I tried to kill myself yesterday

I tried to kill myself yesterday.
I went to an overpass at about 3am, climbed the railing and stood there hoping someone would stop and talk me down. No one came.
I pussed out after 15 minutes of standing there, called a suicide hotline, cried during the entire call, went home, cried myself to sleep and went to work the next day.

Suicide stories anyone?

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Probably not gonna get any success stories


I almost killed myself this year. I was going to hang myself with a chain, on a ladder at work after we closed. (Since I am a manager) I bought the chain and wrote a note. The only reason I did not do it was the face that the chain was to small to do the job. I can't even do something such as kill myself right. What a fucking loser I am.

I've been there dude. I don't know, I have no answers for you but I wish you the best

Killed myself 14 years ago. Now I'm a spooky skelly. 9/10 would do again.

try harder

we believe in you

That's the gayest shit I've ever heard that isnt suicide that's just trying to get attention you faggot.
BAAAW I'm gonna do it you guys
BAAAAAW somebody stop me
nobody stopped me...
I'll call people that will pretend to care

Kill yourself you attention whore faglord.

op talk to me on qtox plx. I can't do something like instantly fix everything but i can listen. My qtox is 52B483B2E90D8CEB8F6CA9B0EBFEBCC970D8FC5A3BC7A1A6FD3EE957D5545D0BC8D9F3BE74B9

You can only kill yourself once people... remember to choose that day wisely.

Sorry dude

About two years ago I was in my last year of high school. I absolutely hated it, and dreaded waking up in the morning. I had absolutely no ambition or any idea where my life was headed. So one morning I grabbed a very sharp kitchen knife and held it up to my jugular. I held it there for about 10-15 seconds, contemplating whether I would slit my throat, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my neighbour was watching through the kitchen window. I made eye contact with him for a split second, and I saw the shock and fear in his face. I quickly averted my eyes and put the knife back in the kitchen block. For a long time I regretted not going through with it. But now, I'm honestly so glad I didn't go through with it.

When I was 17 I drank Clorox cleaning fluid with bleach and two bottles of NyQuil. Got really sick, destroyed enamel on teeth, fucked up throat and stomach. Parents brought me to hospital. Put me on antipsychotics that I had a bad reaction too. Got my hands on a pencil, pulled out the eraser, bit down on the metal and tried to gouge out a vein. Was in a hospital for a while.

Fast forward 13 years, after a lot of hard work I got my life on track and have been very successful. Found the right med, but mostly took hard work. Some people have to make an effort to be healthy, and I was one. Just the way it is.

Glad you got the help you needed. Work at it and things can get better. Don’t kill yourself. Permanent solution to a temporary problem



Lol faggot


This one time I had a fine middleclass life but not enough attention to jerk my dick to, so I tricked myself into being depressed and pretending to actually know what that means, meanwhile I had enough money to buy food and pay bills but everyone I knew only gave me attention when I was around. I needed to be idolised like a god or else I'm a filthy peasant and should kill myself.

Fucking bourgeoisie arse motherfuckers don't know how good you have it and you pretend like you have hard lives, go kill your privileged cunts and maybe you'll learn some real life lessons.

kill others and you will be very famous

>edgy for calling someone out on their bullshit

You must be new, do you need urban dictionary to help you understand or are you just going to meme and post pictures of that faggot log cuck

>newfags calling you new

> tried
user, I really hope you can do it better. You can finish the job buddy. ;)