Weird picture thread. Just post the weirdest shit you have

weird picture thread. Just post the weirdest shit you have.


















fidget spinners are looking weirder and weirder these days...



the story that came with that pic was right on the edge of "what the fuck". chinese doctors injecting silicone into her face to stretch out the skin over the birthmark so that when they surgically remove it, her face won't have a huge chunk of skin missing.

she doesn't seem to mind looking like a mutant chipmunk in the meantime.


infinite eternity of being

cue the x-files theme music




Not the weirdest I have, but I really wanted to know where it's from.


American Cyborg: Steel Warrior i think

This is the actual weirdest shit I have on me right now.


>post a screencap that’s been reposted 100000 times
>gee, how strange


>piss bottles
Haha, like you’ve NEVER bottled your own urine.

Newfag detected. Obviously don't know of this legend.

It's not urine.

Posting on my phone, got much worse stuff on my PC. Besides, it's the context that makes it weird.



her eyes looks like those century eggs

Ahh, I believe they do this too when they need to separate conjoined twins.

They'll stretch out the skin gradually in preparation for the surgery to have something left to close up the giant wound to reduce chances of infection, since it's not possible to graft that much.

>he never came back

rest in piece


not enough salt crystals

A movie called Virus








Come back Jizzus!


You want to know the strangest part of this picture? Look at her stomach. See those holes? Those are pores. FUCKING PORES! She's so fat that her pores are now the size of pepperoni. Don't tell her that though, she might try and eat them.
