Is it true that moms kissing their kids on the lips is considered weird in America? Here it's the norm...

Is it true that moms kissing their kids on the lips is considered weird in America? Here it's the norm. Is that why you don't see it in Hollywood films?

My mom gets upset if I don't kiss her on the lips, although she perhaps insists on being a little more intimate than most parents.

my mommie rubs my tummy when she feeds me the tendies

My brain auto-read the last part of your post as "being a little more intimate on my penis" because I thought you were going for a joke with this.

It's weird you fucking weirdo.

>it's weird
Only in America.

i dont even like touching my mother or hearing her voice or even being in the same room as her. i suppose I've never really felt love from or for her

I kissed my mom and my aunt in the lips when i was a kid, my younger brother does that too

Nothing sexual or wrong with it. (I live in a South American country btw)

no one kisses in my family, we all just hug

Nothing wrong at all.

I'm in Australia and it's fucking weird here too.

Do the rest of the world a favour and never leave your backwater inbreeding European country.


isn't there a photo exactly like this but with gordon ramsay?

>parents showing affection is bad

It's a normal thing in America, only autists that disdain any physical contact will say otherwise.

Kissing your dad on the lips is weird though.

only americans kiss their kids on the mouth, especially father-daughter

That's a little bit to much affection


I pray for 9.


6 = Amy Schumer?

What shithole are these uggos from?

>dat amazing body on 7
>dat horrific face
damn shame

Is it true that moms kissing their kids on the centre of their puckered buttholes is considered weird in America? Here it's the norm. Is that why you don't see it in Hollywood films?

My mom gets upset if I don't kiss her on the centre of her puckered butthole, although she perhaps insists on being a little more intimate than most parents.



It's pretty much weird once they are past the age you can pick them up without breaking your back.

I did it until I was maybe 14 or 15. I just assumed that was the norm

Truly the master race

check mine pls


It's acceptable up to a point. If you're like 12 and still doing it, you've got problems.

Also lol at all the ppl from South America and Europe saying it's not weird. It's like a total stereotype that Italians and latinos have huge mommy issues.

Does she tounge your shitter often?

>visit my mom
>watching a movie together at night
>suddenly she extends her legs and grabs my neck with her feet and softly chokes me
>"haha user I can choke you with my feet"
I'm not sure how to feel

your mom sounds retarded

She's a bit silly sometimes.

>go to a thrift store
>see a stack of some old magazines
>on top there's a teen mag from the 80s with a girl on the cover
>think "hey, she's cute-"
>it's my mom



>she perhaps insists on being a little more intimate than most parents

It's fine until they become teenagers. At that point you either have to stop, or you need to let them feel some boob.

check my 9

christ reroll


nice job


thats a lotta jews

its not weird unless you are a liberal that sexualizes fucking everything. my mother and father kissed me on the lips growing up and it was never considered weird.

I kissed my dad on the lips until I was like 18.
Last week I kissed my grandpa on the lips because it was his birthday and I was kinda drunk.

I am 24 and European, I don't really think much about it desu senpai.

3 > 0 > 5 > dubs > 8 > 9 > 7 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 1

anyone who chooses otherwise is a closet homosexual

Looks absolutely nothing like her

That's gay as fuck dude

GOD ROLL, look who I just got boys


Not even trolling, I'd do it all the time as a kid.

Stopped when I was about 10. Dad and mom btw.

A kiss isn't always supposed to be romantic you insecure faget. You really think I wanna fuck my grandpa? The fuck is wrong with you?

I sometimes see Turks my age giving each other a kiss on the lips when they greet each other, and I'm pretty sure they hate homosexuals.

May, here in America there's something called the South where families kiss, fuck, and make babies with each other.

If he's so down to earth or whatever why did he do that movie?

Enjoy your herpes kiddo.

3, 8, 9 or dubs please

Growing up, my mom would often make me sleep in a bed with her and would insist that we'd spoon. Sometimes she'd slip into my bed at night.

Does that count as molestation?


I think it's beautiful

I'm french and I never did that, that would be considered weird as fuck.

We do kiss each others on the cheeks a lot though. Even between males if they are relatives or friends (mostly a southern french thing though).

>I wanna fuck my grandpa
Jesus, dude. I know this is Sup Forums and all, but you don't have to let it all hang out like that.

ho boy.

there was the kid in primary school (age 4-13) who used to kiss his mother on the lips every time dropped him off at school

he was most bullied loser in the entire school and used to run with naruto arms behind his back before naruto / anime was even big

so basically anyone who did it is a huge loser

what if you and your mom are really hot

>not fucking your grandpa to assert dominance so you become the new leader of the family

>hate homosexuals
Oh boy you have a lot to learn


Hope for number nine

Is she hot?

Will Smith used to kiss his son on the lips. He even did it on an interview just to mess with the kid.

>this single webm defines the entire Roach population

>saving that webm

You've got something you wanna tell us?

Sure you aren't a roach lad

ebin deflection m8

8 get

Kissing on the lips was common in the 50s

Everything was better in the 50s.

pretty positive m8


8, 9, dubs or NOTHING


In the UK it's weird. I actually thought it was a US thing.

You sound a lot like one desu


>no 0
dodged a bullet there.


what's that?

Where did it all go so wrong

Give me the dubs.

fucking shitters in the 20th century JUSTING it up


I've never kissed my mother, because that's weird and pretty much borderline incest. I'm not american.

I have alot to post, all i have to ask Sup Forums is

which one?
to adopt and raise right?



The 70s were a mistake




incest is only exciting when you are thinking about imaginary people

oh god puberty is horrible