Just look at this pussy slayer

>just look at this pussy slayer

And you wonder why the poor bastard did it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like typical Trump voter.

Looks like the typical Sup Forumstard


Every haircut stylist he went to kept screwing him in the haircut style department and he just fkin lost it



I am even worse

I wish I looked like that


Bruh deadass reminds me of Thoronirs elf ass

my sides

Cruz = Hispanic, the reason he covered his face in all his videos was to hide the fact that he was brown. It's the same shit as the black college student who wrote nigger on his own dorm wall to claim he was discriminated against, just on a much larger, and far more tragic scale.


Cruz is Cuban while Marakov is Russian. A kid mixed with the two races Americans hate the most shot up a school, the irony

I couldn't watch it all. Too much to bear. Poor kids didn't need to see that shit.

With that being said, I'm banking that the shooter was made fun of a lot. Fucked up world we live in.

He wont live long.

maybe but no excuse

FL is a death penalty state

tick tock on this Cruz faggot

White kids are pussies and pretty fucking toxic. They would rather talk behind your back and exclude you from shit then talk shit to your face. The ones that do talk shit to your face run to authority the second they are confronted on it, not saying what he did was justified at all, but if he was bullied like people say he was then yeah the lil cunts pushed him too far.

tbh id go apeshit too if i was forced to got to a shitty high school with the goal to get me working 9-5. knowing how high taxes for regular income are it would be the only solution

As if you can't see a mental illness on his face.

>holy shit we’re getting shot and there’s dead people everywhere
>better put this on Snapchat
Part of my wishes they had the dancing bitmoji filter

A Hispanic in Florida, which means probably Cuban. Cubans vote overwhelmingly republican, and they definitely voted for Trump. Try harder faggot.

I hate this place


People who Snapchat their school getting shot up deserve to be the first shot.


I looks like the only ones who got shot were the ones caught in the hallways, which sucks, but what else are you going to do when you’re trapped in a room with a violent raging manlet outside the door? Your final moments could be part of history.

Pretty rude. If I was a school shooter (shooting out of anger from bullying). I’d try and only shoot the bullies/ bad people at the school.

If I was purely mentally ill and just wanted a high score, then indiscriminate shooting works.

If I was a victim, I’d jump out of the window or something.

>uses 2 totally different people

Ted Cruz shot up a school in Florida?

fucking cubans. they smell bad and look ugly.

no his father did after the failed bay of pigs.

Unless you're involved in the investigation, I very much doubt that was the reason.

I agree, that’s what everyone at my ghetto high school did if shit really popped off. Since we were all from the hood, we knew the difference between “regular monthly drills” and real shit popping off (most of the guys would talk about thier homies coming to blast some fool before it even happened most of the time but nobody took it serious until it happened). The kids who everyone knew were strapped useless stayed calmed and joked about shit during the lockdowns or they went to thier car to get thier piece too.

These dumb kids just don’t take shit serious, or have never been in a real bind so they don’t know how to react. When you’ve lived in the ghetto and hear gun shots no matter where they are you know the best method is survival is to run as far away as possible and escape.

You may not be able to relax around blacks, but atleast you’ll learn how to survive.

You know conservatives are known to jump to conclusions

La creatura.....

I think it's an excuse. I'm not saying what he did wasn't morally rephrensible, but why else would you shoot up a fucking school?

Either a.) you were bullied heavily and the psychological and social isolation gets to you so you fight back the only way you feel you can

b.) he was mentally ill and just wanted to kill everyone for a long time

Or c.) a combination of mental illness coupled with serious social isolation and psychological/psychiatric problems going untreated.

Guns are not the issue here. Access to proper health care is.

If we had a single payer system this kid could have gotten therapy and access to meds he might have needed in order to stop him from commiting such a horrific act. When the proper support systems just aren't there for you, it's hard to let go of people constantly making fun of you for being the quiet one at school.

I had it rough growing up at home and at school. I sympathize with this kid for feeling like he probably had no other way of getting his anger and frustrations out. But I also absolutely condone his actions.

Want to own guns? Fine by me. Hell, I own firearms now that I'm older.

But deny people access to doctors, and treatments, and medications that they might need or that might help them make healthier life choices? That's gonna be a problem, and that's part of the reason why this happened. All I'm saying is, it could have been prevented if he had quality mental health services and money wasn't an issue. Maybe he had a therapist, I don't know, but my guess is probably not.

Cruz in florida=cuban who are pretty much white and no native genes. Cubans love trump because they dislike mexicans. Try again

"registered democrat"

lol citation needed

Yeah, fuck documenting reality


very pretty eyes

who the fuck is this

How about the general way we raise children in this country, constantly affirming their egos are valid and treating them like unique snowflakes. Pad them up telling them how smart and unique they are, and then release them into a world that simply cannot treat them as such. Perhaps it's not the bullying that get to them but their own fragile egos the size of Texas. When reality and your perception of reality do not match, you will change one to fit the other, and with the self esteem boosts we love to focus on we've only created generations of narcissistic counts that would rather the world change for their sake. They dilute themselves into believing it is the world that smells like dogshit, fuck checking under their own shoe, and eventually come to the conclusion that the world is either a bad place, or meaningless. Atrocities follow

Kill yourself seriously. Kill your parents and siblings first.

idk but op should go back to pol rn before I start screaming again

Ted Cruz is the only person who voted against Dreamer legislation. The shooter was an avid Trump supporter. It's not about last names, it's about republicanism and how it makes you a piece of shit.


Encouraging a shooting on a thread about a shooter. Typical Trump supporter behavior.

That is so true.

Another Republican sucking off the taxpayer teet. Jail for the rest of his life.


He was made fun of day after day and he finally snapped. I'm glad he killed the people he killed. How many of us can say they have the balls to actually take action like that? Most of you faggots just sit behind a screen and talk shit about what you would or wouldn't do, this fucking pimp ass mother fucker took action. I salute him. He's the hero Sup Forums deserves!

This is true to a large extent but not 100%

neither Cuban or Russian is a race

they're nationalities

- another unhinged Dem does mass shooting
- Dems demand gun control for everyone else

maybe they should get control over themselves and their unhinged retards



When you grow up and have kids (congrats, no longer a virgin!) you'll think comments like this are repugnant. Suck my asshole faggot.

race is like white black asian etc

He wasn't a dem you shithead

You deserve to be taken back in time and brutally raped as a child...

I'm 39 years old and I have 3 daughters, you fucking cunt. I haven't been a virgin since I was 15. I still feel the way that I said. Kids today are degenerate cunts. Even my own Daughters are bitches. I have to put up their there shit and no, I don't wish my Daughters harm, but their generation is PURE TRASH and it saddens me to know that they are the future of this great nation... That being said, how about YOU suck MY asshole, faggot. I could use a good rim job. The wife doesn't put out much these days.

Already was. Thanks though. I hope your Mother dies in a fire and you have to watch.

still has time for a snapchat and write his text properly

thats why i fucking hate today's kids. I guess i'm getting old but still what the fuck

>killed innocent freshmen just starting school that probably had no idea who this weird fucker was
>pretty much shot anyone in the hallways instead of targeting the classrooms of his so called bullies
>results to murdering normies who will peak at high school, instead moving forward from high school and refocusing his autism to make a bunch of money to bang hookers and bar sluts and travel the world while his bullies settle with thier overweight high school crushes working dead end jobs

Some hero, no he will be getting raped in the ass by niggers everyday in prison until they inject his veins with death.

Make me bitch, I fucked your dad baby

Would you mind repeating that...?

In proper English perhaps...?

Awww.. did I hit a nerve? Go fuck yourself, faggot.

I have always wanted to be in an active shooter situation. I would try to murder the shooter. Idc if I die, and if I accomplish my goal then ill have eternal glory for about 2 weeks.

Yeah. I could understand using snapchat because it's probably muscle memory for him, and I'm for documenting it. But him taking time to type things like "our fucking school is getting shot up" and "there's fucking bullet holes in the computers" instead of i dunno, just "adsa" or "zxc" just to fill in the text fields quickly or something says a lot. Even though his life is in imminent danger and a major disaster is playing out in front of him, he still needs to present it dramatically for his social media followers.


You have that faggy picture saved, not me, cunt.

Make me, bitch. I fucked your dad, baby.

It's really not that difficult.

yeah, this shit is going too far man

Jesus Christ...I wasn’t expect that. Smart kids recording it though. I’m glad kids can do that. I’d rather them get up and actually do something In bad situations (maybe not this one because they’re not much you CAN do) but for them to go through this and still have cameras out. Nice

Exactly my point, say that to my face and see if you won’t get smacked hoe

>They would rather talk behind your back and exclude you from shit then talk shit to your face.

True. Reminds me of this one kid who I had literally never spoken to, and for some reason he had a problem with the way I looked, and kept trying to turn people against me. Think some of them even listened to him. At the time I used to bite my nails sometimes, and I realized what he was doing when one day I was biting my nails and I hear the little shit tell the others while motioning towards me "...and he BITES HIS NAILS", and it didn't seem like they had any issue with him saying that. like wtf. I had literally never spoken or interacted with that kid in any way whatsoever, he just randomly decided he didn't like me, and to start talking shit to people about me.

While i doubt that pic odds are he leans heavily to the left as most mass shooters do.

Fuck you im not going to spoon feed you look it up.

worrying about proper english in a somalian sheep herding forum.


He's likely more Spaniard than indigenous or moorish.....so he's white.

He is styled as white, and he shoots up schools, which is a white man's occupation.

he is white

OK now that's a little Commie salute - shirt noticed.

>and he shoot's up schools which is a white man'soccupation.
> he is white
Fax b
Also RIP to all the kids that got killed. Smdh.

Conservatives believe everything is drawn finely on predetermined moral and biblical timelines.

That means they don't analyze a situation, they consult what their molester errrrr.... pastor has determined the ten most important commandments are.. (obedience, present ass first as sign of respect...) and judge from those. If none of those commandments fit, then they look to the most alpha molester....errrrr....role model to determine what to believe and say....

inb4 conservative derping...hurr...durr

Typical liberal antifa
I wonder whos gona take care of his wifes son?

wrong. If any political spectrum analyzes situations its conservatives.
>Muh RaPeY PaSStor, MOleSters, InB4 HURR DURr
Real fucking compelling argument made there

ban all pistol grip ears!

Looks like the typical immigrant.

The Amerimutt 56% Beta Uprising meme is not a meme it's real life.

>implying black and brown kids don't do that too

Newfag detected

All it took was hearing those kids laughing triumphantly and screaming YOOODUDE CHECKITOUT HAHA to instantly understand why he did what he did.

fucking dumbasss fucking kids.


He would make a beautiful Link cosplayer

fuck Sup Forums god damnit lmao

I dont blame him. I was pretty pussed in high school too.
