A girl I met said my cock is small... I said I thought it was average.. she insisted it is indeed small...

A girl I met said my cock is small... I said I thought it was average.. she insisted it is indeed small. But is she righT?

Who cares? Other than you and this dumb bitch. Which makes up the .0000000000000000001 of the population

The dick in that pic is small. If that is your dick, then your dick is small. Have a nice day.

Fuck. Considering suicide...

There's definitely smaller. Don't worry.

I’m asking for other opinions

I care if my dick is micro

>a girl said

and you believed her??? you're gonna last 2seconds in the real world sonny jim


Idc... small is smalll

I’ll never feel like a real man... I can’t eveb feel average.... I had a feeling she was right when she seemed disgusted and called it small

You dick size doesn't matter if you're this insecure.


Another person here said it’s small so...

It's average

no, it is not small

Thanks but I don’t need any. I just came for a second opinion and will delete the thread soon . Felt lik shit ever since she said it

Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

it looks appropriate for ages 8~16

Looks bigger than average (5.5 inches in the US mate, just measure it.

Just answer? Why wouldn’t a man be insecure after a girl saying he’s small??

your glans looks small but can't see shit user, take a pic from the side and mesure it


I’m 25

Don't worry i've fucked boys with smaller cocks and i've had a lot of pleassure

Btw i'm a dominant top gay dude

Average lenght, tiny dickhead....the dick tapers to a point...

This is either a Shoop (good for you) or an untouched photo (bad for whomever it is).

in either case, not small, just weird and tiny head.

If a woman wants her G-Spot massaged, a larger dickhead is in order.

How about you post a better pic fuck tard

From your own perspective

That's not how you'd send a dick pick is it??


I don't know where you are. The average dick in the US is 5.4".

Can you answer my simple question please? Is it small? Idc if there is smaller


It seems like you're insecure in general. No matter how big you are you always know someone is bigger better etc. Don't live you're life comparing it to others, it's totally futile. Find happiness where you can, like with a woman with a pussy that's a complimentary fit no matter what you have.

because my dick is huuge and women say it's small when they are upset with me. women are crazy you'll work it out. you are probably just one of many men on her line, she says they're all small to get a reaction. next she'll say you're gay because that's the second most triggering thing. she might be a stalker user, avoid her

It’s just a dick.

You have more to your body than a dick.

Small, but I've seen smaller.

That looks small dude
If you want a bull call me to the 555-034657

It’s not shopped... now I feel just as bad as it being small.... fuck, man.... I feel like shit

Naaaah dude your good looks slightly above average

Pro tip TRIM your bush (not completely shaving ) makes it look bigger

how many inches?

it's really small but who cares. i'd worry more about your weird ass posture

kind of a "C-" on the grade scale but should be no shame in your game if you have decent technique.
Just go for a gal who's tight and right. No Arby's for you, friendo.

Oh never mind, that's a li'l smokie.

As long as I’m small I’m not gonna be not insecure about it..... I was always thinking it was normal... I thought I was a normal guy
Killing Myself
I’m good I’m straight. Gonna end my life this week

yeah theyll do that. her first dick was probably a hog and now everything else is sub tier. Dont worry her life isnt going to amount to anything.

Now by "a girl you met", you mean a boy who rated your penis on /soc/, right?

Considering the worldwide average is just above 5", you're really not notably below average. Looks like you've got decent girth, which tbh is more important than length.

Don't worry about it OP, focus your attention on parts of you that you can actually improve ie fitness, personality, etc

>Just go for a gal who's tight and right.
>No Arby's for you, friendo.
Stop perpetuating this myth.

No, im way more concerned about the inferior, below average size that everyone says is small.... it makes me want to kms since I can’t change it and girls laugh at small dicks

Become a metricfag. That's a bigger number, as it makes your dick seem like it is 2.54 times bigger.

I'd suck that

C- is shit

I’m not tall or handsome

Ending my life

What height are you? That's well above average, if you are 195+ cm

No. An actual fucking girl
Yeah I can’t wait to die nobody will miss me

...on /soc/.

I’m 5’8”

>I’m not gonna be not insecure about it..... I was alw
Why? Life isn't about your dick no matter how much you would like it to be. You're just focusing on this so you can avoid acknowledging you really problems. You're a coward OP.

No on discord

use a ruler you dumb fuck. you can't even really tell its size in the picture because it's pointed outwards... no one knows how big it is they're just fucking with you, and honestly I can't say you don't deserve it

Dude wtf your straight my guy
That bitch is either just saying that to fuck with you or she's use to niggas with like 8 inch super thick guys

I fucking promise you your dicks big enough to please a woman how do I know this?

Cause mines SMALLER and it STILL gets the job done

Inb4 all the girls I've been with faked it

Which is totally bull cause any guy whose actually made a girl cum knows you can feel them do it

Everyone iss saying it looks small so it must fucking me... it’s like 5-6inch

Guy you're so dramatic
Can you post an ass pic? I'm fapping to your depression rn

>girth, which tbh is more important than length.
Depends on the pussy, they vary dimensionally as much as cocks do.

Lol close enough.


>Ending my life
No, you wont, you're too much of a fucking pussy.

No I’m not a fag

also nobody gives compliments here and youre a fool with his pants down. Also women cant even take big cock. They are sexually unfulfilling idiots that tell you to stop during sex. The dick is just bragging rights. She wants a 10 inch wang she can ignore the fuck out of.

No on Kik.

Agreed dudes being a fucking drama queen over nothing starting to think this is just bait

everyone said it’s small and I’ve heard girls say size only matters if it’s small..... I’d be happy if I was average

Wrong. I thought this for years till I found my current woman. She's deep and wants it all the time.

Since ur in Sup Forums u r a fag so post the ass pic yo cuck shit and clean your shrimp with your tears, whinnie po


>I’d be happy if I was average
Yeah sure. You'd be saying "I'd be happy if I was above average" if you were average.

I mean it is a bit small but I'm hardly any larger than you and I've had a couple women who thought I was big.

Stop fucking cavernous sloots. Get you someone who hasn't fucked around a lot and they won't try to compare you to a baseball bat.


I'll refeer you to

user, no woman has ever whipped out a tape measure. Who the duck cares. There something to be said for experience and knowing how to use it. You’re not big but you’re not small either. So roll with it.

Keep hunting man. Its unbelievable not having to short thrust etc. I just get to bang.

Small is small. I’m killing Myself idc if there’s smaller if mine can’t even be fucking considered a decent size by anyone here

>Who the duck cares
New phone?


Please do a periscope when you do it, please my autist fetishes hun

Again I'll refeer you to

No I’m good

Don't forget to stream it for us! Maybe cut your dick off and bleed out. That would be so artistic of a way to an hero.

Your dick is legit average. Most people consider average small though.

I'd say your average user. Shave and quit smoking if you do, eat healthy food and exercice more (abs for exemple) to increase your blood circulation,
deep massaging your dick with a moisturizing cream and not fapping too much will help in the long run.

Stress and alcohol can also have negative effects, as for you gf tell her that the average depth of a vagina is 3.5 inches

Ok one person, out of how many that said it was small? Maybe user was just being nice? If it wasn’t small why would the hulk replies be saying it’s small in a non-troll fashion?

Not gonna look at your dick but who cares what a dumb bitch thinks about you

>She insisted it is indeed small


The people ask it

Might as well lock it away.

So I’m fucked if it’s considered small? That makes so sense that the true average guy is small to women

The vast majority of people need to care less about the size of their dick, and instead focus on the quality.

Can you get hard easily?
Do you have full, long lasting erections?
Is it well trimmed?
Is the skin cared for?
Is it clean?

This is the stuff that will take you way further, and above all have confidence in yourself, and actually believe it because people will pick uo on it.
Most men are made, not born, you can't just sit idly by and decide when you want to get fucked like women, so get to work or accept the conditions of your efforts.

>average depth of a vagina is 3.5 inches
Doesn't mean that her's is.

Look it up that's average you dumbass fuck. Why are you taking Sup Forums responses seriously

Youre not fucked dude. Plenty of little dicks go into vaginas. Just play with the cards you're dealt.

Just listen to that word again. Just what is exciting to anyone about average anything?

>gf is pre-wallered
>feeling venerated

You are making a tremendously ridiculous scene here
Maybe your dick is not that small but your masculinity is
And i'm a fag saying this

Mo cause I’m not handsome or tall so I’m not even remotely sexually appealing This is true... I’m sure the average guy isn’t called small by people

Pd. Post an butthole pic maybe you worth a bit in that way you fuckhead

Girls online said dick size only matters “if he’s small”