ITT: Post you're literal 10/10 men

ITT: Post you're literal 10/10 men

Other urls found in this thread: gyllenhaal&bext=msl&atb=v103-4&iax=images&ia=images


I like men who don't take themselves too seriously











Great job, the average in this thread is 2/10. Y'all failed

bitching w/o adding content



Maybe not 10/10
But 17/1125 is still pretty good, right?

who is this?

not by comparison

no idea somebody from /hm/


Duke Nukem





His tattoo misspelled “faggot”.


Is it bad ?

>buncha white guys and gay shit

thank god i have a hot korean boyfriend. id be bored as fuck with these guys lol. gyllenhaal&bext=msl&atb=v103-4&iax=images&ia=images

bi guy here
i'd lick the doorhandle that gyllenhaal touched