I've come to the conclusion the only people on Sup Forums who hate tattoos are

I've come to the conclusion the only people on Sup Forums who hate tattoos are
>Privelaged/Conservative (and most likely white) upbringing

Be mad all you want Anons, your taste in women is shit, and don't think I haven't noticed your fetishes for Uber petite (usually blonde) women that look like loli's with a fuck ton of make up on.
>Not counting you Sup Forumsoys who post threads of thicc bitches, you guys are alright.

I know taste is subjective, but most of you have utter shit taste.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've come to the conclusion the only people on Sup Forums who have tattoos are
>Snowflakes compensating for not being an interesting individual

I know taste is subjective, but most of you have utter shit taste.

>>Privelaged/Conservative (and most likely white) upbringing
I am none of those. Tats are just women acknowledging that they are trash tier, just like a bunch of piercings. Now fuck off ted

You nearly copied my post word for for, but gonna give you and 80% because you forgot some words and added too many ones I didn't use.

>I'm none of these things

Be honest, how many did I get?

None. Late 20's, 6 different chicks I've put my penis inside, and am quite liberal, with most of my family being the same.

I believe the late 20's bit
But 6 different chicks? Lol

6 different chicks, and only 1 had tats, and to be honest she was the trashiest, and most mentally fucked up of all of them.

I've had over 900 women and the trashiest ones usually have no tats

I have more experience and I win

>This isn't a competition
It is and you lost.

Now go to bed scrublord.

Nice try, enjoy jerking off to trashy women.

Have fun jerking off to women who probably have AIDS

Ya damn whitey

Super beta "male" detected

>Trying to shame men for liking attractive women.
You're either a woman or a kike, there's few things in this world more disgusting than fat fucks.
"Thicc" is fucking disgusting, and if you like fatties you're basically a cuck.

>23 years old
>white, conservative upbringing
i have no tattoos and probably will never get any in my life
its just trashy and ruins your chance at getting a good job, also tells a great deal about your personal choices, merits, and character, along with your general decision basing and intelligence levels.
tl;dr tattoos are for lesser people who need attention so badly they permanently ruin their body image.
imagine, being THAT vain about your appearance and other peoples opinions that you need to mark up your body with some shitty picture that means absolutely nothing.

Now tattoos in remembrance of a loved one, thats a different story completely.
Same with tattoos from tours of duty or the military branch you served, those are okay with me, but pointless, meaningless tattoos just to say you have a tattoo is probably one of the most brainlet things you could ever do.

t. butthurt fag with dig tattoo on ass

Why are you all so mad lmao

Did I strike a nerve?

i think you're right, OP.

>white upbringing
>implying this is a bad thing
OP is either a nigger or a self-hating college liberal

In all seriousness, I can see where you're coming from, but you're wrong.

Ironically I'm judging everyone in this thread for something as subjective as taste in women; but having tattoos/piercings is not indictive of someone's character as a person.
If you honestly think so, that's a shit quality to have.

Personally, I have lots of friends with tattoos, and it's so normal to us, and I think they're great people.

From personal experience it's always people w/o tats that have fucked me over in life.
I swear, not one person with tats or piercings has ever fucked me over in life. (Do I think this is fate? Nah, buts it's one hell of a coincidence tbh.)
Now does this mean I will generalize all people w/o tats as horrible or capable of being worse humans?
Nah, only in jest.

But yeah, really open your mind to things man.
I live in an area where tats are so common no one cares, and I only assume you or other people do because of upbringing and being surrounded by naysayers. I mean, that, and I'm sure there are people who genuinely hate tattoos.

Like I hate feet. But people seem to love that shit for some reason and it's disgusting to me.

Not insinuating it's a bad thing, just one hell of a strong coincidence pal.

Because society is being slowly torn to pieces by scum like you.

Says the scum replying to me on Sup Forums

Man, wipe my ass and change my diaper, bitch.

i live in an area where most scumbags that have tattoos are washed up shitty linecooks or restaurant workers at the age of 30+ with nothing going for them

but hey man to each their own so cheers to your luck and heres a nice boner jam with your name on it, its brought me much luck on the dance floor


I fucking love that song

You alright, Sup Forumsro

I only dislike tattoos because skin is a shit material for art.

I've come to the conclusion the only people who have tattoos are
>attention seekers

Shit up cuckbag9000

Well what the fuck are you using on it, crayons?

Tats are for cookie cutter sheep.
Just think something looks good and copys them.

>Tattoos are for cookie cutter sheep
>Vast majority of people advocate against tattoos

Are you fucking retarded?
Go to bed, and dream of my dick.

>comes to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is known for cp and baby fucking memes
>thinks he's being edgy for calling us pedos

Bitch you came here because you're pedo too

I have tattoos, a PhD, and a job in my specialty field. Feels good.


Hahaha.... No....

Good on you, mayne

the fact that you have to make a thread about this means you are insecure about your shitty tattoos and deep down think that you made a mistake getting something permanent and takkky on your skin. sorry

Then why do you keep that one pic of your jailbait cousin?

The fact you posted this means you want to eat my ass, and deep down, hoping I take a fat shit in your mouth.

Man, fuck off.


someone seems very defensive. so do you have a tribal ring around your arm or something like " not all that wonder are lost" on your ribs? Please tell me it is a flaming skull.

I have the tattoo of your face giving me my chicken nuggies and shitting in your asshole; my shit is blue.


Don't worry. There's a good loli thread going on to take your mind off of it

well what a poor choice in tattoos. I am honored to be on your skin forever LOL

so what do i look like?

we dont hire anybody with tattoos
they always turn out to be shit workers
we have plenty of resumes and dont need TRASH

I had a very liberal upbringing, but classic liberal, as in Kennedys, piano lessons and a who would ever need guns attitude.

I fucking hate tattoos. Tattoos make you look like trash. All trashy people have tattoos. It's the adult equivalent of the retard kid that writes all over himself. People actually think it makes them look stylish.