Hey hey USA, how many kids will you kill today?

Hey hey USA, how many kids will you kill today?

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6 gorillion

All of them, irrelevant countries opinions shall not change that.

go to bed Yuri

> hurr another shooting
Ok but lets be realistic, if every school kid has a couple of guns on him, like the GOP wants to, if one kid starts shooting, everybody would start firing and in a class with 30 kids unloading their mags, the chance of hitting the original shooter is rather high.
> answer is more guns always

With 30 kids unloading their guns there'd be 30 kids hurt by the crossfire.

Why not just put every American in prison?

According to many polls there actually is a consensus among the public (both liberals and conservatives) for stricter gun control.





But the NRA has bought and paid for many of the Republican members of Congress so whenever a shooting happens they are paid to say "Now is not the time to discuss gun control" and scream "mah 2nd amendment rights!" like a bunch of blind sheep.

Vote out all the NRA shills and you'll see change in the right direction

not if u teach kids to john wick n shit

think of the children OP

>hillary was supposed to win until 2 seconds before the polls closed

kek what?

Who would be in charge of the prison guards? How?

the number of kids between two groups of kids positively correlates to the number of kids in the two groups +1


far fewer than mudslimes immigrating to your shithole country today

>can't handle kitchen knives
>awful teeth
>raped by adult muslim highschoolers
>hey USA be more like us

ha no

17 on a bad day

>taking away the freedom of owning a rifle or shotgun for sport shootin'

fuck liberals they can all move to canada


Actually your statement is false

Just turn the entire USA into "Escape from New york" - Minus the escape part, that is.

You really only need the walls, inside it's pretty much on the level of that movie already. They even have had a black leader already.

Can't help to notice you ranked teeth higher than rape. Americans.

haven't seen the movie

so how do you keep the people not inside the walls conforming?

It actually wasn't in the first draft. I added it because damn even your handsome famous people

I love how the americunts refuse to see the difference between stricter weapon laws and outright weapon bans.

Even the strictest Eurofag countries there is no problem owning a hunting rifle or shotgun. But we need semi-automatics, cause loopholes.

Germans - the answer would be Germans.


>implying they arent already


>doesn't live there and doesn't like them
>is insanely unhappy that they're failing

I'm not sure if I understand your reply.. The people "not inside" the walls, would be all the non-americans not living in the USA, and we have no problem with those.

Stupid cunts who do not understand guns don't realize that a Ruger Mini-14 looks like a Hunting Rifle with a wood stock, but fires the exact same round as the AR-15. Semi-Automatic too. Meaning, it could kill just as many people just as fast.

I have a Remington 7400 in 30-06 which can knock down a moose. That would kill lots of people too, and it is a hunting rifle. The only thing that makes a gun an "assault" rifle is a bunch of features that make it look hard-core.

You are NEVER going to take guns away from Americans - never. So the thing to do is stop being pussies and give teachers the right to carry their legal sidearms into schools. Simple. We let Pilots carry guns in the cockpits, so why not teachers?


When the EU stops getting raped by Sand Nigger muslims

True. Denmark has some seriously strict rules regarding owning anything close to a weapon. But you can get a hunting license, where you have to pass a course that takes 12 weeks or so. If you pass you get your license, and you are then allowed to own a weapon. In the course you are taught gun maintenace, proper use ect.

Germans could get it done

nevermind user

They have some history dealing with large "prisons".

>they're still practicing what was shoved down their throats since inception some 200 years ago, idiots

same to you goatfucker

camps user, camps

if they were prisons so many people wouldn't have "escaped"

You are never going to take away a single gun from Americans. Not a single one. If anyone tried, there would be war in this country. Ain't going to happen. Americans are not Europeans or Australians who roll over like pussies and spread their legs for the government. Maybe because they are used to that when they had kings and hitler and sheet, but Americans had a king once, and we kicked the shit out of him and his soldiers and sent them back to england with their tails between their legs, so that shit won't happen here.


True that. But making the entire US into a camp - think about the amount of US refugees. That is a scary thought.

>Americans are not Europeans or Australians who roll over like pussies and spread their legs for the government
yes we are. see louisiana after katrina

Not when it comes to guns.

Stranger yet is those to whom the right to bear arms means nothing more than the right to shoot deer and ducks.

You didn't. The only reason you won was because of the help from the French. If the British didn't have to fight on two fronts, dealing with a much more superior enemy (the French), your little rebel army would have been stacked along the roads in the US.

i'll say it again, but slower this time. work with me here, user.

see. louisiana. after. katrina.

I bet you're the kind of person who thinks the AR in AR-15 stands for assault rifle. .....


Losing is still L-O-S-I-N-G faggot.

In the "England vs. USA" column it is USA 1, England 0.

You wanna argue that we had help, go ahead, that game is ovah. kek.


>Replying to a post about semi-automatics
>Twists it into a comment on automatic rifles
>Now I can reply!

oh shit user brought out the onion! clearly due to their scathing and wry wit, governmental policy must now change!

Yes, the British lost, I am not argueing against that. I am saying that your statement regarding kicking the British ass during your War of Independance wouldn't have happened if you and the French didn't have a common goal. Remember what happened at Bunker Hill? Remember what happened until French arms, trainer, fleets arrived to help you? That is right, you got your asses handed to you.

Your history teachers might cram something like "USA! USA! USA! NR1!" down your throat, but don't overlook the reality. Without French help you would have been raped.

Actually that onion piece was not highlighting the need for policy change, it's focus was how some morons refuse to see the wood for all the trees.

it's purile pap, whatever purpose you intended for it

>history teachers might cram something like "USA! USA! USA! NR1!" down your throat
american academia hates this country

fallacies are king

Generally curious. Why?

why don't you read a fucking book or at least google your history once in a while haha the french dragged their feet to support us with their navy until they were sure we would win. Why do you think it happened at the end of the war not on july 4 1776? seriously read a book. I recommend picture books and then when you have enough of them under your belt i hear nancy drew is popular.

Yawn. And if Napoleon didn't need money, the French would still have Louisiana, and if Benedict Arnold hadn't ratted us out, we would have won the battle of Montreal, etc, yadda.

If grasshoppers had .45's there would be fewer birds in the air too, but "could'a beens" and "would'a beens" don't count in the real world. Corwallis was a pussy who wouldn't even come out and surrender like a man. kek.

i wish i knew. i don't share their viewpoint.

About three fiddy

However you are right without the power of their navy things could have been very different but you have to hand it to the United States. we defeated the greatest military the world had ever seen with a bunch of farmers. The British helped US with our indian problem (yeah we are fucked up) and just wanted taxes to help cover the military costs of that and we didn't like that. That does sound reasonable though haha. Don't worry you won in the long run not sure if you know this but Donald Trump is our president. seriously you win

We still like the Marquis de LaFayette. He has a whole county named after him in Pennsylvania. Amazing how much he looked like Gerhard Depardieu. kek.

Well founded argument there user - bravo.

I will just go back to my masters in history, why you would be in debt for the rest of your life for the same.

But lets turn it around. Why don't you pick up a book that isn't steeped in US nationalism?

I like how "poisoning" was shuffled into "accidents"

getting pretty bad when you gotta censor medicine

Not him but "masters in history"? Bitch please.

The British didn't kill nearly enough Indians. If you've ever read Washington's letters back to England when he was an English officer, he speaks of the horrible depredations the Indians were subjecting white men, women and children to. That is why I laugh at "native americans" who claim we "stole" their land. Those fuckers are lucky we left any of them alive at all.

I am not British. I am not saying that the Continental Army weren't without its strenghes and brilliant commanders . I am just saying that without the help, the whole thing might have been a lot more different than the general American populace might want to believe.


>Just turn the entire USA into "Escape from New york" - Minus the escape part, that is.
fucking lol

>You needed the French
>Yes but it's so great how we did it all on our own

Winners write history, you cock. Of course we're going to tell our side, whereas the British got to lick their wounds and keep yelling "Trafalgar!"

I kek at your Masters. kek, I say sir!


>Stranger yet is those to whom the right to bear arms means nothing more than the right to shoot deer and ducks.
And school children. Don't forget that target group

you tell 'em comrade!

Not enough. It's never enough...



0, because i'm a responsible gun owner.

Yep, that's true, it wasn't their land because they defended it with all means necessary, which is a bad thing when done to you, and a good thing when you do to them.

Ahh its just an Anti US kick you are on haha gotcha there are plenty of reasons to hate us if you don't live here but just for the record we got a pretty sweet deal over here. and I'm pretty sure i have access to the same resource materials that you do and I am also College educated with a masters but not in a sad degree like history. don't get me wrong I love history, but its more like a hobby. Plus using your logic against you...where did you get you education from? possibly british books? if you want another piece of us come back and start another war....Oh wait that was the war of 1812. How did that one end again. But seriously as said before Donald Trump. For real you win this argument.

Get shit on, faggot.

I know, shitty argument, but it was just as shitty an argument as saying that I would need to read a few pop-up books.

Shitty arguments, births shitty responses.

oy vey,nice shill, Shlomo!

I find those in my pockets all the time, and sometimes in the dryer. Leave it to the pussified brits to run in horror of a .22

When I was a kid, we shot each other with .22's to build up resistance to 12 gauge slugs. kek.

Fuck 'em. They was trash.

I don't hate the US, and I have never stated that. I were just commenting on the whole "we kicked the British ass yada yada" argument. Just stateting that it only happened because of foreign aid.

This is like arguing that the Patriots should have won the Super Bowl, dude.

In the UK, it's considered shocking to find small caliber ammo commonly used for markmanship on the street, this proves why there should be no restrictions in the US.

>>Build walls
>>Close country
>>Increase gun ownership.
Sounds good
signed the rest of the world.

I understand what you are saying but come on. give credit where credit is due. Like holy shit those Vietkong had a similar feat against us.

i too hate facts

All of them

Not enough

Wrong. A responsible gun owner would kill at least 5 mutant children per day.

Even the war of 1812 the British had total control of the seas. But again, I am not stateting that the early US military didn't have its strenghes ect. Just look at Andrew Jackson.

Not that user, but whaat? One user calls for more accuracy in your history recitals, and you compare with sports?

Everything about the way the European governments work compared to the USA just blows. I do business with lots of EU countries, and it is just ridiculous how over regulated they are about everything. It isn't just guns with them - they even regulate scissors for barbers, tools for contractors, you name it. Insane.

judging from the ammo on hand, Id say about tree fiddy