Well here we are... Yet another senseless massacre perpetrated by ANOTHER White Nationalist... RIP

Well here we are... Yet another senseless massacre perpetrated by ANOTHER White Nationalist... RIP

Below is what I posted last week and most of you cucks had hissy fits to no end, Well I hope your happy Sup Forums

>Who's going to be the next contestant on ALT-RIGHT Shooters Gallery? 4 years and so far 14. When is America going to wake up and admit that homegrown terrorists are the real problem? Not as long as we have a complete and utter moron as POTUS and the fucking NRA pwns majority of the republicans... America, what the fuck happened to you? :-( Come on Sup Forums lets step up and ACTUALLY make America a LEADER again! It starts with us!

Other urls found in this thread:



>U can't

Y' all are eating DUMBNESS in the order of quadrillions per second.

Thats why America will get fucked up totally soon, just wait.

okay you anti-constiution commie whatever you say

Check yo self before you wreck yo self , Cuz big dicks in yo ass is bad fo yo health. Fag.

inbreeds are morons just like trump

we already are, from our own politicians and run of the mill nut jobs like this sorry fuck

you're either a nigger, or retarded and thus functionally a nigger.

He is really pushing the definition of white.

Your either a mental case, or the next school shooter, either of which still makes you a fag you fag. Your probably a trap with mum issues kek

Can't bruise the Cruze


This is what he posted on a youtube video of the Charles Whitman 1966 Texas school shooting

Ted Cruz is the senator of Florida
>Ted hired Niklous to do it for a political gain

the dude that posted the video alerted the FBI back in September about this... Good thing Trump cut the Domestic Terrorism task Force budget by 80%


So far Trumps response has been: "Trump had tweeted early this morning, "So many signs that the Florida shooter [Nikolas Cruz] was mentally disturbed" -- and he stuck to that Thursday, saying he was committed to improving mental health programs."

>Worth nothing ... almost exactly a year ago, Trump signed a bill revoking gun checks for people with mental illness.


first off 14 is not a lot at all considering the population size. In Islamic countries there are up to 1000 terror attacks in 1 year with nowhere near the population size, depending on the country in question. That's the only terrorist anyone worries about in the US and that's restricted to the context of unchecked mass immigration only. 2nd, all the 14 shootings have not been "altright" shooters. 3rd, this minor problem, imo, has been an issue far before anyone knew that our current POTUS was even possible and escalated during Democratic rule, taking no sides in this clown car, but it's a factual observation.

So what you're saying does not at all follow and to add, a bunch of homosexuals on an image board that "fap" to men with breast aren't going to do shit to solve anything that really matters. So just STFU and set yourself on fire you absolute retarded faggot.

have a terrible day. I will not be responding or reading anything you have to say, in fact I'm leaving. Your voice does not mean a thing to anyone. What a brain dead faggot.

He's a registered Democrat you cuck.

He's also Hispanic, not white,



The media give all perpetrators gratuitous white privilege. Like Zimmerman in the Trayvon case - he was dubbed "White Hispanic" as a way to highlight the racial aspects.

Y'all w*hitiod devil's need to die, I'm giving y'all white* niggers 13 hours to pack y'all shit and move to the woods or else I'm coming for ya

He's white.

Dozens die in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, DC every month and nobody gets the sads...

It's just because the victims in this case are white. Am I right?

who gives a fuck if he's a dem or rep? He's a fucking white nationalist you fucking moron. It's not about left vs right(even tho he wanted to "Kill Antifa" - get a fucking clue you POS, dnt u care about ur country?

>Nikolas Cruz

Hispanics can be white, black, asian, ect, and any mix thereof. It's an umbrella term to take into consideration any person, of any race, with historical ties to Spain.

>me waiting for you to read my response

no...he is hispanic.

No, he isn't. Just look at him.

The dems are left.

well he was adopted but he sure looks white, also you know there's the WHITE NATIONALIST PART OF THE STORY. So he hates himself like most school shooters

It’s funny how the whole “mental health” and not in the right mind to make choices thing works to reaffirm peoples biases.

Nice try whitey, he's white.

>White Nationalist
>Democrat / Hispanic

Pick one OP. You can't have both.

Fake news this is just another hillary plant. We all know hillary doesn't like kids after all.

>last name Cruz

pick one

inb4 latinos are white nonsense

you always have the same argument. He trained with white nationalist, take that dick out of your ass user


He was framed by black lives matter


most school shooting are by niggers

checkmate op is a fag

Nikolas was not mentally disturbed. He was fed up with the bullshit that teenagers exude from every pore of their bodies. When are you retarded niggers going to realize that the real reason that people shoot up schools because they are CONSTANTLY ostracized and bullied, and one day they just fucking snap.

he was adopted try again, also how many Hispanics do you know with green fucking eyes and borderline reddish hair, ffs...

Want to know how I know that this Cruz guy's ethnicity isn't Caucasian?

Because if he were it would be blasted all over media, specifically liberal media. I've already checked every liberal media source I know of and I can't find his ethnicity listed once.

Good thing the FBI is too busy investigating Russia to do anything about this




High school students are not registered voters.

Kids get bullied. Kids say mean things. Shit, it's happened to a lot of us, I imagine.
Difference is, I didn't go shoot up a school. If you go to that extreme, you have a mental deficiency that doesn't allow you to process situations realistically.
We need to keep an eye on the mentally deficient, they're wildcards and they're problems.

He's 19, could definitely register to vote.

Ones over 18 are.

He's 19, in case you didn't notice.

UH DIP SHIT. You can be in highschool and be 18.

Nicolas ≠ Nikolas

I guarantee that the reason you did not shoot up a school was either you had no access to guns, or you were not bullied nearly as badly as some of the other kids there.

Remember you guys, believing filth like this is like believing in pizzagate: these are traitors to the flag and should be shot along with the mass shooter (who was a racist, alt-right trumpanzee)

they let it happen to use it as a point to attack guns
they do the same with inner city gun crime
they let it happen to have a nice statistic to point at.


he wasnt a current high school student.

The shooter was adopted by a gusano family. We don't know what his ethnicity is.

Nicolas ≠ Nikolas

Yup. There's just NO OTHER EXPLANATION. That's why people shoot up schools. No access to guns, didn't get bullied bad enough. There you go!

You've been confusing your Nick Cruzes.


You know, I didn't even notice his name was spelled with a K. Had to go to news headlines to double check you. Good call user.

He looks like Bert from Sesame Street

Who said anything about voting. but if someone was talking about voting i'll informed you that 1998 was 20 years ago.



School shooting suspect belonged to white nationalist group
PARKLAND, Fla. (AP) — An orphaned 19-year-old who participated in paramilitary drills with a white nationalist group was charged with murder Thursday in the deaths of 17 people who were fatally shot at a huge Florida high school in the nation’s deadliest school attack in five years.

Nikolas Cruz legally purchased the AR-15 rifle used in the assault at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.

As the criminal case against the suspect took shape, the leader of a white nationalist militia called the Republic of Florida said Cruz was a member of his group and participated in exercises in Tallahassee.

Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press that did not know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf” and is “solely responsible for what he just did.”


it's yours deplorables. OWN IT.


yeah i know right. if only we could get rid of all these niggers, spics, chinks and goat fuckers they'd have to reason to shoot shit up.

If Cruz did the shooting to get rid of niggers and spics, then why were there white victims too?


Lol I always come back to /b when there is a school shooting or a nigger dies. This is America's fault. You will never stop mass murders. Never in america.

Sure, let's assume that this guy is a White Supremacist.

I'm a registered Republican.

What makes you think I support this shit?

if dubs there's another shooting within a week

They obviously recruited a total fucking idiot.

You're still talking about the wrong Nick Cruz.
An easy thing to do when you're predisposed to jump at conclusions. MAGA!

That’s not him. His name is different

How many have there been in 2018? Eighteen in six weeks?
If only we could get them to shoot the right people.

I love how jelly all these high schoolers are. They will never be man enough to do something so awesome.

every drunk driving and car accident is a senseless massacre. try again.

I ask again.

It's pretty evident this guy was a White Supremacist.

What makes you think conservatives / Republicans support this guy?

LMAO white nationalist? sure ok user
OP never ceases to be an uneducated faggot
pic related

white nationalist?
was a member of "resistance" groups on face book and registered as a Democrat

I'm fully in agreement that torture needs to come back as a form of punishment for massive / severe crime.

I mean shit like removing a 2cm square patch of skin twice a day every day for their entire sentence, then pouring the most irritating chemicals in to the wound.

Scum like this get off way too easy.
They NEVER reform.
The ones that kill themselves or get killed get off even easier.

Cool table! We should be keeping stats, like they do with baseball and football players. Shots-to-kill ratios, things like that.

Poster here. I had EASY access to guns. Perhaps I was not bullied to the same extent (which you were just assuming he was bullied, that wasn't even proven...), but even still. Anyone can make choices in this life.
He chose to shoot up a school. Apparently he's super remorseful and on suicide watch now. Hope he dies.

>mfw the last 17 school shooters have been democrats

Because anytime someone brings up looking at guns, Republicans all scream they are trying to take our guns like they did in Nazi Germany and nothing gets done.

Nobody wants to take your guns. People want the ability to do more aggressive background checks and keep guns out of the hands of people that are not fit to buy them.

We require you to get a license to drive a car to verify you are responsible enough and know the rules of the road. We have done studies since the 60s and 70s to reduce auto fatalities with better safety standards.

But our CDC is not able to do any research on gun violence because of Republicans & the NRA. People on the FBI no fly list and government watch list can't be barred from buying guns.

We need common sense gunlaws, its to bad at least half our nation doesn't have common sense and they hear the words gun & law and scream "They are trying to take our guns! I have a right to defend my house against government tyranny! Like your fucking gun is going to do something if the Military decided to put a tank outside your door or drone strike you. Get fucking real.

I'm not sure massacre means what you think it does thickie.


No stephen paddock in the high score board?

>wrong spelling of Nikolas
>No freckles
>visibly fuller face
Try harder, Petrograd

>ha ha le epic white nationalist because he supports trump meme
Fuck off, reddit.

use his full name

Nicolas de Jesus Cruz

not white that is a Latino name