Does this girl's voice sound bad?


I'll give 1,000,000 to anyone who answers in a srs manner

I don't know what the fuck you're going for, but it sounds fine.

She's acting "cute" too much - but in itself the voice sounds fine.
I don't need your large number of things either.
(you didn't specify whether it was dollars, cents, woodchips, bananas or otherwise)

Oh. Well, nah. You're fine. Also, don't be anxious, everyone's fucking retarded.

fake n gay

it 'tis real
acting cuuute? how so

Acting isn't necessary, the timbre of the voice in itself is fine, perhaps this is someone who should pick up singing?

I can't be sure if the voice is manipulated somehow, if the vocal range hasn't been altered - you can do much with sound.

This could be a guy who via technical means has altered his voice to sound female.
Or it could just be a female - this brief snippet of sound doesn't tell us a lot.

it is a biological female. It isn't altered ^_^ but thanks for your input!!

>just social anxiety and wanting to know if i have a bad voice :DDD
Why did you delete this post?
You should sing.

because I want people to be honest, and if people know it's me, I don't want them to say purposely bad things to troll me 'cause I'm a girl posting on here

I suk ass at singing

This is Sup Forums people always troll and say mean shit, lowest common denominator rules these boards.

You voice is fine, no worries.

yeah! You're absolutely right
i'm just not sure where to get an anonymous, genuine answer if not Sup Forums, oooooor i could just not seek validation from strangers; that would prob be wise

but thank you very much

You're welcome, now run into real life, socialise and flirt and live.
The internet is a big fart, and it doesn't deserve you.
Also I must go, my people need me.

Best of luck out there user.

thank you hahahahaha

Fucking cringe.

Sounds like a guy trying too hard to sound cute.


Please just stop

'Cause I'm being too bubbly or wat?

Shes got a little lisp it sounds. But some guys like that so idk

I saved it. Gonna fap to it now, sounds so hot lol

i have no idea if i do or not