Im calling a meeting tomorrow at my practice. if they believe in the 2nd amendment they're clearing their desks...

im calling a meeting tomorrow at my practice. if they believe in the 2nd amendment they're clearing their desks. im removing all of my social media friends who enable homicide. im disowning my father in law. its time to make a difference once and for all.

Other urls found in this thread:

u r a fag

sounds solid, good luck with the inevitable employee lawsuits

Hmmm, well if I can't shoot you with a gun, guess I could beat your head in with a rock.

And for the uneducated, most LE professionals support responsible civilians owning firearms. Just saying.

just bought another 5 lower receivers to give out to people in your honor OP

Damn, didn't know they made cunts that big.

thats not how it works. the terms of their employment allow this and the ink has been dried for a while

who gives a fuck ..

yet another yank school shooting isn't news it's just another Wednesday

>the terms of their employment allows me to fire them if they support the constitution
I hope your legal counsel rapes the fuck out of your wallet

I have another idea unrelated to gun ownership. Drunk drivers kill lots of people every year. We should make it illegal to sell alcohol at restaurants. That would significantly decrease the number of drunk drivers out there. Now that I think about it, we should just bring prohibition back.

Reasonableness people.


ban cars

Lmfao b8/10

YES!!! BAN EVERYTHING...because a bunch of fuck-sticks don't know how to behave.

Unfortunately prohibiton never left. The failed war on drugs has ruined america

"my practice"

A Fisher-Price dry erase board is not "a practice," "counselor."

Do what makes you happy.



>yet another yank school shooting isn't news it's just another Wednesday

Yeah, it gets boring.
News told me, they allready had 6 mass shootings this year. sigh...

When all you have is gif memes to communicate with. I bet you don’t have an original thought I’m your head ya simp

If everyone had a gun this couldn't happen. As soon as a school shooting starts, the gunman is taken out. Then next person considering a school shooting will think twice

This IS an image board, after all.
Perhaps you should enroll in a PhD program, after you get on top of the GED prep class of yours.

You're right, let's start with you. You'll go quietly soon enough

good I expect you shall be leaving here as well then

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


shit b8, but somehow these idiots fall for it...

Well yeah, but now it's become a hypothetical discussion.

>its time to make a difference once and for all.
Yeah, that's totally going to make a difference, you should totally start a petition to make murder illegal also.


This is so fucking retarded, “let’s just give everyone a gun and then no one will get shot” fuck you, if more guns = less gun violence then the US would have the least amount of gun deaths per capita among developed nations... spoiler alert its the fucking opposit

No! You're retarded, you retard.
So there. Nyah.

Yeah because gun related deaths are just a natural as water and breathing... you’ve been so numbed by these mass shootings you can’t even see how rare it is to ever other first world countries. Stop being a defeatist... gun related deaths can be reduced, make it harder to get them

hahaha, faggot

You won't be missed.

Nice trips dumbass, you really showed me

School shootings are just an unfortunate, occasional byproduct of freedom. Sorry if you 3rd world soyboys cant handle that.

you must be the same guy that fired all the trump supporters
bait thread btw

0/10 try again.

I miss my service pistol...

We like our gun related deaths. It weeds out the slow and stupid.

If we didn't cull the herd every now and again, why, we'd be just like Europeans.

>ad hominem
nice argument user

Take suicides and crimes committed by illegally obtained guns

The people you fire will be happier without you faggot no one likes you cuck. Wait till I find your Law firm and put out the illegal firing you are doing. What will you say they respect the law so I fired them? Ha Ha good luck paying for your coke

>im removing all of my social media friends who enable homicide. im disowning my father in law.
no you're not, bitch ass nigga

Hahaha enjoy you freedoms by working your 40+ hours a week at minimum wage with two weeks off a year and over paying for your healthcare because you’re obese while getting shot at while at a concert! USA USA!

>prevent school shooting with school shooting to make sure theres no more school shootings

fool proof plan if you ask me

Guy speaks sooth. After all, no concert mass killings in Europe.

Oh, wait. Ariana Grande called. She says you're an ignorant faggot.

God I hope you get shot in the head first when a nut decides to shoot up the wal-mart you and your buds hangout at in bumfuck nowhere USA

AR15 owners should be banished.

Meme it, I'm out.

Op is a faggot.

If everyone had guns we wouldn't know who did it.

Gatta love when the at-will employment can be used against them.


Guns first.

Way to be a total faggot, OP.

>im calling a meeting tomorrow at my practice. if they believe in the 2nd amendment they're clearing their desks
Enjoy getting sued into bankruptcy.

We should ban soft drinks and all sugary drinks then, because they are responsible for way more deaths than shooters (millions). Fuck it, let's ban refined sugar altogether, it is the most damaging and deadly health threat Americans face, according to doctors. And these sugar deaths are completely unnatural, especially compared to water and've been so numbed by these diabetes and heart attacks and cancer you can't even see how rare it is to other first world countries. Stop being a defeatist. Sugary food deaths can be reduced, make it harder to get them.

You don't care about deaths you hypocrite. You should hear yourself. At least if you had the balls to just say you what you really want--ban all guns outright, people on both sides would respect you for being honest. Fucking snake.

Yeah those are also taken into account statistically for other countries. It’s still ridiculous and if you want to take the trade off for you being able to own your rifles that you’ve named and accept the massacres that happen now every other week you are a terrible human being and deserve to die in a gun shooting. I’d lol at seeing you try to take down a gunman yourself

Enjoy getting shot by all your employees, retard.

you basement dwelling commies are all the same

Those are because of mudslimes. That’s another issue from gun control entirely. White people are usually the cause of massacres in your country so what do you say about that??


and another photo of the shooter

Ho fucking boy here we GOOOOOOOOOO. Down the fucking rabbit hole of 2 party circlefuck.

why would he get sued? he has the right to fire them just like people could fire niggers who goto BLM marches. Hes not infringing on their right to have a firearm. and no this doesnt count as discrimination.

stay mad kid

Guns wouldn't be a problem if you anti-gun faggots would stop killing people with them to try to get them banned.

I have another idea. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in america, so we should close down all fast food restaurants. Furthermore should ban red meats for having carcinogens, and cancer is the 2nd leading cause of deaths in america.

I’m not hiding the fact I think guns should be close to impossible for an average joe to get. And I’m regards to all of your examples ... do you honestly compare guns to soda and unhealthy eating habits? People at least know that what their eating is unhealthy and could kill them one day, but making it stupid easy to get a gun and murder a dozen people who are innocent is equivalent right??

I enjoy living in the top 1% wealth bracket of the world, while having the best health care in the world at an affordable price paid by my employer that pays me better then half of the country and they contribute 6% to my retirement plan while giving me 4 weeks of vacation while not getting shot anywhere because I live in Texas and we shoot first.

Keke. I like how every internet enthusiast knows so much about guns and how they are always being handed out.

I guarantee you criminals will become exponentially more dangerous in a gunless America than in an armed one

>I'm firing everyone at my law firm who believes in the Constitution

Good plan, Snowflake.

If you are a troll good bait man.

If not troll then you should just move on. if elementary kids getting massacrd changed nothing why would this change anything?

Just move on man it's not worth it half of our population if not more thinks we need more guns or some other dumb a** idea

Okay, Alex Jones.

He would get sued because political positions are covered in the EEOD as protected. He would get sued even if he had his employees sign something that said he could do so because citizens are not able to sign away their rights. Op is a larper. He is not a lawyer he is just pretending

You better not consider buying one or I'll call you a racist biggot who is a murderer. Fuck you -lefty lou

Are you telling us to ignore school shootings because someone might get their feelings hurt? Are you fucking for real, my guy?

That sounds like an issue with cop complacency, something we could fix via new laws... as well as gun restrictiing

>no this doesnt count as discrimination
its a bit of a grey area but technically, the argument can be made that he is discriminating based on their lifestyle choice (gun ownership) or their differing political opinions from his own. Neither one affects their jobs, so neither is a legitimate reason to fire someone, so it could easily be claimed as discrimination.

Also, he is a retard for thinking the second amendment existing is the issue here, so firing staff for that shit is very much in line with what a retard would do

No my point is this is a normal occurrence why should you be shocked or change anything about your life. Like I said Sandy Hook there still some people who don't even think it happened.

That’s great for you... tells more about how you treat and view the other 99% than anything else

sure kid

Hey OP, dont be a hypocrite and cancel the Office christmas party, while youre up on your moral high horse.

Dude. Back off.
He's talking about a Service Pistol. It calms him down when starts getting the PTSD shakes and lets him know when he needs to take his insulin.

>this is a normal occurrence


Alright buddy, get on your vigilante mask and get back out there! There’s a lot of criminals you need to stop apparently

Proooo pagandaaa

>What we can confirm, however, is that the Laguna Beach Antifa account(s) are fake.
>Update: The young man depicted is a 24-year-old named Marcel,

So funny that you guys tried that shit on the vegas shooter too.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, sex, or ethnic origin; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits discrimination against employees 40 years and older; and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of disabilities and requires that employers reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities who can otherwise perform a job. As with other labor standards, independent contractors generally would not be covered by anti-discrimination laws.

sorry faggot political views are not covered under anti discrimination laws. protip, an employer can fire you for supporting free speech so long as he doesnt actually prohibit you from exercising that right. hes not preventing anyone from owning guns, hes just firing people WHO CHOOSE TO . which is his right as an employer.

It's the price we have to pay for freedom. Why don't you desire freedom, user?

Oh I don't know because has been 30 mass shootings in the US since the start of this bucking new here you dumb mother Fugger

>do you honestly compare guns to soda and unhealthy eating habits
No because there is no comparison, many order of magnitude more deaths are directly caused by soda and unhealthy eating, and you are giving people way too much credit to people if you think 'they know what they are eating' (learn the difference between they're and their, btw, you do nothing for your credibility). A dozen people being murdered is nowhere near millions of people suffering and having decreased quality of life and eventually death. Nope, not equavalent at all (as dramatic as you try and sound, that is not a point in your favor, genius)

There's no difference between you and people who go around saying 'all muslims are terrorists' or 'all illegals are drug smuggling rapists and murderers', because you want to put responsibility on an entire group of people for the actions of an (ACTUAL) few. You want to violate lawful people's rights and have their property seized, because you are afraid. Your bullshit is getting old.

I'm not a super hero. I'm trying to explain something people don't seem to understand.

people think that if you stop the gun, you stop the killings. no. you stop the gun killings. you don't stop the killings. you don't even stop all of the gun killings. you can get a gun in Japan for fuck's sake

Because we've turned school into extended Kinder Care and our children no longer have any clue how to deal with emotional issues and social problems by this age because their parents have crawled up their asses every moment of the day and resolved things for them, until the day they don't, and the now pre-adult just loses his fucking mind.

political positions are not covered. sorry faggot go back to mexico and come back when you understand how american laws work.

That was terrorism by a sandnigger not a americuck who bought an ar at a grocery.

user hates Freedom, man.
He's a freedom hater. We're freedom lovers.
He just doesn't get it. Don't try. But if you find out who he is?
Shoot him.