I'm guaging the popularity of streamers and I need to know how much of you know who pic related is

I'm guaging the popularity of streamers and I need to know how much of you know who pic related is.

Tonight on cheaters! We have some douche asshole who disrepects EVERYONE

Ching ching Chang chong

dr respect women

https: double slash clips.twitch dot tv slash RelievedCorrectBottleKippa

you better know the name

John Oates
RIP in peace.


Uhh... You mean the two time?

maybe dont put their name in the file name next time faggot



he looks like hes strapped in to suck a fat nigger dick. streamers are cancer gtfo


You guys are really special...

he fucked boggie22988's wife? causing him to become cuckboi22988?

That's Doctor 'I sleep with girls I meet at conventions even though I'm married'



i heard he's back. did he ever mention all the shit that happened? im sure the chat is full of people talkin about it

He is the boyfriend of shroud

Thats the two time of course

>using Sup Forums to gauge popularity

gonna use a cow to predict weather next? a better way to do this is to check on their stream around an hour or so after they have started and see how many viewers they have do this over a number of streams and find the average and thats how you gage popularity

is this him?


Summit is the better streamer

That's Macho Man! He did the Music Video "Wookie Wookie In The Kitchen" !

Doc is trash