C4 quadriplegic. AMA

C4 quadriplegic. AMA.

Do you feel your peepee

How do you live on? In your position I'd just anhero.

Neva gif ub! How fast can your ferrari go?

Gf jacks me off.

That day might be coming soon. Shit is getting fucking old.


Life throws you some curves, you gotta roll with that shit.
C5 incomplete, 31 years post injury, sittin' on the crappa, ama.

Yup. I'm 12 years post.

Shits rough dude.

I remember getting up into the teens then all of a sudden it was the high 20's, it's as if all of a sudden time sped up out of no where. I think about taking a handfull of pills, god knows they give you enough, but I got a pretty great life and some good family that help. Shits starting to break down so I don't know how long I got.

Exactly. Bones are already cracking and poppin. Doing stim everyday. Stretch as much as I can.

Got a woman?

Yeah, married for 17 years, I met her a year after my injury, been together ever since.

Not bad. I'm at 6 years with mine. Just not married. Yet at least.lol

Work at all?

How did you guys end up like this? Accident? Sports injury? Disease?

OP. Mine was a dirk bike accident.

your fault?

Yup. Bike stalled in the air. Front end dropped. And I bailed right onto my neck.

Some, not anything gainful. I had good insurance and a decent settlement plus VA. No need to work really, just to keep myself busy. Anyway working in the real world sucks, all of my sci friends that did are either dead from some sort of infection, or a permantly fucked with broken down asses and are in bed 24-7.

Hit by a careless 20 year old on my mc. Not my fault, she pulled right out in front of me.

That's my fear. 12 hours in my chair is almost hell.

I was in rehab with a kid that did the same thing. He was like 16.

Mine happen at 13. Wasted my life away.

Almost 25 and damn near spent half my life in a chair.

I'm in and out of mu chair from 6am untill 11pm, being able to transfer yourself makes a huge difference. I can get a break when I need it, sometimes I just go sit in the car if we're out, or my recliner at home.

can that chair drift

Is your chair like the quadraplegic version of a boosted board?

God I wish I broke a few more down instead where I did. My arms are weak af.

Nani...? Disabled Dorifto...


You ever consider something like mentoring, I helped some guys out along the way and help myself in the process.

Eh I tried. But I can't do it. I'm too negative about. Hard to be positive about shit when your in a rut and everyone goes flying by.

Sucks user. #metoo

Some of can drift manual chairs on wet linoleum. Good times.

Explain to me how exactly you guys are able to get married or have a long term dedicated girlfriend with your condition?

Im not being rude i just almost cant believe that a a woman would stick around or be faithful ya know? Even if you were married before the accident or whatever... It would be really hard and sad for her and it would crush her emotionally to do it but she would eventually leave you or have an affair. Then she would eventually have no more pain and be happily married/attached to another man. You would be a fistant memory. Sad stuff.

So how? Whats in it for her?

OP should get a pair of 1,000 scooter hub motors and a lithiun pack. I'm building one to hoon aroind and smugle booze at rock festivals

Post results if u do. Op smoking tires aroind town would be sick for gifs

Welcome back! Was in your thread earlier this week.

Guess my question would be what was the most annoying encounter you had with someone trying to patronize you ect.

I don't know man, non disabled here, I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend couldn't move her legs, I love her for who she is not because of the sick tricks she might be able to do on a skateboard

were you wearing a neck brace? I ride too and I'm scared now...

I know that feeling all too well, I got in a rut about 10 years ago, it took about 3 years to get out of it. My foot broke down an wound care ate up a lot of time before I got it healed, and it's broke down again. Not too bad this time.

Shit goes thru my head time from time. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she's cheated. I can't fuck her the way she prob wants to be. I don't know. But I'm only good for emotional support. That's it really. She's super shy in public so I always make conversation with whomever first.

I don't know. Confidence is super low for me these days.

Yea dude but your a man. A male. You have a sense of honor and nobility and can choose to obide by that. Women dont have these qualities. They dont know honor.

Damn I'm sorry to hear that anons. You've convinced me to never buy a motorbike.

Lol sup!

Ehh people see me start getting short with them and nodding. They get the hint most the time.

When I went voting (for trump) some lady near the booths was giving me the whole 'god has plans for you' speech and wanted me to come to her church.

saw the exact thread and exact picture exactly a week ago on Thursday. Fuck off LARP

We have a great relationship, have sex, I'm incomplete so I'm functional, and she doesn't want for anything or I give it to her. Really no different than any other able bodied couple, sure there's some challenges like kids, but we have a bunch of nieces and nephews that were around when they were kids.

Nope. Leatt came out with theirs the next year. No evidence those actually do anything tho.

kinda stupid question, but how immobile are you exactly? do you have any degree of control over your hands, fingers, toes, etc?

Ah. I seen this thread a long while ago. You and your gf have been together for like 4-5 years or something and it was a dirt bike that made you crippled.

Want proof, faggot?

Want some more pics and a timestamp faggot?

a photoshopped timestamp like last time?

Arms only. No hand or finger function.

Lol damn near on point. This is a sign I gotta lay low before someone finds out who I am.

Suck my cock now?

Understandably so bro. Its sad to think about but if i was in your position i would kinda understand if my wife cheated. Or even packed up and left. Like yeah i believe she truly loves me but at what point do my problems have the right to drastically alter her life? Ya know? It would suck. Hate to see ya go... but i understand. Live and enjoy your life my love. Ill be fine. (but not really)

How do you type? Voice to text?

That's funny, here's something that isn't, still om the crappa.

Wouldn't want me to finger out who you are? Muahahaha. I ride a Honda F4I 600cc and would hate to go down

exactly my thoughts. almost feels like she just lies anymore. like i can't look at it any other way.

Ohh... I thought you guys were paralized in all four limbs..?

Can the both of you explain the extent of your paralysis or mobilty issues?

tap my thumb on my iphone screen. and tap my pinky knuckle on my keyboard.

yo give me a link to get those boots. my feet need those.

lol ehh. it'd be whatever.

yeah that's a big bike, yo.

Damn man. Lies about what?

op. we almost are. higher up the spine you go, the more you loose. c5 and c6 arms are usually stronger.

just reassuring me she loves me, would never cheat on me, i'm the best thing in her life, loves our sex.

and my head just denies it. how tf could you be so in love with a crip who needs some much help everyday?

Mine like I said is imcomple, so I have a crevical injury but my paralysis is in someplaces spotty, my core is very strong as are most of my upper body, my hands are partly paralyzed. My lower is getting pretty bad these days. I use a manual chair to get around.

Ha, those are just black ace wraps to keep my feet from balooning.

Ride safe nigger. 636 rider gets some dick in a Taxi slammed into me last year in the city. Shit kinda hurt a lot for a few days I’m lucky it wasn’t worse. I would hate to get taken out and not be able to ride around anymore

Well, i was laid up for over a year. Lost wages, no insurance.

Fell out of a roof building a church and got a metal plate in ny foot.

Shit hurts all day every day but i can limp around an hour or two if i need. So I'm gratefull i guess.

Thing is tho now i can't work until my 80s like i planed. Probably got 10-20 years left max before i gotta get wheels for anything besides a real short walk.

Since I was broken and bored i started studying personal finance and investing.

Mfw becoming a cripple caused the best financial descision i will ever make.

The wife and I are shopping for our 3rd house and one of my best friends is very likely getting a job at one of the biggest lawfirms on earth and making a modest salary of 196k to start.

Told that faggot I'ma need a "small loan of a million dollars." KEK. Asshole keeps talking about retirement down the road but he doesn't know we in a short as fuck driveway.

Highly suggest it wheelbros. Great time killer you can get rich taking small road trips to check out property.

Mfw becoming a cripple caused the best financial descision i will ever make. The emporerhimself even wrote and made cameo appearances in a few.

user you will. Shitty movie had a quote "only 2 kinds of riders, those that been down and those that are gonna go down."

I mean i simcerely hope not. But finding anyone with a bike whose had it a coupke years and hasn't at shit is a challenge.

Just wear good ppe and dont do stupid faggot shit like wheelies at 90.

Get a chrashbike and play in a parking lot instead

This pic. Holy shit