>"Nolan reconditioned actual warships for the shoot, including the French Navy destroyer Maillé-Brézé, and reportedly spent $5 million of the budget on a vintage aircraft so as to attach it with IMAX cameras before crashing it on-screen"
>crashing it on-screen


Other urls found in this thread:


Do you thing this film's gonna fly well?

>let's make a kino about Brits waiting for boats to arrive

What did Nolan mean by this?

>built in 1951
I mean it's better than nothing but...

crashing this movie with no survivors

you tell me, you have the quads

Don't forget that this is a Nolan film. The writing and pacing will still be atrocious.

Will he deliver?


well atleast it's an original idea like any Nolan movie so I will gladly pay for a ticket to this rather than any other reboot/sequel/studio cash in

Is this going to be his magnum opus (translation: big work)?

>well atleast it's an original idea

It's a WW2 movie.

Baneposting following him whenever he directed or simply produced kino.
>yfw you will see start of Ben Wilson films franchise next to DCEU, Harry Potter and Mad Max

can someone shoop banes face in the smoke and sky and change the title to big guy

Yeah it's an WWII movie which no one asked for.
There is no market demand for a british focused WWII movie and Nolan is still doing it because he wants to do it, not because someone told him to do it.

That's why I respect him.
Gotta sit through a lot of exposition and hand holding monologues but hey

Do you think Nolan is now aware of the memes created and is just fucking with everyone by having crashing planes and big guys in his future films?

It will certainly be BIG

Nolan do not browse the Internet, never.

hes not the first one to do this kind of shit you faggot babies.

>Nolan: What are some good gimics we can employ to get buzz on reddit and impress plebs?

>Every reddit Nolanfag: Did you know that they actually refurbished real WW2 ships and crashed real planes? That's like totally epic practical effects. Did you know I hate CGI since I'm a real movie buff? Nolan is a genius dude.

Name me ONE other director who attached IMAX cameras to a plane and crashed it.

Most are even afraid to shoot IMAX handheld, let alone strapping IMAX cameras like GoPro's on vehicles and destroy them completely just for a shot.

Will wait.

>yfw the jericho trumpet in the trailer was attached to a falling EMB-110

Is the movie good?

for you?

What an asshole.

as much as i dislike his gimmicky flicks, i salute the use of practical effects.

All that and then it's PG-13 war movie for teenagers.


Instead of it being an actual film, it's Just going to be some shitty action flick for teenagers

You think it will be a movie for teenagers just because of that one direction dude in there?


No, I think that because it's being made by Nolan

>There is no market demand for a british focused WWII movie
There's always a market for WW2 movies.

>crashing aircraft
GET IT!?!? He's going to crash an aircraft again !1!!11 just like he did in his other movie ;-P
that's SO f*cking funny XD
dr pavel, no survivors, wreckage brother haha

But CGI fucking sucks and age like Tara Reid.

It's not that bad
So many people say they hate it just because it's the easiest way to pretend you have good taste

You can't kill baneposting.

When you think it's dead, there comes another movie/event/news/porno that brings it back to it's glory.

Embrace the meme.

But people use CGI when they can't film something in real life.

Nolan has the budget and ability to film it for real, why would he use CGI then?
He can basically do anything he wants and the studio has to say "okay" to him

Depends how it's used

I dont understand why people are som damn hung up on forcing as much violence into war movie as possible. We all now war was pretty fucking shit, I dont need closeups of soldiers torn in half, being run over by a tank while screaming for their mothers to know that.

Fury wasnt a better movie for it, all it did for Fury was making it edgy because it didnt do anything with other than shoving it in your face.

If I want to feel traumatized for an evening, I'll go on liveleak and watch people being burned alive, I dont need to pay 15 bucks to watch someone roll around in fake blood.

>vintage aircraft so as to attach it with IMAX cameras before crashing it on-screen

With no survivors?

It's Bill Wilson, you fucking nobody.

All of you are useless fucking mouthbreathing dunces that don't even realise their idiotic opinions are instant discard. Fuck off and kill yourselves you braindead cunts