Asian amateur thread

Asian amateur thread
hc & nudes only, lets celebrate the new year









more on her?





wanna see anything user?




I wanna see them all

Show me everything user

I am going to gook in her mouth... Hnngggnnnggghhhhh.


glad ya like her

Ziwei's all ready for the new year


This is amazing.
Did she noticed when you pull up her shirt?

Tell me you did something more than taking photos right?


Ew, no.

She didnt notice, she loves having them out.

Oh I fucked her right after this, I've fucked that pussy so many times that she just strips when we head to bed so she could be ready. sadly don't have any pics of us fucking.


She loves them out?
This is so hot!
Pls keep showing how she sleep like this

I'd love to see her sleeping face with spreading pussy

Please keep going.
I really need MOAR!

as you wish user

only a few more pics sadly, but glad ya'll are loving it



lol no, just a bit chubby, but in a cute way I think.

got her standing?

hope you guys liked and fapped =]

just got a few pics of her showing her camel

not bad


user please show the rest


Anymore of her face?

I'd like to see you spread her pussy while she is sleeping

moar nudes

shes a cutie!

I posted one earlier
but here's another that I tried

No one wants more?

no I want to see her, she looks sexy as hell


Requests? Besides face lol

playing with her pussy?

more of her?

Can you show more of her face please?
Because I'm jerking off to her face now

I know an asian, hate her 'cuz she's a chink though.

I bet she goes all Ziwei amirite?

here's another user!

looks like Asian snookie

innies usually smell more

Really cute girl
moar user

Just don't stop user!

Can you keep going user?



user please keep going

Totally right spoken like a true ziwei connoisseur

sadly I dont have any more pics to share atm, Ill post a few of her butt but that'll be it


Fucked this Philippino girl while she was on exchange


Anyone has something of this cutie?

Thanks user
Is there more of clothed stuffs?

more nudity required

Can you share these photos in original size pls?

Would be nice, yes.

Thank you
Just post what you got right now





If next response is dubs I’ll post tits and face

post it anyway

Beautiful tits

do you have any more of her?

Wow hot



you still there?

It's a set of one, as far as I know.

(You) heard the man.




Fuck I’ve cum to this smooth chubby slut so many times...

Lol oh shit is dat sum new zed????


Hnnng that look, she’s so ready...did more pics ever show up?