I will never not make fun of this. Jesus fucking Christ what happened to Cinema

I will never not make fun of this. Jesus fucking Christ what happened to Cinema

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Is that fucking Chris Pratt?

What movie is this?

Its mesmerizing how terrible this is

Wonder Womyn: Death to White People

no, it's the other chris

well, the other other chris

>Trying to focus on a bullet that isn't there
Did they honestly think they could pull this off without it looking uncanny valley as fuck?

Looks like it's gonna be another DC hit.

wtf you can totally see the wire they used


Yeah, that another Chris. He probably will be the actual main character in the movie.


wtf, that slow motion shot just ends? does the archer died?

I want this meme of Hollywood cash-in franchises to end.

Enough with capeshit, enough with marketable properties, enough with reboots and remakes.

Go back to making actual fucking movies instead of these trumped up music video toy ads.

are you seriously asking in 20fucking16 if a white man shot a womyn of color?

>dr. marvel, we're CGI

Watch the movie to find out!

I'm beginning to think these movies are being made by 12 year olds.

No, its Galga Dot, or who.

Marvel: capeSHIT


know the difference

Is this the new Resident Evil movie?

>they forgot to edit out the wires

Jesus, they get paid for this shit?

Battlefield 1

she was staring at the archer then in only half of second her head is moving synchronously with the bullet. What a wonderful woman.

I don't know, OP sure looks like capeshit to me, if you disagree you must be some kind of retard

Which Chris?

Oh my god.

I just feel bad for the DC defense force at this point.

If they had cgi in the 30s we'd have the same shitty flicks

People tend to foeget most big budget movies were kinda crap, apart from a few examples

What were really great were the "middle budget" films like Die Hard, Terminator or any horror film since the 60s
Those films today are still the best, there are just less of them

So this...

Is the power...

of a female director...

d-dont worry guys, we are reshooting things now.


Hurt locker was directed by a woman too

Why is there wires

Can't these amazon girls fly or is that just the cartoon that I saw

When did genuine movies start looking like parodies?

Ghostbusters had that same aesthetic. Is this a women thing?

Hurt Locker was also shit, what's you point?

They made this scene just so you could autistically obsess over it for the next year and use it to try to act above it all with lines like "Jesus fucking Christ what happened to Cinema".

I actually heard an emo lisp when i read that.

At least they are not niggers

Movies are more successful with a smaller budget. It forces constraints on what can be done and time which requires the team to be creative as a way around these limitations.

American Psycho would be a better example tbqh

Goddamn, that looks stupid.

Dem thighs though on the flying lady.

For the sakay of the doubles advocado, this was clipped from a trailer, there are probably more shots to seen between these scenes


DC literally doesn't give a single fuck at this point. This is on par with the terrible superhero movies of the early 00's, like Catwoman, Elektra, Ultraviolet and Aeon Flux.

No amazonians can fly, they're just an all female group of ancient greeks. Wonder woman can fly because she's not a real themysceran but a wish by her "mother" Hippolyta for a daughter, given embodiement by the Greek gods and their powers.

Holy kek. Throw this straight onto the growing DC shit pile.

The rope woman's slo-mo movement appears to be faster than the fucking bullet. Shouldn't she be well out of harm's way by the time the bullet reaches her position?

Also she has black children in the comics

>Wonder Woman's head is turning to look at the bullet as it passes

If her head was turning that fast, her neck would've fucking snapped.

Chris Pine. The star of Untrainable. Or Trainwreck. Unstoppable. He's captain Kark.

Oh it shows

>Go back to making actual fucking movies instead of these trumped up music video toy ads.
go see hacksaw ridge 20 times and you may get your wish

She has a really strong neck.

Don't you read the comics?

This. Do all women have Flash properties there? The big guy seems to be at normal speed.

>shoots gun
>deflects bullet with bracelet
>this happens at least twice in the movie

>shoots gun
>camera follows the bullet for """dramatic effect"""
>this happens, again, at least twice in the movie

People will defend this.

Yeah, the bullet time effect doesn't make any sense in the trenches scene. That is most likely after she blocked the bullet with her bracelets in the alley scene. So it's not the first time she does that, and yet there's a dramatic effect for some reason.

Well, you know, frames have to be very dense.


not sure if bait or just stupid

Good show senpai

Make the bullet a small plane and we are golden.

He's right. You can see a second wire holding her in place, they literally missed it.

This board never fails to amaze me.

Nice beard she's sporting there

who's shooting though? The Hired Gun?

this is why I come here


What do normalfags see in this comic shit? Even the spergs think it's garbage


Then she goes to fight WW 1, against the evil Nazis. Well not Nazis but Germans who act and look just like Nazis and are just as evil so they might aswell be Nazis.

Why? Are you blind?

Wonder woman : bollywood cut

where's red skull

case in point

Well, we certainly wouldn't want to offend anybody.

Especially Nazis.

this is love

I fucking hate women.

Fuck you nigger I liked Ultraviolet and Aeon Flux.

Milla is my waifu.

Do you do drugs homie?


>DCucks will defend this

>Is that fucking Chris Pratt?
its kirk

AHAHAHAHAHAHHA oh god im dying
best meme ever

>What movie is this?
Wonder Woman : The Rightful Reclamation of Israel

fucking perfect

>I will never not make fun of this. Jesus fucking Christ what happened to Cinema

JUST compare the BRUTAL difference
when you have a great director


"THIS" is the action quality
we want to see Warner AT&T

Great directors
Spetacular cast

This is to much, to ask?

and this is only 1 minute

Imagine 2 hours watching this shitt

>tfw it doesn't cut every 0.5 seconds

I wish Peter Jackson got fat again so he'd get his directing skills back.


Fucking kek, yes, this


Something is off about the physics of the rope and arc of the swing. Can a more enlightened person point out in detail the actual problem. Maybe it looks to stiff and swing ismy rough enough?

>you can see the wire
fucking bravo

wait doesnt she have the ability to deflect bullets with her bracelets?

Thats really the smallest problem with the physics in this scene, but yes, the rope apparently acts like a pole and the ancher point has continuity between the shots

*has NO continuity

Wonder Woman 2: Return of the period pains

I can't see a second one, just the "on scene justified" one


The shot of her swinging down, readying her bow. To the right of her you can vaguely see another wire holding her in place, unless it's just the rope ghosting because of the quality.



Now this I'd watch

It is pretty obvious desu. there is clearly a wire she is hangin on