Hey land of the free, do you like my meme?

hey land of the free, do you like my meme?

Solid, brace for impact from muh guns.

Yes I do, and now you can go back home and import more muslim radicals to rape and kill your people while you watch and do nothing.

>Yes I do, and now you can go back home and import more muslim radicals to rape and kill your people while you watch and do nothing.
>sits at home while children are gunned down in school
damn muslims!

...honestly, I would rather get raped than shot in the dick

Even if zero children died, I'd still want a gun because of niggers.

Classic whataboutism. What a great foundation for discourse.

He says while he watches Rick and Morty while his wife gets fucked by the 8th nigger this morning

I'm glad to know that banning guns stopped all child deaths around the world. I'll gladly give up mine now.

>banning guns stopped all child deaths around the world.

where does it say that?

>watch and do nothing
I have you know that I wank while watching

Do you make eye contact though?

>8th nigger this morning
I can't tell if you guys actually think this goes on or are just memeing. It never does. Niggers stay in their ghettos and you only see them if you have to go in Walmart for some godforsaken reason.



>my sides

Yes Yuropoors, tell us more about the effectiveness of your sharia gun laws.

If we all gave are guns to da government, then no bad guise would have dem.


Yes I do. It brings home the point of acceptable losses.

Bbb-bbbut the youropoors and the muslim guys... Kek so weak


Back away from the bong.


>If you can't solve a problem 100% what's the point?

Sometimes children need to get hit by drunk drivers so I can drive to work