Why do you guys hate blacks so much?

Why do you guys hate blacks so much?

Also, inb4 somebody calls me a nigger.

we don't, just the culture of poor people in general. hating niggers is mostly just a meme

It just an easy and fun thing to do, really.

That's Understandable. Anything can because a meme this stage in age.


hating niggers is fun, but hating shit skin indians is justified

Because they're obnoxious retards who are prone to violent crime


We can start with the obnoxious "we won white bois" threads

I don't hate blacks.
I hate people who don't realize that friendship is more important and worth than honor
Honor is literally shit and for stupid people

You're not black you spanic or from the Eastern Europe/Western Asia

Nope I’m just light skin.

Also I don't hate black people who has a work or do something I hate blacks same as I hate white criminals.

Because Sup Forums is just full of a bunch of potential white American school shooters who come to b and Sup Forums to vent about how much they hate black people because Jamal dunked their head in a shit filled toilet earlier this week and Daquan is fucking their sister. White people all around hate black people and have for centuries for no particular reason at all. Its just who they are. Caucasoids are violent murderous genocidal reccesively gened cave dwelling swine with no regard for human life in the slightest.

dude wtf


only the fat retards on here are racist.
80% of the rest of us condemn them, and would put a round through their heads IRL if they had the courage to show themselves.

This is the only place they have the courage to be racist: online.


white trash is infinitely worse than any ghetto black.


pic related are the racists of Sup Forums

>Why do you guys hate blacks so much?
Violent subhumans. Loud and obnoxious. Not very smart.

Yeah because the people in your picture will stab you for your air jordans.

You're really fucking stupid user, sorry. Why not go suck hillary's wrinkled old beaver some more, pretend she won.

I don't hate blacks. I just don't want to live beside them, or interact with them. Is that racist?

Where did you get the picture of Sup Forums? I thought those guys don't even come out in the sunlight.

There are genuinely nice black people, it's just why can't they just live peacefully in their own country and not come to mine to leech off of our country and cause an increase in crime, that would be pretty cool. Keep your we waz kangz shit in your own continent.

Not black people, Niggers. There is a difference.

Niggers are on the level as white trash. Black people are on the same level as white people

>implying that's not an actual confirmed stormfront initiative to make whites hate blacks
There's a reason they're posted at regular intervals and OP never replies.

OP cannot inb4
you are a giga nigga


There's a difference between black people who are can respectable and straight up niggers

They did for a trump inauguration squirrel roast :D

someday your kind will be destroyed, trumpanzee :)

If it weren’t for black people, i would have already killed my self or others
>Im white
>suprisingly get along mainly with black people more than white poeple

kind of like the diff white people, and cracker trumpanzee hillbilly trash?

Nigger everyone hates what they don't understand


Because the attitude as a whole is sub human, like even down to a culture, picture an average white neighborhood, then an average black neighborhood. WAY different right? That’s why, because why would you want a culture like that in your country?

you're embarrasing yourself leftist fag
niggers are like animals and you cannot cooperate with them in anyway, they will backstab you, steal from you and lie to your face.

you're embarass


Nigger spotted

Pretty sure that applies to humanity in general

bait actually ;)

We don't. What we do hate, or maybe me specifically, is race baiting threads that just add to the division between black and white people. If you wonder where my opinions come from then you must understand that my family is from pretty much every European, African and Country there is.
Go take your intersectional politics and fuck off.

Blacks are great. The women are easy as fuck if you're a decent looking white guy, and the men like fat chicks.

So thanks for fucking the fat white girls, because I sure as hell don't want to.

Anything is cool with black folks. But niggers are the problem.

It’s like muslimbros. They are cool, sandniggers are the problem.

Or Hispanics. They are....well, all of them are shit.

I'd bet you a dollar every single one of those is posted by a white guy with a fetish or an axe to grind.

And what the fuck will you do if I’m fucking racist to your stupid face? That’s what I thought you faggot nigger

>you're embarrasing yourself leftist fag
>Being divided and conquered into righties and lefties
Wellp you're embarrassing the rest of us you conditioned cuck.

I don't like people. Skin color is stupid.

I’d take a Mexican over a nigger any day

we don't hate blacks, we hate niggers there's a difference between them

>Why do you guys hate blacks so much?
Mainly to troll, only retards who can't comprehend individuality hate and group an entire populous like a fucking race.

It's for lulz user, don't take the internet so seriously. Sure, there are some retards, but race won't matter in 100 years anyway.

you're the only cuck here you bellend, the left and right have always been divided and cannot coexist im not on either side anyway

Do you prefer black or white women?


Niggers haven't done anything to help society progress. Nothing. Not. A. Damn. Thing.

Up yours cracker

Fucking niggers are worthless.

have you?

For me it's mostly a meme, I have some distaste towards some black people, but that's towards individual people rather than the entirety of blacks. Hell, I dated a black chick for a year and it was pretty alright


All humans are violent you inbred, stop believing everything you see on tv.

You as a singular person do not contribute to the whole of this country. Let alone the word. Get some worth loser.

Bet $10 he pays more tax than the thousands of homeless niggers in the US taking Govt. handouts.

You niggers need your own tv channel, black entertainment television. Also rap music sucks big donkey dick


Funny you say that

Australian tv has it's own channel called NITV (National Indigenous tele-vision)

We give them so much, But still they're worth so little.

I don't hate blacks, I just hate annoying big mouths ghetto niggers that all

Obnoxious as fuck, can't understand a word they're saying half the time, their music is trash, they make everything plural, and they're obnoxious as fuck.

is this how you picture all black guys?
must be sad in mommys basement that you never get to see the real world

you say this as if its the whole race

I live in Shreveport Louisiana where it's half black and the niggers here are as goofy as they come. I don't hate blacks I hate niggers

thing is theres kids who take it past that and actually believe all the bullshit they spout and the graphs the post in every fucking thread that they get from a nigger hate thread on Sup Forums

Don't talk shit about honor.

Whats the point of hating blacks? They didn't come here by choice. White guys chained them up and put them on ships. If it wasn't for that they wouldnt be here.

This little white wigger lives down the street and pulls his gun out like he's hard

We don't.
Well, except the americans of course, but they're already ragingly racist anyway.

fucking what?

Because my nigga, it pisses you off so easily. Regards a mixed raced mongrel who could not throw a racial slur at anyone without getting shit on his own face.

i tought we mean somthing to you, im very disappointed white boi.

so u hate sandniggers?

So thinking that an entire shade of people hates you makes you feel special?
Why not get a hobby or skill to take pride in instead?


Get the fuck out you cuckold libtard

They complain even after getting free shit. And still manage to blame white people.

Nigs in America are the worst, act like violent savages for no reason, huge entitlement complex, and just grow up in a culture of racism towards whites and an total lack of work ethic.

Sure there are decent blacks. But their whole culture is around fucking bitches, blaming whites, and welfare checks

Did you just assume his race, shitlord?



german mulatto here, ive had almost only white friends and only very few black friends growing up and never seen black neighborhood is it really that bad?



Tired of whiteys bullshit?

In America yes. 5% of blacks are okay. Maybe 40% whites are okay. Majority of blacks don't have a work ethic much less actually work. And of course a good amount of whites don't either.


trips confirms for axe grinding crackers

This, and more...

Because they can't do anything about it in real life. So they come here and bitch about the obvious superior race.

kill your self pussy

Oh! Liar!!! If you were, you would have said "skinneded"

Screamed the African