What do I do with my life? 19 and a neet

What do I do with my life? 19 and a neet

you are still young, don't fucking waste it.
Get a fast food job, take college courses slowly over time. Most likely you're still living with your parents, use it to your advantage.

We're all blank faces in this forum but for goodness sake DONT FUCKING WASTE YOUR TIME

Flunked out of Uni already

>he thinks being 19 and neet is bad
you fucking baby, get out of here

so what? i'm 30 and was a need almost all of my 29th year.

29 and a NEET here, been on Sup Forums for 13 years

I don't want to be a neet

yah welcome to level 1 sun

you finally beat the tutorial

Anything is better than nothing

fuck you

Haaa!!! Get told bitch!!!!

Fuck zionist bitches, bonus points if you're black or muslim. Jews hate that more than they hate whitey.


Clean your room

It's clean

>so what? i'm 30 and was a need almost all of my 29th year.

Just turned 30. Saved up money and Neeted out the last year. No drinking, smoking or junk food. Just tons of video games. FeelsAmazingMan


Legit advice
Study accounting/Finance. It opens so many doors. After a year people think you speak a different language + you're literally just learning how money works.
23 and government accountant, can confirm

Study computer science OP, pic related: half of Sup Forums

Got anymore of those pics? Or ones similar at least in style? I enjoy them way too much.

nice dubs, faggot