What is the worst song from a Disney animated feature film?

What is the worst song from a Disney animated feature film?

Likely candidate here:

Other urls found in this thread:


Reflection from Mulan was like nails on a fucking chalkboard for me.

no way, great song.

This is by far and away the worst


>no way, great song.
It's an okay song lyrically, but the performance in the film was fucking painful to listen to.


Eh, I guess the voice the voice is a little screechy but I really liked the way the melody resolved itself in the chorus. Could have been a pop song if they got Mariah Carey or someone to do it.

Whatever your favorite Disney song is.

All of them

The one from Tarzan that's just two minutes of Rosie O'Donnell making retarded noises.

NSYNC did back-up for that song. Kinda random, but whatever.

Is that supposed to make it less shitty?

It probably makes it more shitty.

>Hire big-name celebrities to sing a song in your movie
>Make them just sing doo-wop back-up stuff
>Poorly advertise that they were even involved in the first place, so most people don't even realize NSYNC is singing in the background

Big clusterfuck in multiple ways.

Also, for reference...

Trashin' the Camp (the official name of this song) from Tarzan:

Do people actually like listening to these Disney songs or is it just nostalgia?

>It probably makes it more shitty.
Yes, that is what I was implying. Well done.

Both. Listen to "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes" from the Cinderella DVD in surround sound. Chills.


Since a female being here is a mathematical impossibility, are you aware you're a flaming faggot?

I posted this same thread on the Sup Forums board and the Sup Forums board. You can check them out through the links below and see what they thought which Disney song is the worst.

Another candidate: the Ratigan song from the Great Mouse Detective.

I have a problem with extended periods of non-musical monologue/dialogue in the middle of a song, which doesn't even flow with it.



Is this allowed?


It's not nefarious in nature, so it's probably okay.

lol...a Trump response to a song about a Trumpesque character. Iseewhatyoudidthere.png.

A Whole New World

Which version?

All of them

I cringed every time I saw this shit as a kid.
Stupid cats.

Objetively, the morning report

a song from the lion king broadway song that they animated and added into a special edition of the movie


they should have animated Warthog Rhapsody instead

That's fucking dreadful jesus christ

what the fuck? How the fuck could they do this?


the radio pop cover is even worse some how youtube.com/watch?v=kHue-HaXXzg

Why are you being so venomous?

So it seems that the two finalists are...

Trashin' the Camp from Tarzan
Morning Report from The Lion King: Special Edition

Which of these two is worst?

I hated that trash

trashin' the camp imo

so how are you enjoying this planet so far?

The cold makes me itchy.