Batfleck script is a mess, is anyone surprised?

"[They] were just telling me that there are serious problems with the script. And that the executives I was having dinner with were complaining about people who work on the Batman movie. And they just said they went to the studio and they said, 'Look, the script is ... Here's 30 things that are wrong with it that we can fix.' And [the executives] said, 'We don't care. We don't really care. The amount of money we're going to make globally, I mean 70 percent of our audience is not going to be seeing this in English. And it doesn't really matter, these things that you're bringing up about the flaws of the script.' So I do think global concerns play a big part in how movies, and what movies, are being made, obviously."

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law_of_headlines

Affleck's a good director, he wont shoot a garbage script, relax.


Ayer's a good director, he wont shoot a garbage script, relax.

Snyder's a good director, he won't shoot a garbage script, relax.

Nolan's a good director, he won't shoot a garbage script, relax.

Hmm, well, you make a good argument.

I mean it is sitting at 90% on RT right now -

That means 'almost universal praise'. Maybe I should go check it out.

Ayer let himself get played, i'll give you that. BvS is easily one of the best cape films, the script is great. Nolan is not a good director and his writing is always laughable.

Batfleck though BvS was a good movie. He has shit taste.


Heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy. Anyway, I thought the thing you people claimed to be the problem was that Warner Bros meddled too much in the movies and didn't let the writers and directors do their jobs?

is there anything done by hollywood that isn't a MESS?

wtf I hate DC now

>Batfleck though BvS was a good movie

He was right.'s_law_of_headlines


Unfinished script needs working on
Execs only care about profits

How is this even news?

lmao what the fuck is wrong l with you people it's like toddlers giving their opinions I swear

>Ayer let himself get played, i'll give you that.
No doubt
>BvS is easily one of the best cape films, the script is great.
No doubter
>Nolan is not a good director and his writing is always laughable.
No doubtest

>gives reasonable argument
>"lmao what the fuck is wrong with you" reply
You certainly can't handle losing mate.

This is just an excuse for Warner to do a real mess with Affleck's vision to obtain shekels.

>Ayer's a good director

(x) doubt

Disappointed that's all. You'd think they'd focus on the quality of their product after ceaseless savaging.

I don't question that batfleck could write/direct a good batman film but can he make a batman film that fixes the shit show that is the DCCU

>work on a movie and have a lot of input on it
I wonder why he thinks it's so good

All of them are shit directors.

I'm not surprised but I'm still a dcfanboy no matter what

Why? I can understand hating Nolan for instance, we've gone through all his glaring retardations, but what's wrong with Ayer?


Set it in Arkham, format it like the Raid. Shit writes itself.

Why do they keep fucking Batman up?

Just fucking give us a film based around Batman in his slightly later years (no origin bull shit) dealing with the Joker or some B tier villain pulling some job

Just do a really long episode of BTAS for fucks sake

they probably want to introduce 15 characters in a single movie so they can make other movies later

>He's a good director

He's not. He's a paint-by-numbers director with no actual creative talent.

If there was any plan at all, it would be to use Batfleck's 1st movie to establish the Batman cinematic universe in case people don't warm up to Wonder Woman and Justice League.

That hasn't stopped good directors before.

Just make Dredd but set in Arkham Asylum.

How much do they fucking pay you, Psjeet?

No one involved in a movie can crap on it during several months by contract. Also, he is in sequels / spin offs so... he can't shit on BvS now, and he won't later.
But I doubt he actually likes it.


Ben had zero input on BvS

Ayer can't be blamed, SS was a rush job

Snyder doesn't know what a good script looks like. If he did, he would've never filmed MoS

Don't know what you mean by Nolan. TDKR is still 4/5 at least

You're a child.

>Batman vs Superman was better than anything Marvel has made
>"Batman scripts is shit"

Imagine how good DC would be, if the script was good.

Oh, wait, nevermind... its called "TDK".

>Resting on their laurels. >Complacency in the icon status of their properties.

It's true that the Supes and Batman characters are a license to print money but at least take pride in telling their stories. Don't sell your fans short just because you think foreign markets don't care for substance in your stories due to language barriers.


That's how I feel about Marvel/ Disney and it's largely true. They have the entertainment art form down to a science. Literally algorithms formulated in focus groups which guarantee a rewarding night out at the cinema to create memorable experiences with family members. Case in point the Russo brothers perfecting the Civil War cut until test screen audiences were split on Cap vs Tony 50/50.

Nigga, the world is full of plebs who think BvS is capekino. Why should WB care if a movie is good or not?

> Brett Easton Ellis

>Snyder's a good director, he won't shoot a garbage script, relax.

said no one ever lmao

>Dawn of the Zombiekino
>Man of Steel

The only thing tarnishing his record id sucker punch.


Go fuck yourself.

>Ayer's a good director, he wont shoot a garbage script, relax.
>Snyder's a good director, he won't shoot a garbage script, relax.
>Nolan's a good director, he won't shoot a garbage script, relax.


user, let's actually put those in order:
>Dawn of the Dead (2004)
A good horror movie
>300 (2006)
A good adaptation movie that stuck pretty hard to the source material.
>Watchmen (2009)
A mediocre adaptation movie with choppy editing, forced music (very similar to SS) and weird directorial choices
>Sucker punch (2011)
Completely superficial garbage with cool visuals
>Man of Steel
Decent movie with lots of cool fights and some nice moments
Superficial shit pretending to be more poignant and philosophical than it actually is (MARTHA). Cool action scenes involving Batman

So over the course of the past 10 years or so he's made as many bad movies as good with an overall negative trend. He's directed from completely shit scripts and it's shown. If he's not handed a good script on a silver platter her drowns in his own incompetence. His movies are cool to look at, but that's the most consistent thing you can say about him as a filmmaker.

>vS is easily one of the best cape films, the script is great.

stop fooling yourself, everybody know BvS is shit

>literally built for chinks

Everyone, stop giving money to these filthy kikes until they start making quality entertainment again.

not enought time to geta proper a script. Deadpool got a long time in production, WB just greenlit SS wihout any script ready

Ridley Scott is one of the greats and he shoots garbage scripts all of the time.

Ben Affleck isn't very talented.


Facebook and the meme blogs that rely on clicks from there, not the fans

WTF am I reading?
>someone disagrees with you that Alice Munro is the "greatest writer alive"
>get triggered as fuck
>tweet multiple times over many hours about how said guy is a hack even though you yourself are widely known as Norm "he could've been a contender but decided to be a perpetual disappointment" Macdonald
Is he drinking again guys?

No, he's just serious about literature.

>Nigga, the world is full of plebs who think BvS is capekino. Why should WB care if a movie is good or not?

This is a good point. WB will only care if people start skipping their movies, like what happened to transformers.
IDK if after the cold reception to BvS and skwad WB will really change. Johns promotion seemed promising at first

He really hated American Psycho

I showed it to a friend who has no dog in this fight and he said "it was a lot better than I thought it would be"

I thought it was pretty great; for me I just like how different it is to say the latest Avengers.

He's going to do what the studio tells him. He has no real pull, and his only choice is to quit the DC franchise.

He is their RDJ and more, he's in an enormously advantageous position over Warners right now.

marvelfags on suicide watch

>He has no real pull
he has an Oscar. Not even Nolan has one.

Ben is the only redeeming factor in the DCEU, he has every but of pull

How about you try some actual arguments, kids?

Fuck off its still being written you miserable bastard

How hard can it be to write a good Batman script? I bet every screenwriter in Hollywood has one hanging around. Just buy one or adapt one of his many stories. This must just be laziness. They figure their fans will slop up any nonsense so why try?

All the more reason to stop paying to watch their shitty movies and thereby cut off funding them. Maybe they'll get their act together then to produce a quality movie.

Fuck all Marvel shills falseflagging


>I thought it was pretty great; for me I just like how different it is to say the latest Avengers.

I see that some people like DCEU just because they are different from MCU.
BvS has bad editing, plot holes, clown perfomances (I'm looking to you eisenberg)

name seven

>DC geeks posting pictures of Marvel geeks like they aren't just as bad

both camps are equally lame

it is literally comic book drama

This. That #supportDCmovies was ridiculous, WB will keep doing DC movies anyway.

Kickstarter will fund Blue Beetle at this rate.

How long before an indie movie is produced where a DC fan murders a Marvel fan over faction wars.

Damage control

Probably true. Disney did force Gareth Edwards to reshoot Rogue One because there wan't enough quips for Marvel babbies.

The Counselor
Body of Lies
A Good Year
G.I. Jane
White Squall

Fixing this PR nightmare so they can trick the savvy into watching it. They already have their hands on the normie money.

How am i meant to know if it's shit if i don't see it myself huh mr smarty pants?

That's not a good thing. They have the upper hand because everyone recognizes and has decades of history with DC characters. Meanwhile Marvel is still introducing theirs to mainstream audiences. They're working doubly hard to get the public to like, understand and sell whatever the hell Doctor Strange is meant to be and probably thrice as hard for Carol Danvers because the idea of a female superhero is apparently hard to market.

>Doctor Strange had a weak start in Box Office
>People jumping ship on Memepool 2
>Now this

What the fuck's going on? Is this a early Christmas miracle?

That's the implication, you mong. That they don't give a shit about the quality of the movie as long as it sells.


>Marvel already starting the smear campaign after the lackluster reviews of Doctor Strange

>The amount of money we're going to make globally, I mean 70 percent of our audience is not going to be seeing this in English. And it doesn't really matter, these things that you're bringing up about the flaws of the script.'

I smell bullshit. There is no logical reason to want to make a bad movie, it will only damage the brand in the long run, and Warner Brothers stock has been tumultuous recently because of their less than stellar reputation. This whole thing reads like a fictional depiction of what people think a sleazy producer might sound like. If the script has issues and that are easily fixable and they realize that, it's easier to just fix them instead of having to do damage control when the stock starts plummeting because of how shitty the movie has been received. Incompetence is prevalent in the current Warner regime, but nobody purposefully makes a shit movie out of spite.

And no matter which way you spin it, a good movie is going to sell better than a bad movie. Why make 700 million internationally when you can make a billion?

>I mean 70 percent of our audience is not going to be seeing this in English.

So? A broken movie is still a broken movie with or without subtitles.

I think it's referring to how action movies are universal and transcend cultural barriers so they're skimping on script/ quality of story.

After the terrible Daredevil, Affleck again made another mistake
Another terrible super hero movie, Batman V Superman

You really trust this guy?

Maybe. Or it's the early stages of a Deadpool style breakdown of creative process being reported.

>gobble gobble!

Affleck was not creatively involved in those films

He was paid to act. That's it.

Daredevil was a passion project tho, thereby under his quality control.

>this fucking clickbait
>the source article is the dude going "i was talking to people that know people that work in this"
the desperation is real

All shit directors though.


Wew, thanks for telling me that, because I totally forgot I wasn't before.

you retard

Grains of truth sprinkled everywhere surely.