Be me

>be me
>live in "peaceful" country
>there isn't even army
>guns are pretty hard to get
>laws about them are hard
>only know 1 single person that actually owns a gun, 9mm
>have never seen something heavier
>crime rate is ridiculously high
>turns out criminals don't follow the law
>we civilians are defenseless against assaults
don't fuck it up americans...

Shut the fuck up, anyone with common sense would have banned guns long ago but nooo “MUH GUNS KEEP ME SAFE I TELL YOU WHUT”

>live in Canada
>guns are hardish to get
>almost no mass shootings
>low crime rate

Isn't it crazy how that works?

removing guns wont stop murders from happening you retard

what it like being cucked and being a minority because you arnt muslim?

bitch what. Canada is 67% christian at last census. Plus who fucking cares what religion they are. Mans don't do shit here. Almost like the whole world doesn't hate us

Imagine being this retarded.

>low crime rate
>uhammad shakes hands

Homicide rates have decreased over the years but sexual assults have been on the rise for some reason. Banning guns wont work well as some people think especially in a country like America. It'll work for other countries like Australia which I'm from.

For sure. I think guns are too engrained in american culture to remove. Just like cheeseburgers and retardation

>trudeau supporting isis
Canada is fine

that's because canadians do attend mental issues

Canada censors the crimes committed by muslim excrement they allowed to seep into the country

Yeah there's too many guns around. If they do ban guns I think they'd be throwing half of the population into prison.

Lol guns aren’t going anywhere

>being this retarded

Fake news, fuck off NRA and/or Russia.

sounds like Chicago

>Be Australian
>Don't get shot
Feels good

>being this brainwashed
sorry you cant live in a country where they don't allow haji scum

I agree fellow leaf.... except where I live is a shit hole. Crime is almost as bad or even worse than Seattle. Haven't had any school shootings though. It's not like I even care what adults do to each other, they chose that. But kids don't fucking deserve it.

We won’t OP. Those of us in power know banning guns won’t do shit. I live in an open carry state and saw more guns on hips today then ever.

Oddly not one single gun went off and killed anyone. Almost like guns have nothing to do with it.

>be American
>never been shot
>never known anyone who was ever shot
>own a gun
Feels good

Is he some kind of Romanian orphanage kid?

Actually, Muhammad decapitating some white Christian and yelling Allah Ackbar before was totally just work place violence.

muhammad raping children is just part of muslim culture, we need to be more sensitive to towelhe- muslim culture

We won't. Dead children are the price of freedom. We are proud to see our own children killed so we can keep our freedom.
Hell, I'm petitioning my congressman to start a lottery for the killing of children to sacrifice to Constitution so it will still favor us with Freedom.

it is ridiculously obvious you are american.

Amerifag here, a majority white population helps keep the crime rate down. Most us homicides are black on black, white male mass shootings account for a small percentage of gun deaths down here.

You shut the fuck up, everything he said went right over the top of your retarded fucking head. I'm keeping my guns prick.

you live in Mexico?

Do you know about a little territory of the united states called Puerto Rico? Owning a gun is veeeeeeery dificult and super pricy. The law also makes it so you cant defend yourself and there's been cases where a citizen killed a thug who was traspassing and they end up going to jail thanks to the law. My friends uncle gives allymony to a thug who after traspassing and falling over a fence with spikes and punturing his stomach, decided to sue him and won. Do you think the crime rate has gone any lower because of the gun laws? Fuck no! those fuckers drive around with AKs on the drivers seat in plain view, do drive by infront of cops and in plain daylight and no one dares to do anything. Dont let the general USA to become this shit hole.