How can DC keep fucking up Superman and Batman yet Marvel are nailing success with C-Tier characters like Ant-Man and...

How can DC keep fucking up Superman and Batman yet Marvel are nailing success with C-Tier characters like Ant-Man and Doctor Strange?

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They will put Batman in every single movie and hope they can compete.

WB is mostly old guard movie execs with antiquated ideas about what the audience actually wants

Because everyone is paid off. Critics, viewers, theater ushers man

Where's my 0.10$ Marvel?

>uses the same tired formulaic "hero" origin story
>literally more boring than Civil War
>actually fell asleep while watching it
>Sup Forums praises this movie
Stay pleb Sup Forums. Congratulations marvel on Marvel Cinematic Movie Assembly Line movie #14

Because Marvel sold off the film rights to the A/A-/B listers because they went into crippling debt trying to sell 1,000 different alternate covers for each comic book back in the 90s. With the Mouse fronting the bill now they can do whatever they want consequence free.

It was better than Civil War tbqh, shoo shoo pleb.

Dormammu, I'm here to bargain

Because the GA are plebs who just want the same shit over and over again.

>nailing success
China. Without the viewership from there the capeshit movie wave would have ended 2008.

Marvel only pays for quality talent and doesn't meddle with the directors creative vision

I don't get it. I also haven't seen the movie though.

I know youre being sarcastic, but truthfully there's more cases of directors saying this than ones who had a vision that they were denied. Sup Forums just pays attention to negative stores in the same way Sup Forums only wants to see games financially fail.

they fucked up with nolan who tried to turn a comic book character into something like a protagonist from a literary masterpiece.

and then they fucked up superman, turning him into an emo kid.

honestly, if sups and bats belonged to marvel they would be killing it at the box office.




Stay salty DCuck

Ant-Man should've just been TI, the Hispanic guy and Rudd robbing houses for two hours.

It's because DCan't

Michael douglas was okay tho, serious and funny when needed, also, he had great chemistry with rudd

you serious nigga? Strange and ant man are nothing like their comic versions.

only ones in the mcu to be similar to comic versions are cap and pre avengers iron man.

Fuckin company wars retard

I guess it's because the people at Marvel spend some time reading their scripts and check whether or not the characters make sense.

I'd rather watch something that's at least well made than the absolute shitshows that DC fart out

How long until people get fed up of paying to see the movie twice?

then why do you watch mcu stuff and not bvs uc?

Torrented it and it was pure shit. Can't imagine how bad the theatrical version was if that was an improvement. I'm not some Marvel fanboy either. The only one of those I saw in the cinema was Guardians.

Mcu actors has charisma...dcu actors are fucking bad at their jobs (cavill being one of the most bland and rangeless faggots ive seen in a long time)

My enjoyment of this movie isn't paid off, more like paid for.

then you have poor taste

and you're talking out of your ass. Why did you even bring that up?

Strange trolls a Lovecraftian god in the movie.

Dr. Strange was extremely underwhelming and probably had the dumbest boss fight of all time. Had it not been for the special effects, there would've been nothing redeemable about this film.

>and you're talking out of your ass. Why did you even bring that up?
Because i was asked why i dont see dc shit

>The Nolan Batman movies all get 80% or higher on Rotten Tomatoes
>TDK gets a fucking 94
>All of a sudden critics start giving the new DC movies bad reviews because...?

Call a spade a spade, they are shit or average at best movies

oh, you didnt really make that clear.

Regardless you're still talking out your ass. Apart from maybe Gadot and Smith

>average score of 6/10
>literally a C

Yeah great flicks

Consider the release date. Doctor Strange would have bombed if it was up against the serious summer blockbusters, or even the home for the holidays comedy movies.

What is its competition? The end of the Suicide Squad's run? Horror movies left over from Halloween? A Jack Reacher sequel?

Marvel took an iffy concept and basically filled a hole on the movie screens. Audiences who are looking for an action flick have few choices.

Box office is about timing as much as story quality. That's what the burger film critics here don't get.

I paid to see BvS in theater and it was shit. I don't even want to lose 3 hours watching an unedited mess so I can adress retards who find it deep and well made

Shut the fuck up butthurt fag, DC shit is objectively worse than marvel in every level, shit, DC movies look like syfy suddenly decided to make big budget feature films lol

what a salty lying faggo lmao

you're completely right, really. Add to the fact that Deadpool got a very high rating. Simply put, enjoyable and fairly well made movies get good scores. Boring, poorly made slogs or poorly edited shit get negative reviews, It has nothing to do with brand loyalty. They're just shitty movies.

but doctor strange was pretty bad...

Iron Man has a 94% as well :)

You're right, on top of that they also seem to of made a fairly safe origin story. Combine those two things and its a sure success. Havent seen it myself, dont get me wrong

Strange's entire origin was identical to the comic, and the other dimension and time shit was exactly as the comic portrayed it too.


Suicide Squad literally had zero competition its entire run.


Literally the laziest screenwriting do we make bats and superman bff? Let hem fucking bond over their moms name lol

The character is a Tibetan man in the comics, a situation which co-writer C. Robert Cargill compared to the Kobayashi Maru, an unwinnable training exercise in the Star Trek universe. He explained that adapting the character as the comics portrayed him would be realizing the major Asian Fu Manchu stereotype, and would involve the film with the Tibetan sovereignty debate, but not giving one of few significant Asian roles to an Asian actor would also understandably be received negatively. Derrickson wanted to change the character to an Asian woman, but felt that an older Asian woman would invoke the Dragon Lady stereotype, while a younger Asian woman would be perceived as exploiting Asian fetish and "a fanboy's dream girl". To avoid the character filling any of those three stereotypes, as well as enabling the stereotype of a "Western character coming to Asia to learn about being Asian", Derrickson decided to cast a non-Asian actor in the role, but to still take the opportunity to cast "an amazing actress in a male role". Feeling that Swinton was the obvious choice to play "domineering, secretive, ethereal, enigmatic, [and] mystical", Derrickson wrote the Ancient One in the film specifically for the actress, before she was offered the role. Additionally, though the film uses the terms "her" and "she", Swinton chose to portray the character as androgynous, while Feige explained that the Ancient One and Sorcerer Supreme are mantles in the film held by multiple characters through time, so a more comic-accurate Ancient One could exist within the MCU. Still, Swinton's casting was widely criticized as whitewashing. In response to this, Derrickson said that though he was pleased with the diversity of the film's cast, in terms of both gender and ethnicity, "Asians have been whitewashed and stereotyped in American cinema for over a century and people should be mad or nothing will change. What I did was the lesser of two evils, but it is still an evil."

t. DCuck

>rich, brilliant psychopath whose parents death haunts him constantly both in dreams, such as a bile-spewing demon breaking out of his mother's grave, and in reality is about to eradicate the greatest threat to humanity when the alien says his mother's name right before the killing blow, which causes this brilliant psychopath to quickly question what the alien means and end his assault, but upon clarification, finds out that the alien is far more human than alien
>I thought you were my friend but you're totally not so I'm gonna beat your other friend up

Wow how stupid, dcucks btfo

>everybody liked Iron Man
>let's just remake it for every origin story

A successful, smug, selfish man finds himself in an unfamiliar locale and stripped of his powers and must learn how to care for other people to unlock his true abilities. He also must use these new abilities to fight a one-dimensional villain who wants to use an ancient artifact to destroy the world. Also a famous and well-respected actress is cast as his love interest who likes him through all this but never does anything of importance.

>Which Marvel origin story am I???

>Asian man would be realizing the major Asian Fu Manchu stereotype
>Asian woman would invoke the Dragon Lady stereotype
>younger Asian woman would be perceived as exploiting Asian fetish
We want diversity but can't have diversity because diversity is actually problematic as it envokes
steriotypes so the only "minority" characters we can make are forced tokens

>involve the film with the Tibetan sovereignty debate
I though Film makers were supposed to be progressives not regime cocksuckers

Yea and if you compare batman's motivation to Captain America's it really goes to show how much better Civil War is. At least, to me. I wanted to fucking walk out of BVS it was so boring.

Marvel has two formulas.
The one you posted, and
>A ragtag group of selfish outcasts must learn the value of teamwork by working together to stop a one-dimensional villain from destroying the planet with an ancient magical artifact. The finale involves a faceless CGI army attacking a metropolis but never causing any real damage.

>Iron Man
>Doctor Strange
>Avengers 2
>Guardians of the Galaxy

How do they get away with this?


>Literally every Marvel hero is a smug, quippy, sarcastic asshole
Once Spider-man comes out will they finally reach critical mass of quips?

Please stop you fucking cringelord

im not really butthurt friend, but you do seem to be getting quite angry about this.

Judging by your writing style would i be correct in guessing you are 15 years old?

Marvel needs to make an entire movie of all the superheros just making quips after quips after quips. I'm sure it would make billions.

>What is Civil War

So who has the Soul Stone?

Not enough quips. I don't think you understood me. There would be no story or action, JUST quips.

everybody in that film was character in name and look (Some not even that) only.

Just because the origin was the same does not mean they were the same character, like anybody else in the film.

They half assed trying to replicate the visuals and you would know that if you knew what you were talking about.

actually read the source material before acting like a retard on the internet friend.

Marvel make films everyone can enjoy
DC make films only edgy 14 year olds can enjoy


you're not very smart are you friend. Be honest.

They didnt become friend over a mothers name but because It humanised Superman in the eyes of Batman, something he had seen as a major alien threat the entire film.

However a example of lazy screenwriting would be Zemo's plan happening by circumstance rather than his own actions.

Why would Superman say "Save Martha" instead of "Save my mother" or whatever?

Because DC already nailed Batman in 1966, 1989, and 1992 and they nailed Superman in 1978 and 1980.

You can't top those.

So, when you say that the MARTHA thing humanised superman does it mean that all the wrecking shit superman did was automatically forgoten? Humans cant be bad guys? He stopped being a destructive threat to the world just by that?...mmmm shit is even dumber than I thought

>complex narrative requiring thought and intelligence to fully grasp
>less complexity
>more goofy action
>quippy humor

Movie sales are about mass appeal. Even if people who wanted a complex intelligent narrative were a significant audience, do you think they'd swarm to a movie based on a comic book? BvS appealed to the wrong audience. The MCU is aiming low, and hitting its target directly.

>complex narrative requiring thought and intelligence to fully grasp

>Obviously I’m very much a self-confessed fan of science fiction and genre cinema. But part of me looks at society as it is now and just thinks we’ve been infantilized by our own taste. Now we’re essentially all consuming very childish things—comic books, superheroes... Adults are watching this stuff, and taking it seriously.

stay manchildren

Because that was a genuine flaw, which ill give you.

what are you even asking linkara? Please try asking again like a non-autist.

Or Zemo adapted to the things happening around him? The specifics of a plot device dont detract from a movie that much if everything else is good and thats what you're focusing on. Im not looking to argue, all i'll say is Zemo's scheme and everything that happened because of it is more interesting and engaging to me than Batman realizing Superman has human characteristics. I like the conflict of Captain America trying to protect his childhood friend and Iron Man trying to kill him for his mom more, its simply more engaging to me as a viewer. If you like BVS thats cool, its just how I feel.

>>average score of 6/10
>>literally a C
>Yeah great flicks

7.3 average, scrw dcfags

>Marvel has two formulas.
>The one you posted, and
>>A ragtag group of selfish outcasts must learn the value of teamwork by working together to stop a one-dimensional villain from destroying the planet with an ancient magical artifact. The finale involves a faceless CGI army attacking a metropolis but never causing any real damage.

thanks for describing suicide squad

>>Literally every Marvel hero is a smug, quippy, sarcastic asshole

Thor isn't quipping.

Let's go out on a limb here and say you're not stupid. You watch BvS. You pay attention. You follow the plot and aren't confused by the imagery, the implications, or the subtleties. You have the mental energy, and the willingness to expend it, to follow along smoothly. Congratulations, you are NOT the average moviegoer, who is here to relax and enjoy a movie about men in tights flying and punching each other.

I simply think that structure is transformative enough for it to be enjoyable each time. What Iw ould say, and I dont expect this to change your mind, is they're based on comics all created by the same people so of course that outline will be similar. But its not the origins that are interesting, and thats the problem. Everything that comes after is the fun stuff, but I still enjoy the origins for the reason I explained. That outline may apply to Ant Man but I still loved it for how sweet and fun it was. Despite the plot structure being the same would you see this kind of imagery in Iron Man? No, thats my point. Sue me.

I'll admit its because im a fan of the characters from the comics and thats a bias but I dont care, they're fun movies to watch.

>C-Tier characters
Just answered your own question. Nobody has any expectations for a Dr. Strange movie.

thats very well argued and put down. I disagree with you on it being more engaging but well done for putting across a valid point calmly with actual thought behind it.

great job triggering the marvel autists user

Suicide Squad tried to mimic the success of Guardians of the Galaxy. It failed. It should have been an R rated amalgamation of GotG and Deadpool.

I feel the same way

Black Panther

I appreciate that, bud. I understand some people simply like Batman v Superman more and there's nothing you can do to change people's fundamental opinions. All I want is for people to express their mindsets without just shit talking everyone who disagrees. I dont think of brand loyalty, if Wanrer bros made good movies that appeal to me of course I would like them.

>SS makes 744 million
>marvelfags still grasping onto their failed DC maymays
lol Marvel is done fags, bury it

billions for advertising and payed critics for crowd control
if you think people like something, you're prompt to like it too

you're very rational user, congrats for being on of the few who are on this board

>People that dont like BvS UC have poor taste.
This is why u should never listen to Sup Forums autists, ever.

>user says nothing about DC movies
>typical marvelfag retardation spouts shit about DC
way to show everyone how retarded you marvelfags really are

dc charracters were always lame. batman/etc are what your grandpappy read, marvel is more relevant

average DC fan

please elaborate


Yes he does, and when he is not quipping in Avengers he is having comedic final battles in Thor 2

If you lose the China market the financing doesn't work

I don't think people disliked the movie because they couldn't follow it, I think they disliked it because it was neither fun entertainment or an artistic statement

Because Marvel fills it's movies with likeable protagonists played by great actors while DC has Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman who so far have the emotional range of a wooden spoon.

This. The Summer season was bland as fuck.