikes

Jesus that’s fucking gross



the one on the right

the one on the left isn't allowed to vote due to convictions.


I live in Norway. I don't even have to care, everything is good where I live. Just stop whining.

Anders Forever.

