I need my guns to protecy me from the bad guys with guns

I need my guns to protecy me from the bad guys with guns

If america made the decision to change gun laws 30 years ago
You wouldnt have the bad guys with guns today, because you would have a system in place to collect all guns and dispose of them correctly, thus leaving any guns in the community illegal and a person would be jailed for posession of a deadly weapon. (Yes this will take time. But its the only fucking way)

Its just simple america, every single country as done this, even some of the "shit hole" countries have managed it.

Catch up

TL;DR muh rightz for mah gunzzzz

Other urls found in this thread:


>if American just did away with the Constitution none of this would have happened

Why stop at the second? Why not just get rid of all constitutionally protected rights? If we didn't have that pesky first, we could force everyone to use the proper pronouns, and without the protections of the 4th and 5th, they'd go directly to jail for wrong think.

sure kid

If it happened I would literally join the militia movement until they stopped me waco style.

>That pic

That’s nice, Eric Trump

mexico aljazeera.com/news/2017/07/mexico-violence-peaks-2200-murders-june-170722115004326.html

central america .thenation.com/article/why-is-nicaraguas-homicide-rate-so-far-below-that-of-its-central-american-neighbors/

so tell me how taking guns away from legal respectful americans, will fix this ?? you can't you liberal cry baby .. take ownership of you life and stop bulling people to you thought procces ,, prolly why this kid said fuckit .

My rights are worth more than your dead. Sorry, but it's true.

Typical americans
Youre children have been butchered.

Yet all you argue with is "hurrr why not just let the government rape us then oif we cant protect ourselves from them"

No other 1st world country has a problem with their governments
Yes they dislike some policy's they hold,
But they dont get abused and ran out of there homes and towns by police, As you americans think will happen.

Not a single one of you can give me a good articulated argument for why guns are good.

Columbine for example
The police fired 144 bullets
The designated armed school police officer was on scene from the very start.
Didn't hit the killers once and they continued to mercilessly butcher your very own children.
Without a care in the world that your boys in blue were surrounding them with hundreds of armed police.
They genuinely made zero difference.

So tell me why guns are useful?
When the sole purpose of a gun is to enter tissue causing damage and death.

The rest of the world.

Ironically Wyoming has the most guns in the u.s per citizen (around 67% of the population has guns) and they have some of the lowest gun crime in the country, Wisconsin another big gun state has relatively low gun crime (excluding the Democrat city of Milwaukee), Chicago, L.A, Baltimore, st. Louis, new Orleans, and d.c all have the most gun crime overall in the u.s and they are extremely strict with their gun laws and ironically all mass shootings except 3 (including this one today) have all been democrats

You have had 19 mass school shootings in 2018....
Its fucking February.

279 mass school shootings since 2013.
Thats ONE a week.....

Muhh rights though!!

My problem with right-wingers on this issue isn't that they don't want to ban guns, I don't even think we should ban all guns. My problem is that they have no real solutions for the constant shootings we see, other than "give teachers and students guns to defend themselves with", which is a ridiculous suggestion

sure kid

Bet some countries didn't even fucking ban guns. Guess what, Rio's slums have shootings a lot. Did Brazil ban guns? Maybe. But Brazil still has shootings. Does banning guns help reduce shootings? Possibly. There is a black market, it has guns. Check yourself before you post Libyan shit.

Yet again
Shouting out statistics in a wild attempt to sound coherent and clever

Heres some good statistics:
379 since 2013
Thats one every week...

Fuck away with your
Hurrrrr but wyoming has loads of guns and no one gets shot so check mate!

Your children are dying
And you cucks cant do anything to stop this
You sit in your mommas basement clutching your weapons that you will never use. (Inb4 "hurrrr i go down the range every week" coool bro you shoot sheets of paper, you manly men you!)
I used to think america was the greatest country in the world

>I need my guns to protect me from the bad guys who are stronger than me.
>shifting the burden onto the otherwise helpless

I said FIRST world countries

Try again using big boy countries
You know UK Australia...

well there is a way to reduce school shootings like this, but conservatives would be staunchly opposed to that too... massively improving mental health care and compelling treatment when there's giant red flags like 99% of school shooters have.
shootings in general... it's mostly nigger-related violence, and you're never gonna change that

It’s an infinitely more realistic suggestion than yours.

If guns make people safer, then why isn't US the safest country in the world?

Yes, my rights. Our rights. The rights of 360 million people, the vast, VAST majority of whom did absolutely nothing wrong. I do not support banning any guns for everyone based on the premise that some will do wrong. Punish the individual. Someone else's faults have no bearing on me.

Were the greatest country in the world kid!
Suck muh gunz haters!

Englands gun crime decreased by a lot and that's great, but at the same time their knife, truck, bomb, acid attacks increased almost double than what they had before, australia has a shooting about every other day, Nazi germany disarmed their citizens, Stalins and Maos regime disarmed their citizens, France has an insane amount of violence not gun violence but using other weapons, germany has a knife problem as well, Italy has a gun problem, russia banned the sale of any fire arm but yet just about everyone has one gun laws simply dont work because something else will take its place


Punish the individual

They just shoot themselves after they are done shooting and raping your little children...

How much are you getting paid to campaign the left agenda? Be honest faggot.

I'm all for the approach of fixing mental health treatment, unfortunately Republicans don't want to increase the budget for mental health services either

>massively improving mental health care

It was the fucking left who dismantled the mental health systems because they thought it was unjust to target the mentally ill snowflakes.
That's why their approach is always to treat everyone like mentally deranged criminals instead of targeting the actually mentally deranged criminals. Which would be "discriminatory".

>muh rights
Your rights are illusory

So you look for someone else to punish instead? I understand this is an emotional subject, but try to think rationally. Punishing people who don't deserve it is wrong, by any metric.

reagan was a democrat?

Sorry, but if those children’s were armed, they would have killed the gunman and only few would have gotten hurt. Gun saves lives and the left are just snowflakes who are too stupid to understand that.

well you do have to limit it to teachers though because of the nigger problem. the students being armed would work fine in an all white school, but a black school all the niggers would be shooting eachother way too much

Thats why you have wars dude! Then only bad guys will have guns. Bad guy shoots your mom and then he goes to jail. Today the metal detectors had been turned off. I live there and I graduated 2015. At the end of school day. Now in the shit hole Gadsden Alabama 4 deputies and 6 police officers is there all school hours. And they cannot control the fights. Mommies little babies cannot do no wrong, school cannot disipline them, can't kick them out. Call the police.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a liberal problem you stupid fucking faggot

>even some of the "shit hole" countries have managed it

Suuure. Google Brazil on the subject real quick.

Who cares, Americans get murdered and we in the civilised world get to laugh as they try to figure it out and fail time and time again

Great glad you bought that up.

46 deaths from terrorism in the UK in the past 10 years....

You have had more people die in the month of February via shootings than that. Yet number of terrorists killed by you using your guns as protection = Zero.

Its noted that the terrorists who used the van to kill people tried to buy guns, but failed due to our amazing gun control laws
If they got their hands on guns they would have killed tens or hundreds of people
Instead, they only managed to kill 6 people, between FOUR terrorists
That just piss poor.
Because they did not have the access to a devise that is purely made and designed to cause death...GUNS.

Do you know why the American constitution hasn't been done away with and destroyed in over 200 years whereas other countries have risen and fallen? Because of the sheer amount of guns the American populace has access to, a dictatorship or totalitarian state can never rise in the US because the first thing needed to start either of those things is to disarm the people, and as soon as that starts a civil war will erupt to protect the second amendment.

Now, you somehow have this foolish idea that criminals will follow the law and suddenly not have guns anymore, do you honestly think that's how it fucking works? Are you that daft? "Let's ban guns, surely disarming the law-abiding citizens will help stop the criminals who will now be the only people with guns HURR DURR". Fuck off


Guns did not do anything so yes muh rights outweigh the bull shit choices some people make!

Funny thing is they always do their shooting in gun free zones. They are almost always gotten 1:illegally 2:are liberals 3 usually registered Democrats.

>maybe if I keep posting this pic, it'll become truth
Not. The. Same. Guy.

Typical Fake News Trumptard

Can't argue with them. They will always go for obscure sophisms like "if they had guns, they'd have killed the gunner".
As if the fact you want kids to kill other kids was even normal. Nothing to do for those shitheads. Luckily they'll buy guns for their 2yo, who'll kill them by accident.

I agree we can't fix stupid and by stupid I mean this cancerous millennial generation.

So its classed as punishment to NOT own a gun?
"Omg how will people know im super tough if i dont have a weapon to falsely show i am"
Grow the fuck up with your 3inch dicks and small man syndrome.
The rest of the first world get on fine
Do you need us to come show you how to put on the big boy pants????
We will even come and show you how to fuck your wives if you like?


Im so glad you brought that up too, google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.ft.com/content/557761ea-b4b2-11e7-a398-73d59db9e399&ved=2ahUKEwi4-JWNi6fZAhXSzlkKHZSICSMQFjAEegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw0h9766cWASGkNnYojMTehp&cf=1 , google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-england-london-39578500 this is just articles from reputable news sources showing you guys also like killing each other in just one year in chicago where they have some what the same laws as england has had almost 700 people dead in 1 year

If we can guns, there will always be an alternative. How many people died on 9/11? How many shots were fired? Might as well just ban all violence period because stupid people like you think the rules/laws hold people back from doing the things that are wrong. I myself hate guns, but when it comes down to it, there will always be evil in this world, and no sure way of stopping it.

Let's be real, that's exactly what you want to do. You want to punish law abiding gun owners for the crimes of one person. Yes, I have a problem with that. I'd love to know what Firs-world country you're from, since you all seem to have it so well figured out.

I know but we all enjoy winding them up

I didnt think any of them would fall for this bait but its worked a charm

The real fact of the matter is as you said, no one cares about americas little kiddies getting raped and shot up with their daddies not being able to do jack shit to stop them, powerless.
We just enjoy the "thoughts and prayers" tweets that cure cancer and stop the baddies right in their tracks!
Ha! That will show them!

It's not fake news if it's true

An amazing plan!

>losing prohibition war on drugs
>progressives want sensible things like needle exchange programs for drug users
>will never be able to win war on 300 million guns
>progressives says we can’t put armed guards in schools because that would further a gun gun culture

Fuck you. None of you are serious and you can all get rekt.

>comparing a third world contry to the actually world bank
Given their "army" is in fact a militia, and so composes of citizens, those people have to have their guns. Normal citizens are limited, with a normalized process to acquire one.
Then again, how dare you stating Switzerland when it's about the USA ? You ameritards have everything to envy to Switzerland. You should be ashamed.

It's the very small majority that commits these mass shootings in America, compared to the countless other legal gun owners. Sure, there should be more restrictions, and better regulation, yes, but not ban them outright.

I love how you guys genuinely think "gun free zones" are a representative of life without guns.

You really are that retarded as a country
I thought it was sarcasm at first.
But no you actually preech that shit.

Its true, no gun zones do not work....
Its the whole of the country that has no guns.
And they do pretty well. Yes there may be a few shootings a year, always involving drug gangs and never innocent people...like little kiddies in USA.
Google mass shootings in the UK or Australia
Lets compare statistics :)

Fuck Switzerland it's just like Sweden just a bit less Islamic, enjoy your new leaders. Islamawitzer will be the new name soon! No guns equate to an easy takeover, pussies! How dare you speak about America, hate us until you need us seems to be Europe's attitude.

maybe if america's police force wasn't so useless and actually protected their people, you wouldn't feel the need to have guns to do their job. simple.

Comparing shithole 3rd world country Honduras to first world super smart atheist country Switzerland
Wow it has more deaths, really!?? Im so shocked.

Yeah go figure. You wouldnt prehaps be american by any chance would you?

"Somewhat same laws"

Chicago-allowed to bare arms....
UK - illigal to be in possession of a fire arm.

Yup, sooo similar to the UK
I mean, its basically London part 2?
Bet they drink Tea by the gallon.

the issue here is how many innocent, helpless people die in America in mass shootings compared to gang violence and feuds in other first world countries. y'all are fucked, I wonder how many people who have been shot were innocents with their whole lives ahead of them. never hear of anything like that here in Aus.

I rather be an American than some Islamic loving, tree hugging shit-tier citizen of the gayest sounding country in the world! America has helped many more nations than it has hurt, we haven't ruined as much as the Brittish so go hate on them.

I say that if we can just speed up the regular occurrence of events like today then the millennial problem will fix itself. Seriously, let these little fucks keep thinning themselves out. Maybe eventually someone will take a moment to look at what has changed over the last 30+ years that we are now seeing so many more shootings in schools. There weren't this many back when I was in school, but based upon the various discussions Ive had with nieces and nephews and the kids of friends, the shit being taught in school now isnt what was taking place back then. These fuckin libcuck teachers are fucking these kids up now by weakening them to their core. The problem isnt the guns (I dont even like guns and wont own one) the problem is what is being crammed into the still soft skulls of these stupid kids. So let them kill themselves off, then when they are all done doing that, line up the teachers against the wall and shoot them in the head. Then put some real instructors in their place.

what about tyranny if you cant realise the world is a cesspit of it already then you know fucking nothing loser and should shut the fuck up

its like pulling back a bow you want to pull it back harder but youre aiming is off its embarressing

No, but you've had plenty of serial killers, pedophiles and now ISLAM is fucking you all in the asses. The only reason I'd visit Australia would be to enjoy the wildlife but fuck the people there.

"but I need muh guns to fight agaaaainst a corruuuupt govberment!!"

*gets drone striked and ran over with a tank*


our "Deep" "government" is full of schizophrenic psychotics its embarressing can someone please do something about it

what does that have to do with gun violence lmao you fuckin retard

>thus leaving any guns in the community illegal and a person would be jailed for posession of a deadly weapon
yah OK dream on Soros shill

UK chum

Where in 1996 a man entered a school in scotland and shot 16 children dead.
Days after the event the country watched as we changed laws and made all automatic guns illegal, any pistols illegal and the max calibre of ammo set to 22. LR and only used in single blot action rifles.

SINCE 1996 there has been zero
Count ZERO mass school shootings.
And only ONE incident of "multiple shootings" in the entire UK.

Argue with me how that is not proof that tighter gun control measures work to reduce deaths.
Go on....please.


tbh lets just nuke America.
problem solved.

Enjoy your dead children bro x

Fine by us, enjoy your dead kiddies hun x


actually Cathlolicism is popular in Switzerland. And you completely missed the point, it went right over your head. Banning guns does not solve shit, as evidenced by Mexico, Brazil, , and other countries.

The new USA kids school uniforms are soooo cute!
Uniform goals!

So this thread is pretty much:

>I need muh guns to fight MOOSLAMS and brownies!

okay but what about all these white American born and raised mass shooters?

>mind ur fuckin business u moooslam lover!

At least our children, specifically daughters, will be free from burkas and Islamic law. Your bombings, killings with cars and stabbings will continue maybe even more so than here. Stay in your country, too many want free handouts from our government and we the people are sick of it! Wish the U.S would close from any further immigration.

Killed less than 46 people in the past 10 years
Yeah bro we are terrified of them
Shaking in our boots!
We dont know where to look!
Ive spilt my tea in fear.

>Banning guns does not solve shit, as evidenced by Mexico, Brazil,
Funny how American are so like the brown countries they can't stand. Maybe it's because they're also a shithole country? America is the most developed 3rd world country.


Mad status: confirmed.

>not a brown country
Even their whites look like spics

To be honest Donal Trump is a Mexican hero
Building that wall to keep out the crazy white terrorists will do Mexico the world of good!

All hail Trump.

So you traded guns for bombs, trucks, and knives.
Also, no, the UK absolutely allows large-calibre rifles up to .308, .22lr semi-automatics are available to the public, and 12 guage shotguns are among the easiest to procure. Jesus you don't even know your own laws, and you want to lecture me about ours?
And tighter measures are not a guarantee, by any means. Mexico, Honduras, literally ANYWHERE in Africa, all have strict measures in place to control guns, and all have significantly worse rates of homicide.
Not that any of the above matters, since, as stated, my rights are worth more than your dead.

We don't tell anyone in Europes how to live and you should stop telling us how to live. Poland is the only country I respect right now! They are Christian, ban Muslims and do not let the E.U. tell them what to do! The rest of Europe is riddled with refugees and more violence than they can handle, so your kids will be killed as well. Believe me, the terrorists will do what they did in Russia and blow up a school containing more than 200 children and you all will be in tears! It was in the 1990's when the Chechnyans rounded up the kids as a counter move to Russia's attack and slaughtered them all!

Yeah and maybe violent too.

Gun clubs that condone this as well.

Why are AmeriTards so afraid of Islam? Christianity isn't any better.

>11 government employees quit after election of first woman mayor in fundamentalist Mormon city

>So we should blame all Muslims and Islam?
>So should we blame all whites and fun culture in the USA for mass shootings?
now hold on a minute...

"Easy to get shot guns and semi auto rifles"

....sooo why dont we have mass shootings every day like USA?
Hmmm, almost as if you're chatting complete bullshit again? Wow whod have thunkd it!

Oh and
"My rights are worth more than YOUR dead"

No bro "YOUR" dead defensless little kiddies
Dont you forget that big man x

Notice how he keeps comparing America to those "Shithole" countries? But all the first world developed countries don't have these problems? America is a shithole country confirmed.

>become slaves

no, you stupid fuck

"if we start now we can take away your right to post autistic threads right now we wont catch all of them but in 30 years we can stop the people and be a tyrannical government" great job op

Wahhhhhhh leave us alone UK please stoppppp
My children got raped and shot today ive had enough today leave me alone you nasty boys!

Are you fucking implying first world countries don't have black markets?