Celeb thread

celeb thread
i wanna see one of these whores spayed like a dog edition




I don't think you think that word means what it actually means.

Anyone got any of them deepfakes?


It means neutering right?

except it does mean what i think it means
"sterilize (a female animal) by removing the ovaries."
google definition

what do YOU think it means?



abortion queen needs spayed








OK, so we all think it means the same thing.

Do you, OP, actually want to see Anne Hathaway have her ovaries removed in a surgical procedure?

>Like, thats what you want? Literally?



while she awake and begging


are you new to Sup Forums?


it's just a fantasy bro
i don't actually wish harm on anyone
but if there was a movie scene of her getting treated like an animal you can bet I'd fap to it

i've most likely been here longer than OP has been on the fucking planet.

>and posting on a korean paper folding imageboard that you want to see a celebrity speyed does somewhat smack of being a teenage edgelord.

This is how I feel about 90% of my kesha fantasies

you have not been here longer than me
i'm 110% sure






Wat you mean splayed out?

When my grandfather was on his deathbed, he beckons me over to his side. His breathing had become very labored by this time, as the lung cancer had moved into the later stages. He motioned for me to lean over to him.
I leaned in closer, my ear to his mouth, and he whispered what would be his dying words into my ear. I will never forget what that war veteran and recipient of the silver star said. He whispered, and I quote: “Kesha has a dick.”

Then he passed. I like to think he’s in a better place now, where there prances many a dick-less Kesha.

you cant have an abortion if you have a dick mate

Well it’s come full circle, she’s literally a hooker now.

no i mean "sterilize (a female animal) by removing the ovaries."

When my grandmother was on her deathbed, she beckons me over to her side. Her breathing had become very labored by this time, as the lung cancer had moved into the later stages. She motioned for me to lean over to her.
I leaned in closer, my ear to her mouth, and she whispered what would be her dying words into my ear. I will never forget what that elderly teacher and recipient of the silver star said. She whispered, and I quote: “you can have an abortion if you have a dick mate”

Then she passed. I like to think shes in a better place now, where there prances many a aborted Kesha fetus.


hell yeah

I do not like this edition




i dont like the jew edition that pops up 3 or 4 times a day but i dont complain
i let them have their time


she's got a nice pussy for sure




>hide post
>hide post
>hide post

She’s got a great body to bad she never did a nude shoot before getting knocked up


she did this weird fetish shoot that wasn't supposed to be public but got leaked
but this might be after baby



This was confirmed legit?

Munn looks good naked also

idk its weird
it looks like a photoshoot but its considered a "leak" but yeah thats for sure her
the dude is a celeb too but idk his name



Yeah, not sure.. she looks good though


Moar Munn






Oh Margot, how I wish she would climb on my dick and ride me to heaven



Damn, more of that outfit

I'd tongue punch her fartbox

Why so sad



Would lick that pit


cuz shes about to get spayed

Yeah, she's got cute boobies



Why though

And there is always Alison Brie



not for real
just fantasy


I liked her on Community and GLOW

Yo dude, you have anymore of that

So you liked her for the only thing she's famous for besides her tits?


the smaller her body gets, the bigger her head seems to get...

Yeah she was great in glow

Oh ok
Wait why would you fantasize about that
