Post some weird images and some reaction pics

Post some weird images and some reaction pics.










Post moar. Quench the image limit.










Remember the best will be saved.


I always have a fish in my jeans.

I'm serious, my dick smells like fish and I'm desperate about this.

I dont have many but ill post what i have

any interest in abstract memes?



pretty much ran out of my weird pics



i just needed a boost.


Keepin' it alive long enough for others to notice. Nice pic though.










im all out of the good shit

Reminds me of the toilets we had in preschool




This made me smile


I love the weird/antimems



but this one makes sense. "No hats in church". It would be better if it was this guy on poster:


The fedora has a strong connection to athiests, im sure it wasnt intentional just funny

My life in a nutshell

It’s saying no Jews

I love sharing this image


this is now a sad cringe thread














does this count?

>pic related

one of the oldest pictures man


damn almost got it

Selfies don't count, r-tard



Fark my brain hurts








If the patient was black..wayy more funny.










