Waifu thread

waifu thread

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I'll have to find you again in my friends list

Hiya Alice.

Citrus is crazy.


Still here

Nerve damage?

200 more a month to what? I always get a chuckle out of the ridiculous CA rent prices.

Glad you can foot the bill though, better to have your own place.

Ayyy. How's it going tonight?


el phantasmo a n d the chicken-run blast o'rama is not a popular song



I've acquired new Rems

behind the façade of this innocent looking book store · · ·

From 1400 to 1600 and while cali's rent prices suck no where else pays me as much either.




Plus weed is legal here



Sleepy about to go pass out. Sorry long time no talk.


Post cutes

nini purps love you

Yeah, that's true- you'd get paid less here or elsewhere and the rent would be lower. Those pictures though, damn.

All good, rest up and see ya around.




morning cutie
hope you had a good valentine

The thread of the negroids



Yo yo

What up

Welcome, mah negus.

Nm, got paid today so that's cool

You know it

Why are the so big


That's a cute one.

because fan artists are retarded. they're normal sized in game.

so easy to track paper-thorn sub-species

I wish I got paid at all. But I guess if you dont work, you dont pay, so theres that.

is it okay to have a waifu? or willit make me not want to socialize with real women etc.


This is now a miku thread

every case is different, but it's usually alright

how was everyone's valentines with their waifu?

Yeah, fair. I got a bit more than I usually do so that's nice. Might take a look at some merch to buy, not sure what series or even what to go for


Depends on the person, but I'd say yes in general.

It was good, still 13 minutes left here.

2k per month whilst supporting multiple roomates' drug and alcohol habits was actually pretty easy under federal and local inspection

feder customs regulations and multiple regulatory reviews

it's not like everyone can do it

most weed is just moldy actual shit

so don't eat a brick




Hi Rory.

I'll be honest and say I didn't.
Slept terribly too.

But how was your valentine then?


That seems like a more reasonable size, but why draw them to look like melons?



because senran kagura is le big boob weeb game XD

I got no idea about series either. Might I suggest saving it? Helps when you hit rough patches for sure.
Sup. How was your night?



bad too I guess

Whys that?

Mhm. Pain through Sciatic nerve, nerve damage either temporarily or permanent I dont know yet

Hi Dia

the reason why everyone else gets sad on valentine's day

I'm not sure how hard that was to type for you.

Basically had the panic attack I was expecting to have the day before, so not good.

How was yours?

Yeah fair enough, probably best to just hold onto it rather than looking for things to spend it on

hello death how are you buddy?

Hopefully it goes away


Nurple is Lazersmage

Not valentines anymore here. Fucking easy.

Hi birb! how was your day

Being lonely? You can be with your waifu silly

That sucks. I can probably guess why, but how so?

not physically

The funny thing is that HE CAN'T BE W/ HIS WAIFU AAAAHAHHAHAAH

Spent the last of my currency on a pint of beer with friends, made plans for the weekends Pathfinder.
Its the best option, if you have enough Minami and you're looking at other series, its time to stop.


got 322 on the 666

get shook

copy pasta?



also white zombine mina bad girls etc.

I guess, but its the thought that counts

no bully you baka

i guess i could get a tulpa


Sounds like you enjoyed it.
Whats the plan then?

Based arisu poster back at it


I never have enough Minami. I just don't have the space

don't bind the tulips you chula chalupa




oh nvm goodnight

Tomorrow, Ill have a new character sorted for Pathfinder. I wont be able to buy my own dinner but I think friends can cover, they know my situation and earn much more than I do.
No space is fine too. Dont want to overcrowd everything.

don't bind the tulips you chula chalupa


rory, when the fuck did you get a custom tripcode?

Well, whats going then?

Not fun. Sciatic nerve damage idk if it is temporary or permanent

no qing long wei ji this is not texas rodeo quacom radio

pontifico esparenza

This week.
Well I have a problem, last night just before I fell asleep I hit the bed with my chest and felt pain directly above my heart. Didn't go away for about 10 minutes. Hopefully its not a regular thing, but it felt real bad.