How fucked am i Sup Forums?

How fucked am i Sup Forums?


It can mean a lot of different things, but yeah see a doc.

If that came out of your nose then you really need to see a doctor.

Stop eating pizza all day long and maybe add in a little fiber, fucking NEET

Worse.. my ass

You ate too many cashews fam

Hey bro, have you eaten a lot of cashews recently?

^this guy is clearly a faggot

How's your pancreas, user? If it's tender to palpitation you should go to a doc asap.

oily poo. could be gall stones, chrons or you stuffed your asshole with chinese food.

Fucking reported. You don't know shit about my life you fucking cunt. You better watch out or you'll be getting this fire dick.

That’s one greasy shit

A mother fuckload yes every morning but i was also a heavy alcoholic for 5 years and just quit a week ago and this happened.
Very scared i was a week too late quitting.
In the doc office now

Cut the cashews my dude. Literally had this happen to me about a week and a bit ago. Also sharted oil while working out. If a fart feels wet, it's probably oil.

- What you put in your body eventually comes out of your ass
- People have shitphobia and don't wanna look at their shit

Protip: Might wanna start paying attention to your shit, whats goes through your body and how your body reacts to it is slightly important.

Or pretend to be tough guys while running to the hospital crying like a faggot.. either way.

Thanks bro, I'll be sure to reduce my cashew intake. You kinda sound like a faggot though

Some fish can do that too. A lot of butter too. I've had this happen a few times. It goes away after a couple days. You'll live

Looks like you’ve got cancer

So the doc ordered a ton of blood tests.
She heard what i ate yesterday and pressed the shit out of my organs, no pain.
She says i might be ok. Will update with shitpic after test results come back

Oh also might have parasites when i showed her the pic

Cool bro, hope it's not aids. We don't need to lose another Trump supporter. Praying for you. God bless.

Let it go for a day or two. If it doesn't go away, see a doctor.