No, Chris

>No, Chris
What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

don't slide

He essentially blew Chris' cover, as they'd been old friends picking up twinks together since the 80s.


I wonder what it would be like if one of them recognized him.

every predator it one of those degenerates

>tfw you're 8x6 and he lives with his mommy and his daddy

White people are just natural degenerates

and hopefully soapy lol

So no episode this week again? I hate this shit.

Cant wait for the M'lady episode. Probably gonna save it for last.

Has anyone ever ran away successfully? Or even partially successfully, like they made it a block away before getting tackled?

Anyone ever try to sex the decoy? Like as soon as they see them they grab them and try to strip them?

Why do you losers idolize this asshole and his show so much?
Fucking pure entrapment and should not be allowed to air. It really is fucking amazing that he got someone killed, but they still decided to bring this asshole and his baiting shit back.
This country really makes me sick sometimes.

He didn't get anyone killed, retard. That loser committed a crime in the state in which he resided and decided he would rather die than face the consequences.

Hahahahahah holy fuck do they not being cops when they do it? I've never actually watched it

Hello, Pedo!

He looks on par with those pedos tbqh.

You sound like the kind of person that used to watch Nancy Grace.

What a sublime argument

They started to later on.

GOAT decoy/bait.

>Trees and backroads everywhere
>decides to run on an empty main street
well he did fall for a sting so I guess being retarded is to be expected

How original

>school is in session
i love how cringe this is...

I know. I'm a ticking time bomb. It's the reason I don't go out and socialize anymore or at least the reason I tell myself.

if a 13 year old still says mommy and daddy, that should be the biggest red flag ever. did he just forget what age he was supposed to be?

Are any of the new ones worth watching? Last one I watched was 'Me, my mommy and my daddy'

They need to import that jap dude that does jav with hot bitches while he pretends to be a kid...nigga looks ancient and the vids are hilarious.


If it were me, and it will be one day, I would pull a gun on the twink that lets me in the house.

They don't pat down the pedos and only check them out after Chris lets them leave.

I would murder / suicide my way out of the situation and give them the best ratings ever which is what they really want.


Nigga thought he was going to use that umbrella to fly away

>tfw no 14 year old gf to watch to catch a predator with

This show is staged. That is the reason nobody has ever taken Chris hostage or killed him.

That one dude shot himself.


>not on camera
I don't believe it.

>rooster teeth

who /tag-along/ here

>looks almost 30

nice decoy

Have a seat faggot

he refused to be in the show so he """"""""""accidentally""""""""""" shot himself.

>tag along's face when he hears her age

>he's smiling, sipping on his energy drink
>"she's 12"
almost instantly his smile was gone, and he doesn't take another drink, he's just stunned

his smile and optimism: gone

Did the tag along get arrested too?

Anthony Cumia used to to hilarious impressions of Hansen back when O&A was on air and good.

>be a tag-along
>speaking in tagalog

It's poetry, it rhymes

that dude is full of shit, he was there to fuck a 12 year old with his buddy

The one with the bald guy was alright. The newest one had no discussion; he ran out the door as soon as he saw chris.

wait, who got killed?

is this episode available anywhere?

he wasnt prepared to have a threesome with chris hansen

some guy later an hero'd after getting caught

>stock camera overlay with beeping sounds

editor's gotta earn his paycheck somehow

t. pedo