What's up with my finger?

What's up with my finger?

You left it in your asshole too long

just hope it's not a wart.


guitar callous, it looks like.

You are losing your fingerprint, you are becoming Anonymus

I don't play guitar


Are you sure this isn't just dead skin?


Stop fingering your dead grandma fucker.

That's gangrene.

Wwwwwhhhhaaaaattt the fuck

Noice numbers

Doesn't seem to be

Too much fingering of your clit,, just e3ase back on jilling off and you will be fine!

You are losing your fingerprint, you are becoming
>a nigger

if dubs you should take a knife and cut it off

Yeah not gonna do that

wash your hands once in a while with water and soap you filthfag

I wash my hands all the time, probably more than you

more than me? wew lad that's a lot more

dont touch flames

Whats wrong with a wart

Looks like an old burn that got very moist. It'll come off. I'd put a bandage over it to try and dry it out a bit and protect it from tearing.