I don't get it:

I don't get it:

Why is he so scared in that situation?
He experienced way worse and never pusied out. After all these years? Really?

Other urls found in this thread:



Its called bad writing. The show is overwhelmed with it.

Pretty good writing season 1-2, maybe 3.

Yeah seriously, the cannibal situation was much scarier and worse but somehow he had the balls

I guess its cause he knew Carol wasn't coming to save his ass

are you retarded? the finale from start to finish is about breaking Rick down. The constant roadblocks, his inability to find a way to get his people to safety. And then in the end they all get captured with zero option for self defense.

When did they have it worse? At least in terminus they weren't tied up and they had some self made weapons.

remember when they were lined up to get their throats slit? all tied up and shit?

>season 2
Good joke

Rick never pusied out.

Calling me a retard...

Because the plot of this season demands he becomes a weak-willed cuck.

Yes but there only 3 guys in that room and Rick had a shank on him. He was pretty confident he would be able to do something. Compare that to the hundred people Negan had, and fear sets in

No, you're a fucking idiot. The terminus shit was alot worse. Durrr


I agree, the cannibals at Terminus were definitely way scarier.

Negan is a stupid character. Unbelievable in every way. The guy that wears a faggo scarf and jacket like that wouldn't be lead.

If I were Rick (or Glenn to be honest) I wouldn't be afraid of anything by now because I'd assume I'm protected by the plot. I don't mean they are aware that it's fiction, I mean that after getting through everything I'd assume there's some bigger reason why I haven't died yet.

Tired of these bait threads asking the same question every week. You're a fucking loser and probably a twd fanboy.

what shoulld he wear? something youd wear?

I dont watch the show but can anybody explain why they dont wear body protection againt zombies?
Like biker or riot gear?

He should wear a shirt with flames on it.

Some do, but at this point the zombies are the least of their worries.

They did wear riot gear they got from the prison, though they lost it was Terminus.

The soldiers from the Kingdom also wear bike armor and stuff like that. The thing is the zombies are such a non-issue it would only save you if they swarmed you. So speed>defense.

no they weren't, they weren't believable in any way. This show has a penchant for picking feminine nu males for their supposedly terrifying roles

Actually I thought that how they picked a feminine nu male for a terrifying role made it even way more terrifying.
>tfw you can't call him a faggot cause he's about to kill you

> Insulting based Gareth

i never remember them being surrounded by like 50 guys

he knew they were fucked and he was completely powerless to do anything.

He wasn't scared at all until Negan ordered him to cut off Carl's arm

Fedora, suit and cane

Or better yet why don't they wear knights armor

>Him + Daryl and Glenn vs 2 guys armed with one Baseball bat

>60+ people fully armed and surrounding you
>Any way out apart from begging isn't even an option

I'd be in pee pee pants city too.

Saviors had been mentally fucking with them and breaking them down all fucking day. Constant roadblocks, psychological warfare with the hanged guy, not to mention Maggie being extremely sick and seemingly about to die. Then they find themselves surrounded by 60 dudes. It's easily the worst situation they had been in, and 12 hours before all this Rick thought he had the world figured out and that they would live happily ever after. His mind is all kinds of fucked up right now.

It makes perfect sense, you're retarded if you think otherwise.

1. He was so used to being "King Shit" (as Negan said in the comics) that it was inconceivable to him that he could be so in over his head. Every time they met Saviors that day there were more and more and more of them, when just that morning he was saying they'd "play it our way, how we want it" as if they had any chance of winning. He kept rationalizing how he'd deal with the disadvantage just like how they cleared out the satellite dish outpost, but at a certain point it became exceedingly clear how outgunned they are.

2. His group is so hardened that they have no real sense of self-preservation besides trying to kill whatever threatens them and hope they win, but Negan figured out the chink in their armor is how much they care for each other and how terrified they are of their loved ones suffering the consequences of their own actions. That was the key to breaking them. Rick resisted at first, becoming more deviant after Abraham and Glenn's deaths than he was before; burying his grief under denial and rage to the point that he threatened to kill Negan and seriously would've driven that axe into Negan's head if Negan didn't stop him at gunpoint, the consequences for which would've been severe for his loved ones. Negan finally broke him by making him remember and accept what happened, what could STILL happen to others if he didn't comply.

The others slowly accepted the gravity of the situation, but Rick kept avoiding it until it hit him all at once like a freight train. I think maybe that's a defense mechanism for him, stonewalling in the face of adversity and bottling up his feelings. It can be traced back to the communication problems that was ruining his marriage with Lori, and when he blew up at the group with the Ricktatorship speech.

You seem small and insecure.

Childhood is when you idolize Rick Grimes.
Adulthood is when you realize Negan makes more sense.

Neither makes sense. They are both retards.

Adulthood is when you realize that Shane actually was pretty justified at some things looking back

Childhood is when you post this meme
Adulthood is when you realise you're a faggot.

Cannibals were a lot more terrifying and semi-realistic in the comic without it being incredibly stupid in the TV show.

JDM isn't big enough to play Negan but his voice is fine for it.

>Lucille Two

Yeah, Negan should wear a skirt like you do.

put down the comics like 3 years ago. heard about this negan guy, glenn and abraham dying. picked up the comics again, read it all.
gotta say negan is the most entertaining fucking character in the walking dead. i hope the show writers dont fuck him up for you guys.

>"I agree the low-rent hipsters/reddit fanboy cannibals at Teminus were definitely way scarier"



Because he was robbed of all power

This. They were handled way better in the comic as a small group of people traveling around capturing and killing lonely passerbys, not some giant community with insane tactics and a factory for their human meat shit.

Dude Shane never reached Rick's or Negan level of bad.
He was an insecure asshole but ultimately Rick outdit every bad thing he did and then some.

He could have become just as bad or worse but he just died too early.

Because twd is pure nigger dog shit.

because he was written poorly

Everyone has there ups and downs.

Somewhat sick. Sleep drived. Haemoroids.

I don't watch this series and I'm not sticking up for it but if anything it's bad writing if a character is on the ball and at his best in every situation.

Negan is a stupid character because there's no way he would have survived that long being as psychopathic as he is.
Somebody would have shot him in his sleep.

er, he's not really psychopathic. he doesn't go around murdering people for fun, he does it for what he considers good reasons.

Rick should have shot his way past the first roadblock or at the very least turned around and gone home after hitting the 2nd roadblock and realising it was a trap.

So many stupid decisions by the characters, I know its supposed to further the plot but some of the decisions make literally no sense.

Actually they werent, Negan played mindgames where hanibals just wanted to kill and eat them.

Negan just showed them they truly powerless, he did Abraham (shame loved the redhead) then he went for Glen, then he took Daryl and then he wanted Rick to chop of his hand all the time laughing.

Rick didnt have there a piece of wood to break out, Carol wasnt coming and even if he did break out, it would just result in everyone getting killed where with Hannibals they still had a chance.

The whole smoke thing, zombies, dude hanging at the head level probably planed, Negan did showed him his place and admittedly that could have been much uglier.

In any normal confrontation Rick always assumed he could kill everyone without loosing his people and if someone was lost, well too bad but there was a chance to come up on top thanks to superior planing or some other advantage.
Wasnt an option here.

Also, great actor for a Negan.

Shane understood that you have to fight for things you want.

None of them have yet learned that Leading isn't just about giving orders and being scary but asking for advice and listening to the people you command.
Being an effective leader is basically a juxtaposition of dictatorship/servant to the people you lead.

>Rick should have shot his way past the first roadblock
they all had guns drawn ready to fire at them, maggie was sick as fuck and couldnt do anything. Rick had his son, his probably would have if he didnt have a sick pregnant lady and his kid in the car or had no other choice. He thought he had more choices until he realized he didnt when they blocked every road with a different crew.

Because beating two peoples heads into piles of mush then laughing about it and taunting their friends is completely sane...

You can be insane and still think you're right, don't confuse the two.

was the joke really that bad?

They're gonna feel real stupid when they find out....

What? The translation of the cannibals from comic to TV has to be the best example of the show surpassing the comic. In the comic they were just another random group they find in the woods, the show gave some set up, origin story and amazing episode all at once with the addition of Terminus. "Realism" is not really what I expect from the walking dead so IDGAF if the Hunters were more grounded in the comics

True they had their guns drawn but the firefight between the governors people and Ricks group had Rick in the open with no cover and he still took the shot.

Plus they could have retreated, armed up out of sight then come right back at them.

All the warning signs were there that Negans crew were deliberately waiting for them and still a threat.

I suppose Jesus is to blame for a lot of it, not knowing Negans true identity or how many people he has in his group..

I liked the cannibals, they were quite dangerous whilst avoiding being comically sinister, which made them to be quite believable villains.

To be fair we had at least two generations recently were many men did just that and went on to become loving family men.

Insanity is what it is.

>He experienced way worse and never pusied out.
Bullshit. The closest he ever got to being this helpless was at Terminus, and there he was too busy focusing on trying to saw through his restraints to give into the terror. With the Saviors they were all completely surrounded and outnumbered and any move made by him would only get more of his friends/family killed.

So both the Governor and Negan somehow managed to run a tight ship and a functioning society ever since they zombie apocalypse started yet Rick is totally inept and something as simple as finding a secure location and fortifying it.

How fucking hard can it be to find something where you can settle down?
How much time passed? Years now?
And still he's reduced to roaming around, scavenging and inevitably bumping into a group of psychopaths?

One thing that fucking kills me in this show, its the teeth, everyone having pearly whites like they just out of the dentist.
Event his fucking janitor looking dude, even the nigga who wandered for months without stop.

Just give them realistic British white teeth they would have in those conditions ffs.

I couldn't take the show seriously after the guy from GTA V appeared on screen.

So, what is a good TV show if this sucks so bad?

Let's hear it, faggots.

Rick actually managed to build a community between alexandria-kingdom-hilltop-saviors after the war with Negan.

Not only that but Rick brings only destruction to every group friendly or enemies, wherever he goes.
I get it, Neegan and Governor established their cities early on when there wasnt much competition, both were uncompromising sobs and in place of Rick they would probably did the same but as for now Rick is the problem child of the zombie world, not the others who more reasonably calculate their strengths.

>he did Abraham
>Negan did showed him his place

Yeah and that will also come crashing down sooner or later.


Whats your issue with him?

just go to the dentist you cuck

having white teeth isn't some kind of tv fairy tale

I think they said it was 1,5-2 years time from Rick waking up to this point.

>it would just result in everyone getting killed where with Hannibals they still had a chance
>Negan did showed him his place

When you wander fucking forest for couple of years without stop?
And wolfs, surely they been all about hygiene no?


A mask

were you drunk when you wrote this??

How do you feel about Comic book Governor?

Where is your plot now?

/ourguy/ about to make Daryl his bitch tomorrow

Because its Fiction.Would Gilligan's Island be interesting if they were competent?

That just fucking pathetic. In original comic Rick are mad af, but not scared at all. Why did they made his such a bitch in series?

Rick in the tv show is too cocky , they had to kick him down a notch

wait what
the word "autistic" is thrown around way too much here, to the point where it has lost all of its original real meaning.
but holy shit user, that is one of the most autistic thoughts I have ever read

>zombie outbreak
>just trying ot survive
>his leather jacket is pristine


He is a dumb phoneposter obviously.

It's more dramatic when a protagonist is broken down and has to build himself back up then just being a scowling tough guy all the time.

In the comic he was hard as fuck. His wife was getting fucked by his best friend, goes and outright kills him, hates his wife afterwards and her baby , loses an arm, still fucking fights nignog and all the while people still look to him as the leader.

By this point in the comics Rick is so fucked up that he can barely see yet he's the baddest fucker out there. The show ruined him.

Ikr? see

What caused the outbreak in the first place as far as TWD goes?

>His wife was getting fucked by his best friend, goes and outright kills him

>is the big boss of everything
>surprised he has nice things

come on

How is that a rebuttal? This isn't an action comedy, this is a horror series. You can't make a story scary if the protagonist is incapable of fear.

>season 2

no, there's a damned good reason i didn't stick around for S3, and that's the entirety of S2

S1 was great aside from the butchering of andrea's character

Rick is scared for his son and his group. But smart enough to play tough infront of other people, especially infront of someone like Negan.

So this is when the Calvin and Hobbes artist was still illustrated this comic right?

You made it that long eh?

i constantly find myself inches from maiming myself in some stupid fashion

i don't consider myself invincible because of it, if anything it scares me into being more fucking careful next time

I almost lost my fucking hand the other day working on my car because "hey the engine is sitting fine, it won't fall because it hasn't yet" and then it fell with enough force to take a divot out of the concrete floor right next to my soft fleshy grabbing apparatus