What's his name again?

What's his name again?

Mr ImAStuckUpNiggerWhoThinksHesSpecialLeTalentedActorBecauseIHaveShitSkin

Fuck, I thought that was Irrfan Khan

Meek mill

heh kek

okra islamabad

calm down dude. did he fuck yur mum and not leave a tip?

Chew It All Edgy Fore

Isn't that the guy who killed michael jackson?

i thought michael jackson killed michael jackson?


Cheeto Well Edgier For

Chewchital Ejofurfurufur

AKA "The Man Who Went From WhedonShit To Oscarbait Back To NuWhedonshit"

No that was Don Cheadle.

No he just acted like a typical nigger who thinks their a special snowflake.


Don't project :^)

Did the n-word trigger you? Poor baby.

Yaphet Kotto

Chewbacca Evildoor

cheekuhchaka chakachuku

Ooga Booga Oscar-Emmy.

Strangerbatch Doktordik

Chewy toy edgy floor

Benedict Cumberatch

Idris Elba

i legit thought this was childish gambino when i saw the thumbnail

Baron Mordo

Denzel Washington