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you should be banned from the internet

Hello Kitty

bitch, you'll never take away my fully automatic caulk gun.


considering you're some fucking liberal posting this on your iphone, enjoy!


That's a good idea.

Let's end these threads.

No, but funny enough your last two digits are 88

Kill yourself. /thread

Said the nazi.

>be American
>get shot

Nah, just need to start gathering up the loose cannons and training them to accurately hit worthy targets, like excessively dark people. Gun control, yo

>be from Europe/other shit country
>be cuck

Ban assault democrats. This latest fag was a tilted amtifa registered dem.

Holy shit HOLY SHIT. You are the most pathetic excuse for a human being that I’ve ever encountered in the many years that I’ve walked this earth. Did your mother deliberately and consciously drop you as a baby or are you naturally this stupid? Was the never-ending, constant stream of soy in your diet a contributing factor or did genetics play a role too? I really want to know. Is your head so far up your flimsy ass that if you were to take it out, you’d die from homesickness? You bile-feeding, mung-sucking, soy-consuming piece of human garbage. I feel bad for not only you but every person you’ve ever come into contact with, you disgusting, degenerate, cuck. You are SO pathetic that if you were to even merely ATTEMPT something, your participation-trophy complex would never let you feel the ramifications of failure. Here’s your reply. Here’s your gold sticker. You tried.
I dedicate this song to you, you sad, pathetic, masochistic, sycophantic, low-test soyboy:


You are a filthy, effeminate, androgynistic incarnation of estrogen. I hope you choke to death on tofu.


all retards should be gassed

You're just funny.

It's a lot easier to legalize gun killing. Then the gun murder rate would be zero.

They are, somewhere at some time. Not here and now though so you're either early or late.

>OP /threading his own thread
