What did you think of Dracula from 1992?

What did you think of Dracula from 1992?

Why was there so mush nudity in it? Why didn't they just hire english actors? Why did they force Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder to do english accents?


>that rape scene was hot as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:


>somewhere between 13-15
>studying Dracula in English class
>teacher puts this on at the end of the term just to kill time
>goes out of the room to mark some papers
>the next two hours

Ruined by Keanu's horrid "acting".

faggy art shit
>muh lesbians

hopkins was okay though

Every movie made in the 90s had nudity.

One of the few films I'm in love with entirely because of its costumes and set design.
The whole acting direction thing is, sadly, hit and miss.

Prologue segment is kino, rest is a mess

at times it felt like a stage play

Prologue is god-tier, rest is hit and miss. Certain scenes stand out as well shot and well acted, while everything else is fucking horrid. Whoever cast Keanu should be stabbed. I mean, he manages to ruin a vampire femdom blood orgy without even speaking. How do you do it Keanu? Fuck.

>implying the soundtrack isn't a fantastic work of art



Dracula was into diversity, I see.

This, and I genuinely like the guy.
It's just that here, he for some reason ruins the whole film by his presence. Which is baffling because, even though he doesn't have much range as an actor, he's usually at least likable in the films he's in.

i love this film

The part with the girl in the tomb spitting blood everywhere was kino.


Good movie, but major deviation as far as Dracula's character from the book goes with the whole romantic angle. Then again, it's not like Stoker stayed faithful in Vlad Tepes' image in the first place so fuck it.

I have very mixed feelings about this movie. On one hand it has a great atmosphere and great depiction of Dracula. On the other hand you have Keanu Reeves trying to be British. Why didn't they just have him play a American if they were so keen on having him in the movie?


Keanu was great. He was a dorky contrast to Oldman's seductiveness.


>so much nudity

so easy to spot the americans on here. nipples are terrifying, aren't they? do u need a safe space to recover from seeing less than a minutes worth of some breasts?

Great movie if you except Reeves terrible english accent. Also prime Winona titties.

The worst part of Keanus character was how unimportant he gets. Maybe thats how it is in the book but it doesnt translate too well.

Someone post the webm

You know the one

>Also prime Winona titties.


i kno the one...

no no no

Damn, I didn't noticed the Klimt influence on the costume design until now

That tiddy was the best part of the movie.

post the r-scene

>BS' Dracula in 1992
>interview with the vampire in 1994
>vampire's kiss in 1991
>blade in 1999

90s where vampkino

they will remain unmatched


Fuck yeah! A Bram Stoker's Dracula thread
Can't even care about British Keanu.



one of my favourite osts

I don't think they even make vampire movies anymore. It's all about ghosts and zombies now.

why couldn't he just get over it, jeeze louise, so his wife was in hell, it's not the end of the world, gosh, chill out man, get over it..

>all right

Very good movie, though Reeves gets acted around in circles by literally everyone in it sadly since he was just coming off his Bill and Ted years there. Love fucking Anthony Hopkins in it, comes off as more unhinged than Dracula.

>Love fucking Anthony Hopkins in it, comes off as more unhinged than Dracula.

the scene where he climbs the wall like a lizard made terrified for years of looking out windows at night

Zombies irritate me so much considering unless they're some sort of magical zombies or a rage virus like 28 Days Later, there's literally no way civilization would fall to a zombie plague where you need to be bitten. Especially considering the bodies would all rot out super quickly.

the twilight movies killed the genre for another decade

>that scene where Hopkins dry humps that american cowboy


I think it's a good thing. It's a genre that needed reinvention, it was stale and dull.

Maybe someday soon we'll get the resurgence of the genre with a good movie.

>6.53 on the first documentary
>is that Nute Gunray on the background?

>complaining about seeing Erika Eleniak's perfect tits


Thirst, Let The Right One In, Only Lovers Left Alive, What We Do In The Shadows and A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night would like to have a word.


No one is complaining, I was just responding to OP's question
>Why was there so mush nudity in it?

I don't give a fuck about any of that, the movie is pure kino

>that monica belucci succubus

Looks better actually

You can't handle my strongest potions.

>>that monica belucci succubus

those are all watchable, but i want my vampires in period dramas not in modern settings

>tfw never be endless raped, constantly on the brink of passing out, by nameless vampiric succ-cubi

Well, there's technically Van Helsing, though it's very much a silly action movie rather than a strict vampire movie.

why live

I love Eiko Ishioka's work on the movie.
The making of extras are worth watching. Love the movie despite Keanu and Winona.

>Yes, ofcass sir


this you faggots post it

>We will use special effects only like they would have done it in the 1900's



>this is the brilliance Coppola comes up with when setting out to make a faithful Dracula adaptation using no digital technology just as a fun challenge

He don't deserve Coppola

And on that point it failed because of the whole romance subplot. Mind you, I think it makes Dracula more interesting than just "he's an evil overlord", but that's a major deviation from the book.

>no mommyca living in my bed


I fapped to this scene at least a few times when I was young.

Still the most faithful Dracula movie ever made, and the romance subplot gives the characters concrete motives that aren't in the story. The book reads a lot like a journal or account of macabre event whreas coppolas version takes those events and ties them together into something cohesive and visually striking.

>that jiggle

yeah, the thing with Winona Ryder being the reincarnation on his wife is not in the book. I haven't seen the bela Lugosi version in awhile, did they get it from that?
why was he buying up all those properties in London?

>why was he buying up all those properties in London?
In the book he was straight up trying to take over England, which was at the time the main superpower, by infiltrating London. Dracula vampires are OP and he can make more of them very easily, England would have been fucked if not for Van Helsing's knowledge.

>Why was there so mush nudity in it?
why the fuck not

>Why did they force Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder to do english accents?
they were hot at the time

I loved all the forms dracula took, holy shit they went all out, and gary oldman is amazing in it

>I loved all the forms dracula took, holy shit they went all out, and gary oldman is amazing in it
Still not sure what the fuck was up with the hair in his older incarnation.

It's a movie I wanted to like, but several elements ruin it for me. Most of them have probably been mentioned already, but here's a list anyway:

>Great cast squandered with Keanu in general, Keanu's hair when he returns to England, and Winona's accent
>Shoehorned romantic plot with Dracula/Mina
>Production design mostly fantastic, but then there's butthair Dracula, granny Dracula, and those weird cage helmets at the asylum
>Making Lucy's subtle promiscuity into her being a full-blown slut with weird lesbian shit
>Dracula's wolfman form was weird, as was him raping Lucy while she sleepwalked. I think he turns into a literal wolf briefly in the book, it's been a while since I read it

It's not horrible, but a few small changes and I would've liked it a lot more.

I thought it was good outside of Keanu who is just all over the place.

>I think he turns into a literal wolf briefly in the book
I'm pretty sure he doesn't, but Van Helsing mentions that he can. On the other end, Jonathan sees him wall-craling upside down at some point, which is ommitted in pretty much every adaptation.

Winona is just as bad honestly.

...it might be the point actually

Herzog's Nosferatu is probably the most interesting look at Dracula, even if it still doesn't bother adapting all of the novel's strengths.

That said, the novel never did much for me anyway aside from the first few chapters.

>about dracula

get out, retard

Nosferatu is an adaptation of Dracula. It just takes some liberties.

it's in fucking german you pretentious bastard

It is, they just had to mix some shit up because Bram's wife was a cunt.

I read and liked the novel. Is the movie like the book?

I just watched the movie and recently read the book.
And, sinceraly, both aren't that good, except for the prologue.

The book's flaw is in the construct of the narrative, being in letters and shit, while the movie is an entire mess with the worst cut to scene ever made in mankind.

I remember that Jonathan hears a wolf growling near his window before he arrives at the castle.

>ywn slaughter and pike thousands of muslims alongside Vlad in his bat armor

Dracula's wolfman rape is what infected Lucy with vampirism. notice Van Helsing refers to venereal diseases as "diseases of the blood" in his introduction.

Also it serves thematically with the duality of love and lust presented in the movie, where lust is shown as corruptive and love healing. Lucy's downfall was caused by her lust. It could have been Mina the one who got attracted by Dracula in the first place but it was Lucy the one who succumbed because she was the more lustful one.

It was always my interpretation that Lucy went over to Dracula willingly and her dialogue after the Dracula rape is thematically representative of female sexuality, which derives pleasure from being overpowered and dominated to a degree. Her dialogue after the wolfrape was something like "oh he was so strong, I didn't know what I was doing" delivered in a voice that sounds like she was about to cum.


is that a jojo reference?

nosferatu is more faithful, at least the 70s version is.

Added the love element to dracula just fagged it up.

he becomes a wolf when he jumps off the shit and arrives in town the night of the storm.

kinda, not really

>Dracula vampires are OP
If you know the rules they literally cannot touch you, not even the big man himself

Hell Van gets attacked by three of them, they return after failing get him, and Van has an easy as hell time just folowing them to their tombs and killing them in their sleep with no retailation at all.

>Bram Stroker's Dracula thread
>nobody ever mentions the goat of all goat games

pic fucking related

pure kino

can you imagine just how fucking scared i was playing this after sunset as a kid?

this game had top tier atmosphere just like the movie, which it continued from

forgot pic ayy lmao