There are people that don't recognise this scene as one of the greatest plot twists in cinema

>there are people that don't recognise this scene as one of the greatest plot twists in cinema

How is that a twist


Ghosts confirmed to be real in that moment.

I guess it's time I finally watch this movie.

Has anyone seen Room 237?

The cans with the indian head are a metaphor for the native american genocide btw.

But they aren't real

tthen how did he get out of the locker?

Neither are our eyes.

I'm still not convinced that movie isn't an elaborate joke at the expense of redditors.

It's a movie and he isn't actually locked behind anything because it's a movie and hes an actor.

The point of the movie is not "wow the movie is so deep check out all these things that are hidden in it"

The point is "look at how a movie can captivate its audience so effectively that it inspires people to come up with the most insane theories about it"

Anyone who thinks the doc is a serious study of the intricacies of The Shining is a retard. (I'm looking at you, YMS)

Never spotted the obvious Oreo metaphor before. It all makes sense now.

>haunted house
>ghosts are real
wut? jeez, the level of imbecility here is astounding.

>inb4 Alia Janine let him out because she felt bad

Worst theory. How would that even work, she lets him out then runs up to her room and forgets that she let him loose?


how do i get in on this joke

Golden Rey pimiento is the key to all of this.

Are the oreos in the background a metaphor for the African-American Civil Rights Movement? Every black has something white in himself?

I mostly watch his videos for entertainment than analysis since the level at which he over-analyzes completely meaningless details is hilarious, but I'm glad he had the sense to stay out of the Room 237 doc, especially since he actually managed to be right for once when it came to the purposefully impossible geography of the hotel.

Patricians could assume up to that point that it's all in his head. The pantry scene confirms that it's not.

Dedicating 15 minutes to moon landing hoaxers is retarded no matter how you slice it. I bet you still think the History Channel is relevant.

>he hasn't seen The Shining

How is that even possible?

What about kind nignog and his kid seeing ghosts? Wouldn't that make ghosts "real" from pretty much the get go?

Isn't this something obvious? Were the people that first watched really thinking this is a plot twist? Is it like Santa Sangre's twist, which can be seen from miles away? Is this a curse of the modern viewers or not?

>those gold room videos
I want to believe.

I wonder if those Tang and Coffee cans still exist somewhere

>youtube the scene
>it is all talking and nothing happens
>close tab

>there are people that still think it was ghosts and don't realize Danny let him out
The movie literally has no ghosts in it.
Everything can be attributed to mental issues / breakdowns.

No ghosts confirmed.


Guess the movie's ruined now.

I saw it and some of the "theories," Are so far out there it makes no sense. Like the bitch talking about the poster on the wall.

>Alia Janine
lmao underrated post

It was clearly a minotaur.

>trips confirmed

Look at all that Tang on the shelf. That was a nice beverage before they ruined it with artificial sweeteners.

what movie?

Kek, underrated. Also nice dubs.

I think in Room 237 they point out that in one of the scenes when Wendy is talking to Jack, who is in the main hall, one of the chairs in the background disappears and then reappears. In another scene a ball rolls up to Danny, who is sitting on the carpet with he hexagonal pattern, then in the next scene, the pattern flips 180. Are there other scenes like this, where subtle hidden things happen in the background?

>what movie?