ITT : we spoil the ending to the black panther movie

ITT : we spoil the ending to the black panther movie

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Niggers win

I havent seen it but i bet it starts nice the shits happens and the happy ending like all other fucking movies on the fucking planet

You have to be more specific

Jesus i need to learn to type


How autistic is Ciara

Kilmonger sacrifices himself to stop Klaw after realizing he got duped by him.

They are black?


The black people all started killing each other until the white heroes showed up and made them stop.

I'm not hyped. Infinity War looks more interesting


implying people want to see coon superheroes.

People do.

What now? Trick question. You won't do a god damn thing.

Sucks to be you.

she looks like she smells bad

What does coon mean?

I agree

Ciara thread???

boobs boobs

you could chart the stars using the zits on her face and ass.

She's underage pal

ive not seen her ass and im not sure I want to


I've licked her ass

Swapping Ciara nudes discord /nwYRbGy

шнy ıs нeг vagıпa puгple?

you нave faiг cнaпce тo пoт lıve you мess шıтн нeг

11 - L'État assassine - Assassin - B.O. La Haine - 1995 -

Killmonger is stabbed in the chest after the vibranium is deactivated by the magnetic resonance of the mag-lev train.

Afterwards T’Challa goes before the UN announcing they will share their tech because they know de way.

imagine if you will, you enter the most loose, flappy used vagina you've ever been in. Think a 50 year old whore, and gagging as you realize its a 17 year old girls.

As you barely scrape the walls as you enter, you try to make purchase of her vaginal walls by grabbing her ass to push yourself in hard, only to grab a hand of prickly-hard acne scabs, pus and mountainous whiteheads.

You lean in to kiss her only to have your face pierced by the porcupine barbs of popped zits and oily scabs, and bad breath/rotted teeth from her bulimia. She reaches suddenly for her heart pills because the excitement of seeing your wallet poking out of your pants has set her heart aflutter as her eyes dilate in hunger at the idea of getting what meager funds you own away from you and into her own bank account.

This is your first date with "the queen of /b"

shnoo wat?

post her nudes


post it in here no balls faggot

quads of reality


Good God.

Fuck off nigger

it's actually super tight tho

And how would you know

seen the pix. hotdog down a hallway dude. Especially for a 17 year old. That's super fucked up

she raped me :'(

because fanboys always believe the press

Just found something interesting on Ciara

i sucked her dick

Explain you've piqued my interest

that she's a zitty pain in the ass with all the personality of a mashed potato sandwich?

Well tell us

I'm more than o.k. with that.

She's actually half black, half Jewish

...she's irish which makes her a nigger and the kike thing explains her love of money

tell us something we don't know.

here's her IG

What a waste she even posted about her new account on that account and you didn't catch it

I'm high as hell.

Oh nvm understandable have a good night

thanks daddy

>the ending to the black panther movie
Niggers walk out believing Africa is technologically advanced?

lol I'm gonna watch it with my nigger friend this weekend

She's from Canada and moved to Africa when she was ten. She lost a match against triple h in 2010 and then she moved to Ireland

Anyone can make a fake pic and call it Africa

the welfare check comes in

There's an African American protagonist in this movie film

they're still black at the end

user I want you to reread what you wrote.

Hes not American.

He's just an African.

go вe a poпce you cнeap fop

Eat my ass


eхaмple desıпe cгoı que veгage pleusaпт savage

>Nick Fury makes an appearance at the end


What color is his skin?

so пoш pıкacнu

ıт's кılly-кılly тıмe

obama bodyslams trump and everyone has a grand ol' chimpout on BET

Everyone dies