Why are these things being (((pushed))) so hard?

Why are these things being (((pushed))) so hard?

Superior in just about every aspect(wattage, lifetime, color) than compact florescent and tungsten filaments.

I can hear them buzzing though, they keep me awake if they're turned on. Intentional EMF/tinnitus?

Because they use a fraction of the electricity.

Because the governmentis using the led pulses to hypnotize people and make them more susceptible to their radio broadcast scripting. The only reason they have to do that is because over time we as a population have developed greater and greater resistances to their subliminal control messages.

It's the same reason we switched to digital instead of analog tv broadcasting. The government knows that we all have tv's and has been rolling out monitoring devices in basically everything produced since 2003, but there are a lot of people who hadn't updated their equipment, so they changed the signal so you have to.

You can use noise canceling techniques if you are hearing the buzz though it is not really an ideal solution.

>they keep me awake if they're turned on.

What in the fuck are you sleeping with the lights on for you fucking wasteful cunt

These are the kinds of answers I was looking for
Noise canceling techniques? What do you mean?
Just a single lamp in the next room, to keep the nogs away

you push a bayonet one. That ones a screw in

beacuse they use much less power and you cant buy the old ones anymore

The only reason i know about this is because i anticipated it as part of my evil overlord plan back in the day. And no, i don't have any proof because if i did i would be locked up or decomposing right now.

>I can hear them buzzing though, they keep me awake if they're turned on
Cheap led bulbs buzz and flicker. Are you still experiencing that with high quality brands like Philips, especially the newer designs like "Warm Glow"?

>Superior in just about every aspect(wattage, lifetime, color
LEDs are not at all superior at color. They typically emit just certain wavelengths of light, unlike all wavelengths like an incandescent. This fact is important, because when the led light bounces off, for example, your green jacket, and that light hits your eye, you aren't always seeing the "true" color, because certain wavelengths of light aren't being reflected to your eye.

High quality LED bulbs will have a rating on the box called CRI (color rendering index). A CRI of 85 or higher means it gives a pretty decent true color rendering of your surroundings.

It pisses me off that they made the old kind illegal. They should have let the market decide.

>I can hear them buzzing though, they keep me awake if they're turned on
>Cheap led bulbs buzz and flicker. Are you still experiencing that with high quality brands like Philips, especially the newer designs like "Warm Glow"?
Not OP but yes, Replaced all of my pot lights with LED warm glow Philips and when all 8 were on you noticed a distinct humm. It wasn't subtle.

U can still get them, it's just more difficult

Pushed right up your asshole, faggot

Can hear mine buzzing from 4m away.

it's retarded because you're basically running a whole independent AC/DC switching power supply per bulb
although it's (((efficient))) comfort was obviously not a requirement in designing the majority of these

>it's retarded because you're basically running a whole independent AC/DC switching power supply per bulb
That's a dumb argument, because you could say that about anything that uses DC power like your phone, tv, computer, laptop, tablet, gaming console, etc.

You think it's MORE efficient to run both AC and DC wires throughout the house? Even though most devices running on DC require different voltages and amps?

No, it's really not a big deal at all to have a converter in the bulb.

>Not OP but yes, Replaced all of my pot lights with LED warm glow Philips and when all 8 were on you noticed a distinct humm. It wasn't subtle
Interesting. I just literally got on a ladder and listened to my Philips Warm Glow pot lots and they were silent.

Maybe it's at a really high frequency that I can't hear because I'm getting older.

Another possible problem is that you have dirty current that isn't hitting 120 volts like it should. Do you have a dimmer switch on those pot lights?

Not in America. There may be some years-old ones left on the shelf, but it's illegal to make new ones.

>phone, tablet, laptop
battery operated
>computer, tv, gaming console
generally noisy anyway, and both are large scale enough and a single, powerable unit compared to running 8 fucking light bulbs.

>You think it's MORE efficient to run both AC and DC wires throughout the house?
i have never said this

>No, it's really not a big deal at all to have a converter in the bulb.
it is when you use cheap materials to maximize the pretty number on the package