Cock <3


last thread died b4 i could check ur dub's



>last thread died b4 i could check ur dub's

oh. i had to. i'm sorry...



nice dub (post)

robots dont make mistakes


>nice dub (post)

thank you


>robots dont make mistakes

yes they do


What kind of person are you?

oh ok, i guess you're still a robot then

>What kind of person are you?

what do you mean...

A gay

>oh ok, i guess you're still a robot then


>A gay

you're a good gay

Are you a gay?

for you

>Are you a gay?

no im not.

>for you

i don't know how that works but thank you

That's unfortunate. Gay NEETS can make it in this world. Straight ones can't.

I wouldn't mind laying down some sketches with you sometime. You have to pardon me... i-i'm not use to this type of reception to my art. It's refreshing... Thank you.

Dont listen those lies, he is gayer than Van Darkholme

tits or gtfo


>I wouldn't mind laying down some sketches with you sometime. You have to pardon me... i-i'm not use to this type of reception to my art. It's refreshing... Thank you.

i know. it's all right. i know how you feel. i'm not wanted either. or haven't been for a long time. i don't fit into any community. so. i. somehow. formed a community. anyway. you're always welcome... you're welcome...

but i must warn you i troll easily and often am toxic and bring out the worst in others. apparently.

Straight NEETs probably have more problems than gay NEETS, honestly. Gay NEETs have it harder at first, and then they realize life is ez mode.

>That's unfortunate. Gay NEETS can make it in this world. Straight ones can't.

oh. good thing you're a gay neet then. i'm a machine.

>Dont listen those lies, he is gayer than Van Darkholme

no im not.

Everyone is a machine or animelle. It's simple science. You need comfort. Take this boy ass and masturbate to it. Fool yourself and get laid.

what a coincidence nobody fucking likes me either. real talk though u need to figure out what you're going to do with your posts before you send them, get it together

>tits or gtfo

...i'm flat...

As expected of a male.

Do you like hairy men that dominates every video game he plays?

>Straight NEETs probably have more problems than gay NEETS, honestly. Gay NEETs have it harder at first, and then they realize life is ez mode.

...well i'm glad you enjoy being a gay neet then...

Yo fuck you nigga, I'm about to break the system and have a Daddy take care of me. Just you wait.

LOL bet u smell like sweaty dingleberries and cool ranch doritos

Worship boy ass. Trust me, it's the only way.

>Everyone is a machine or animelle. It's simple science. You need comfort. Take this boy ass and masturbate to it. Fool yourself and get laid.

i don't know what that means. no thank you. yeah u do that.

I smell like cheap wine and ass.
It means break the system and become one with the universe. It's your only hope.

>what a coincidence nobody fucking likes me either. real talk though u need to figure out what you're going to do with your posts before you send them, get it together

oh. that makes 3 of us.'ll be fine...


>As expected of a male.

As expected of a female


>Do you like hairy men that dominates every video game he plays?

...what are you talking about?...

All females are 0/10

its a female (male)

>Yo fuck you nigga, I'm about to break the system and have a Daddy take care of me. Just you wait.

Yo fuck you nigga, You're about to break the system and have a Daddy take care of you. Just you wait.

I'd like you to bring me a beer while I beltch and get top rank. I need a servant.

>Worship boy ass. Trust me, it's the only way.

no thank you

It's dead rats in a tortilla.

nobody's interested in a faggot slob who looks and smells homeless

>It means break the system and become one with the universe. It's your only hope.

yeah u do that.

More like a king that destroys worlds.

>File: DFC.png 1518673961642.png (155 KB, 540x397)

...oh... flat chest is delicious...

>File: 1436644046013.gif 1518674029095.gif (1.78 MB, 300x242)File: 1436644046013.gif (1.78 MB, 300x242)

so close

thats someone’s son

chuuni neckbeard faggot

>All females are 0/10

oh you

DUDE. Stop. You don't have it in you.
I gotchyu bae

>I'd like you to bring me a beer while I beltch and get top rank. I need a servant.

it's just a videogame.

Are you excited for the new Yume Nikki game?


and yet he wants a new daddy
makes you think