Oh america, when will you learn? it wasn't because of mental health, it wasn't because he was 1/4 argentinian...

oh america, when will you learn? it wasn't because of mental health, it wasn't because he was 1/4 argentinian, ITS BECAUSE HE WAS LEGALLY ABLE TO BUY AN AR 15

Other urls found in this thread:



Was it actually his gun?

Every country has its lunatics.

In the US, they have guns.

yes, he bought it himself, legally

It goes a little like those....

1. Send thoughts & prayers but not actually do anything useful
2. Argue over semantics of the term "assault rifle"
3. Trolls blame either the Left or the Right
4. Argue over semantics of the term "terrorist" - if Muslim use it, if Christian use term "mentally ill"
5. Media goes berserk until attention is diverted by next horrible story
6. Congress does nothing but NRA increases donations just in case
7. Wait for next one, repeat

wheres this picture from? can I watch this somewhere?

is this the vday shooter?

I'm absolutely sure that if we had banned AR-15's this boy would have lived a normal life and definitely not done the same shit with pipe bombs. It is absolutely worth it to remove our constitutional rights and ability to defend ourselves.

makes me wonder, on the 10th there was a thread of someone asking for advice on how to do a school shooting, i treated it as a shitpost, pretended to report to fbi, but i wonder if it was the same guy, and if i did an actual report if it could have gone down differently. probably not i'm guessing because aparently since 2010 he was reported to the fbi something like 40 times

school shooting dident happen back in the good old days before guns were banned on school property. Teachers with a mental health check and other backround checks should be able to apply for a license to allow them to be armed. the gun would have to stay in a special safe that would be not able to be moved or broken into by a student. why do you think shooters choose the places were people are unarmed. Ive never heard of someone shooting up a gun store.

reported since he was 11? Doubt it

you got me, it wasnt fbi reports, it was police being called out to his own, i was wrong, this changes everything


it was because he's an amerimutt Sup Forumsack

Why are you so anxious to disarm us? Did we learn nothing from Hitler and the Nazi regime?

>they disarmed the people
>they had a smooth takeover

i think its a combination


>McNeill and Weeks said that Cruz suffers from autism

half of Sup Forums ffs.

oh ____, when will you learn? it wasn't because of mental health, it wasn't because he was 1/4 _____, ITS BECAUSE HE WAS LEGALLY ABLE TO BUY A(N) _______

Yes yes, very sad.

Anyhoo, what's the name of his defense attorney? It looks like she's got some great gazongas

>implying any 1st world country but america has this problem


56% face welcome to america

kys cuck

yfw alcohol kills more people than guns do per year in the USA

I can have a more intellectual and meaningful conversation in a slam pig thread than one of these lets ban gun threads because you liberal morons don't feel.safe coloring in your safe places anymore and are fucking scared of your own goddamn shadows

even if we could have reached a situation where no guns were reachable, he still could have killed many people with other means, including bombs. Is that worth giving up the right to defend ourselves?

Out of 50 cases of school shootings since1913 listed on this Wikipedia article, 19 happened in the US.
How a country with less than 5% of the world population is responsible for almost 40% of the major school shootings in the last century ?
That's just a super quick analysis but still raises questions. Surely mental health can't be the only factor here.


Can you buy a bottle of whiskey and use it to kill 17 people

Fuck right off to hell you stupid nigger.

are you retarded? the german people voted the nazis in. there was no "takeover." if you're so concerned with keeping the government in line, why are you ok with just having guns? shouldn't you be able to get a rocket launcher? mortars? an f-18? kinda struggling to understand how you plan to take out a single tank, let alone the entire US military with nothing but rifles... o and pistols.


tell me one case where this happened


Grabbing a pipe bomb!


Was a white supremist, confirmed trained with them




because ieds are so easily accessible


i dont get it. young but old bill clinton?

I fucking knew it

so the memes are true then

Oh yea, you get drunk with the whiskey and then get the ar-15. You're right

fucking retard. You should be euthanized if you think making a bomb is as easy as buying a gun. or if you think making a bomb sufficently powerful to kill as many people as an auto rifle is possible for the average dimwit school shooter.

here's a hot lawyer who defends Clinton thugs

the Sup Forumsack identification is superfluous and incorrect, being an amerimutt with identity disorder is enough


unless you really are one you should stop acting like a retard

this nigga tryna take credit for a facebook meme



I'm not though



or just make a molotov

I like how gun advocates ITT are so out of arguments that they only post stupid meme pictures

The school shooter today didn't act alone. He was assisted by the President, 52 Senators, and the NRA.

Hate to break it to you Sup Forums, but I've already signed a petition on Change.org to take away your guns. We're setting up protests all around the country, and we're going to do everything in our power to ban heavy-powered assault semi-automatic weapons. You don't need guns, and especially not guns with 80mm rounds, it's 2018 for crying out loud. Your government isn't. Guns are. They're going away for good, we're going to make sure of it.

I wouldn't be so sure about that
when you mother tells you you are special, It doesn't mean what you think it means

> 18th school shooting since the start of the year
> «guns are keeping our families safe»

Bait, fuck off. If you want to speak to Sup Forums then go post on Sup Forums?

you realize you will be gunned down like the degenerate you are? You are why governments take over and have no one to answer to. You are a fucking retard lmao.

Grabbing a Molotov!

Does this look like the face of mercy?
Amerimutts, not even once

You're the retard thinking the government is after you physically. Grow up. They don't need to burst into your home to control you, they already own you in every useful way.

Looks like a Dreamer


This is the fucking attitude that's got your country into this mess fuckwit!

The chad fuck

you're right. my bad. It's way too hard to build bomb. No one with months of preparation, spare time, and determination, like all school shooters, would ever be able to pull it off.

>kinda struggling to understand how you plan to take out a single tank, let alone the entire US military with nothing but rifles... o and pistols.

How do YOU plan to keep YOUR govt in check? By a vote? Yeah...tell me how that works out when your bleading to death under your high horse.

>you realize you will be gunned down like the degenerate you are?
Are you threatening people? You going to gun down protesters? I'm 100% submitting this to the FBI. Actually, they're probably here already. @FBI

Aslo, you are the NRSs bitch swallowing all of their propogana like the little whore they made you.

that's the attitude that made sure we don't answer your trash country, fucktard!

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Copypasta and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the Pasta. Oh, and we all know the Pasta. The “epic” Copypasta guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fucking Copypasta. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Pastafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE FUCK TO BEGIN.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

absolute retard confirmed. Do the world a favor and an hero.

>grow up


If you want their attention you're doing it wrong. You need to post something like

>Cheese Pizza

In a circumstance where someone came to take my weapons and abolish the second amendment, I absolutely would defend myself.

You're all retarded. You can do more damage with a sharp enough sword. Well made katanas will cut through bone like a hot knife in butter.

>In a circumstance where someone came to take my weapons and abolish the second amendment, I absolutely would defend myself.
You would kill you government officials and the people in office? FBI NSA CIA

just wait for it, soon everything will be banned and you need a permit for having utensils like in britbongland

*tips fedora* check out this katana m'lady

No, it's Richard Simmons

>Keep the goverment in check

Keep on spouting those NRA lies

I thought it was a gun free Zone though?

The problem won't just go away with guns. Back in 1927 there was the Bath School Massacre where 38 elementary school children and 6 adults were killed and 58 people were injured because some crazy guy spent months secretly planting explosives in the school.



#ty17 you guys died for my right to keep buying AR-15s. Yer hereos



Less Americans? Good. You people cannot be trusted.

