Hey Sup Forums It's my final year in highschool, and was thinking about going into a trade...

Hey Sup Forums It's my final year in highschool, and was thinking about going into a trade. My top choices 1) plumber 2) electrician 3) diesel mechanic

plumbers make more, but electricians don't need to deal with shit and waste. but diesel mechanic is safer. make your choice wisely.

Do hvac instead of plumbing. Fuck chasing turds and digging trenches for a living.

Don’t worry OP, you can always just get shot like the other kids. Then it won’t matter

plumber or electrician. diesel mechanic and you will end up at a highway truck stop being a glorified oil change and lube tech

Choose avaion mechanics
Better pay and benefits

Alright bro. I'm in the navy and my main job is refereed to as the auxiliary system.
I do all three of the thing described. I say go electrician because everything else is gay as fuck.

Well electricians get as fuck as I do at work but their work is less fucking gay.

How do you do all 3? Seems like you need lots of training.

I vote for plumber BUTT I think an electrician will see better work days on average.

Plumber, not pipe fitter, kys

I have a lot of training and I fucking hate it.
The electrician part is limited but it's still fucking retarded. At most they trust my diagnoses of certain machines and removing certain types of stuff.
Overall all I fucking hate every single thing about my job and only deal with it because im a major alcoholic.
In my division I've seen 2 people try to get out with suicide threats. 2 other people failed because it didnt seem close enough.

HVAC does it all and we never get questioned. Plumbing and electrical have stupidly strict rules on apprenticeship and union membership.

what types of refrigerant qualifications do you need to get into Hvac? I currently have a type 2 refrigerant EPA verification. I could get into the other two types.

EPA 608 universal is best. ESCO and/or NATE certs help too.

Electrician is the best trade. Most respected. Almost highest paid.

>Plumbing and electrical have stupidly strict rules on apprenticeship and union membership.

No they don't. Union membership is entirely optional.

Why don't you take on 100000 dollars worth of debt to university and become a feminist activist?

The HVAC place I work for got out of plumbing because the boss got sick of constant hounding and threats from the union. I'm sure it's different from state to state, but I've heard from others that's it's pretty bad everywhere. People like monopolies and don't like to let others into their clubs.

How well does getting the universal type refrigeration certification pay?

plumber and electrician are both good choices

Why not a machinist?

$20ish per hour, but we get a lot of commissions for selling units and IAC junk. A lot of OT for being on call too.

as a welder for a mechincal contractor that deals with all these types of people, do HVAC.

im not as familiar with dudes that work in residential HVAC, but for industrial work i can vouch that HVAC looks like the best compensation:work ratio

get hvac certification. good money, although the field is expected to lose some jobs over the next ten years.

Depends on where you live really...

I live in Southern Alberta, Canada. We'd suck your dick for a good electrician, but if you can repair heavy equipment I'll feast on your asshole.

Come work the patch with us buddy!

Because I feel like I could never pay off that much. Plus if I did I would most likely be in my 30s. I dont want to become a feminist activist because I just never had a overwhelming desire to advocate for anything.

Went to school for industrial technology and im now a maintenance technician at a produce warehouse. They have me do almost everything you can think of besides work on diesels. I love what i do, they're some tough days for sure and projects that i absolutely hate doing but all in all I think this is a great fit for me.

Try to be well rounded op, and if you do plan on picking up a trade skill job, be prepared for overtime pretty much everywhere you go.

It's my final year in high school
Stopped reading there

As long as you're not GA. But yeah I'm pretty well enjoying the A&P life.

If you can afford the time and capital, try to get a degree in mechanical engineering. It would help in any of those trades and more.

>the field is expected to lose some jobs over the next ten years
What is supposed to change? I've not heard anything new.

You could always learn to code (well) in a bootcamp type place like app academy or something like that. I started on upwork.com and moved into better projects off of there and now make lower six figures with good equity and profit sharing as well as lots of opportunity all around me, especially with everybody wanting an ICO done left and right and them being easy to program. You can also learn about Growth Hacking (no school or degree) needed at all and get good at growing a company and finding product market fit which is most important for startups these days.

I honestly pissed away many good opportunities, both my own startups and the posibility to work for unicorn companies that later get valuated in the billions of dollars, due to my morbid alcoholism. Most startup game is just a lottery that the VC and Angel investors ultimately win because they invest in many companies at once. But if you keep level headed when people are going insane you can start or at least be a part of something that gets big.

Also, I work totally remote so I'm not caught up in the gentrification fueled rat race of the bay area. I worked for 3 months in Ukraine last year and lived like a king in a baller AirBnB short term rental and had the best ass in my whole life. Being a digital nomad is very nice these days.

Glad to know that there is overtime in trade.

I will definitely look into it. Although the one thing that turns me off is the idea of sitting for long periods of time. I really don't like to sit for more then 3 hours max.

That’s not what your dad said

My dad is a machinist.Ssuccessful, but don't really want to follow in his footsteps.

electricians make more than plumbers, anyone who says otherwise is neither a plumber nor an electrician.

Electricians run the world. They do fuck all work and get top pay. Screwdriver and a fucking pair of pliers and you've hit paydirt.

I'm a maintenance tech at a production plant paper it fucking sucks. I'm wrapping up my school for electrician luckily I have on the job training where I work now. Regardless which path yoi take trade is the way to go.