If guns are bad, why is Switzerland one of the safest countries in the world despite having lots of guns?

If guns are bad, why is Switzerland one of the safest countries in the world despite having lots of guns?

Because they have an insane amount of regulation on gun ownership and ammunition purchasing you know the scary shit you guys are against

Not really.

Getting ammo and guns in Switzerland is a piece of cake.

I'm gonna bet it's the lack of shitskins in general.

Ethnic groups
German 65%
French 18%
Italian 10%
Romansch 1%
other 6%

Switzerland has far less "gun control" than the US.

What they dont have are free roaming whackjobs and 33% of the population who refuses to assimilate/takes active pride in being "others"

because they're mainly guns retained from national service and have either been decommissioned or they don't keep ammo for them.

annnnd that is patently false. Switzerland has a shooting culture stronger than the US. Imagine the Cali Libtards losing their minds when the NRA comes to grade schools to sign kids up for summer shooting camps

The easy answer is, mentally ill are locked away where they can not mingle with society (less "mass shootings") and there is a massive lack of "cultural diversity" (Which accounts for 95% of all gun crime in the US)

It’s because they don’t have nignogs

Because swis arent retarded Americans raised in shithole america. OHHH CAAAANADAAAA!

What a bunch of bullshit.

I'm in Switzerland and I own an AR15 and ammo for it.

Fun fact. You can get automatic firearms far far easier than an American can. Not to mention you can purchase new automatic weapons, which no one in the US can except police departments (not even individual officers)

Because Switzerland is a first world country.

Lmao thats funny seeing as how most of the people who shoot up places are white

I heard their soldiers are allowed to take home their rifles.

Read the previous comments on locking away the mentally ill.

Your chances of dying in a "mass shooting" btw as an average US citizen is around that of dying from a falling coconut

And explosives, body armor, radios, etc

Their citizens however are allowed to own all of that as well, and without all the licensing that is required in the US

Have you ever been to Switzerland? The culture over there is so different from the US.
Less idiocy. Less whackjob religious fanatics who go batshit about the gubnment taking their weapons. Also, the population is way smaller.

In any case, there has been a vivid discussion and research on your question, which you can easily access over the internet.

The USA has a white majority. Any other result would be strange.
Now look up homicides per capita and be astonished at the overrepresentation of blacks and hispanics.

Fuck Im moving there. Just need an EU passport.


Muh freedom rather than some fucking public education or healthcare for the fuckups.


no one cares about your stupid fucking country retard

Want to be really amazed? Subtract "hispanic whites" from the overall white figures and realize that actual white people in the US commit statistically tiny amounts of crime

They have a higher rate of gun related crime than all of their neighbors. Do your research, fag.

It's down to three things. The first is density. Most shootings occur in high population density areas but the population density in Swiss cities is much lower than the population density in American towns.

Secondly, Americans live in a perpetual state of fear over money. They perceive everything as a threat to their wellbeing and prosperity and are living on the stressful ragged edge most of the time which means any perceived slight will push them into a violent response. This is why less gun murders occur in calm, self-sufficient rural areas with strong community spirit despite high gun ownership.
The Swiss have free healthcare, free schools and less pressure to "Be Rich".

Thirdly, the Swiss are quiet, polite, calm, Atheist people whereas most Americans are arrogant jerkholes who think they *Are* God.

You wont ever become a Swiss citizen, and without citizenship you have almost no rights to the things citizens do.

No niggers.

I have an Irish and British passport. Ireland's in the EU so is Switzerland. So I can live there.

yeah as if anyone ever dared to miscount the hordes of deliverance inbred morons that shoot each other to prove they are not gay

ahhhh....Switzerland has a higher Christian adherence rate than the US, and second only to Italy. There is a reason the Swiss guard still protect the Pope to this day

Sure... but you do know that you dont have any of the rights of a Swiss citizen right? You would be a resident alien. Which basically gives you the right to exist and not much else

That sucks

Switzerland is not on EU

That's why their country don't sucks

Its absolutely this. No question.

>higher Christian adherence
you seriously comparing european christians to banjobashing freaks that failed the chromosome lottery?

But overwhelming majority of all shootings arent done by whites.

I always though they have tons of albanians and other balkan shitskins

While strictly true, its not correct in practice. Switzerland allows EU citizens to move freely into the country, but does not allow them to work, they can never get public assistance/health care, they can not vote, own firearms, can not hold any kind of public office, and in certain cantons, can not even worship in Chruches

Keep in mind Brazil has very strict gun control and more gun deaths per year than the US. It's a crime problem, not a gun problem.

Shortcut to correct answers:

Just on the news, if you look for actual data (police, fbi,...), blacks do more than half of gun murders.

This. Brazil has a HUGE amount of nigger blood in thier population.

No, thats Germany, and one of the reasons why Switzerland floated the idea of leaving the single market so as to keep the shitskins from using EU Passports to even enter the country.

They ended up changing the laws so that an EU Passport is nothing more than a "come visit us, then leave when you run out of money" ticket, as you can not get public assistance, work, etc

And a very strict gun control, we even have knife control here.

>f you look for actual data (police, fbi,...), blacks do more than half of gun murders.

Absolutely. They are just shooting other blacks, so there is no candy there for the media.

Because Switzerland is not part of the EU, therefore they aren't required to import violent people from 3rd world shitholes into their country. The Swiss have cultural homogeneity, the result of which is a strong sense of communal responsibility.

Ya, I see how well thats working. Although Im told crime in brazil isnt as bad as I think.

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

Lol, some states on Brasil are a war zone, we have more murders per habitat than half of africa

Yikes. I believe it.

as opposed to US that accepts millions of refugees every year?

considering they start 80% of all world wars there has to be a lot of them

or it could be the inbred morons that do military service to protect their country

In São Paulo, a 42 mi state we have literally a police killing squad called ROTA

they have no niggers

The swiss are the definition of peace.

>more of less the same land for hundreds of years
>didn't participate in any world wars
>highly educated, highly trained individuals with guns don't shoot each other

America on the other hand...
>very short history and a mash of cultures
>always at war
>masses of poorly educated, untrained individuals with guns shoot each other

How? don't understand the dibberence!

Exactly, terrorists wanna do something? They go to murica, someone wants to shoot up a school? Only in murica, someone wants to nuke a country? Let’s nuke murica.

no Americans
no brown people (redundant after Americans lololol)
socialized medicine
no poor people

who gives a shit?

Switzerland is relatively culturally homogeneous and has the population of Los Angeles county.

A country like that is not a good basis for determining our own level of gun control. Or anything else for that matter. Compare like to like.

No crap education like the rest of EU
No free immigration
No free welfare to those who don't want to work
No atheism or socialist government

Maybe you are right, but why is their soccer team full with non white names then? Because that's what always made me think they are just as cucked as germany.

Pretty muchly all of this. It's a socialized governmental system, the kind of socialism that scares the utter fuckballs out of American Politicians because it works and it would be the end of Conservatives and Democrats if they did it in the states.

Implying that Switzerland isn't absolute conservative and has a christian government

American education

Sports are a bad indication. If you are good at something any country will let you come play for them. Look at hockey in the US, you would think the entire country was over run by Canadians and Russians

>if it work is socialism
European education

If the US applied Swiss thinking to everything, sure it would work. The US would need to deport 30+% of the entire country though, drastically change immigration laws, welfare laws, etc

Could it work? Sure, but it is also 1000% against everything Progressive Americans have been pushing for the better part of 130 years

There isn't really any country like the US then. So you can't compare gun crime in the US to gun crime in the UK or Australia. That ruins alot of anti gun arguments.

It’s really simple actually, no muricans. Muricans grow up watching and listening to their parents/country talk about “muh rights” because MURICA! They also grow up watching their govt be the “world police” because MURICA! Now factor in the way you see most muricans talk and act on Sup Forums and it all becomes clear.

There are probably a few reasons, but the most important is that it isnt full of drooling retards

having a parking ticket can get your gun taken in switzerland you have mental cases being able to buy weapons . you can even find serveral youtube videos disproving your poster op is a fake news faggot

Because they are civilised and can be trusted with guns
Whereas Amerifags can’t


they arent ignorant scum like the dirty retarded cousin fucking idiots in amerika

Culture around guns, the type of government and social policy they have, and the type of weapons they have. Military service is mandatory, so they are all trained, that think of guns as scary, not "cool" or masculine, and they're all carbines and hunting rifles, not high-late powered handguns and aren't modified highly assault-style weapons meant to more efficiently kill humans. They're all generally standard-issue with minor militarization kits and not much more. They just "do guns better" because they have established a regime of control and respect, not freedom and identity-politics.

You are fake news

You can’t compare Brazil to a 1st world country you fucking idiot

Thats bullshit. You are allowed to own a gun and store it at home, but you are not allowed to store the ammo at home.

Then why are US mass shootings usually a white guy?

>Culture around guns, the type of government and social policy they have, and the type of weapons they have.
>Military service is mandatory, so they are all trained, that think of guns as scary, not "cool" or masculine,
You've never being to Switizerland, they like guns more than american do
>and they're all carbines and hunting rifles, not high-late powered handguns and aren't modified highly assault-style weapons meant to more efficiently kill humans.
They have assault rifles, guns made for war, not pistols that media call "assault guns"
>They're all generally standard-issue with minor militarization kits and not much more.
Most buy a lot of guns besides those government giver for free

Because white guys are more violent, no matter if statistics show the oposite

Really great explanation.
It's so ridiculous that guns are considered masculine, and really points of pride in the US.
So many autistic people in the US that have not the slightest idea about gun safety.

Why does reddit and tumblr fags came to Sup Forums when there is a shooting

>gun related crime

There's no such thing you moron.

Sorry kid. The stats speak for themselves.
Blacks are such a minority in this country, but commit around half of violent crimes.
I personally think that Hispanics/Latinos are the most violent and aggressive subspecies. Look at what they do in Mexico and South America. They're scum.

>Thats bullshit. You are allowed to own a gun and store it at home, but you are not allowed to store the ammo at home.

Swiss here, you are wrong as fuck.

Ammo is easily available.

Why do retards always say that when they know 99% of people that come on Sup Forums also go to tumblr and reddit?

Because Switzerland actually has proper mental health care that wouldn't cost the patient all of their life savings.

The extreme left is damaging American society to the extent that a large number of young men don't know where they fit in anymore and are lashing out in the attempt to discover some meaning or purpose

It's not because you do shit, that every one else does.

Swiss user here.Because we are not allowed to weare fire arms for self deffence. We are not allowed to shoot someone at all, that mean even in a self defence situation it's a pain in the ass to prove you're not the bad guy. If someone break in to your home you just can't do anything before he shoot at you, so immagine if the bad guy come with a bat and you shoot him, you go to jail. Outside of your home, you can take your gun to go to the shooting area by the shorter way you have. If not you're in touble. We have a completly different relation with guns.

>Compare like to like.
Where else on the planet are we going to find a libertarian country that has "muh rights" and 323 million fat retards?

Because they are not reatrded americans

You’re only lying to yourself kid, nobody here believes you (or will believe you)

Now for age test, will he reply again denying it?

Was verzellsch du für scheiss man?

If someone enters your house you just empty the entire magazine on the guy and then say that you acted out of fear.

No judge will convict you for this. It has happened lots of times.

I have a friend that shot a Somalian trying to break into his room with a rubber slug from his shotgun and he didn't go to jail.

Source, other shills


Did you just google “how to 4chin”? Cause you’re doing it wrong.

It's actually not. Been to Switzerland, play online games with buddies from Switzerland. Getting AMMO is quite difficult

Yeah I might be a bit extreme but if you look at the law, you better not have to dischage your gun... your friend used rubber slug, which first purpose is not to kill. I guess the juge was considering that fact. For me the key factor is that we can't have a gun on us and in our gloves box if you know what I mean.

You can buy ammo in Switzeland at convenience stores and hardware stores. You just need an ID to prove you are 16+

imagine actually believing this