I get why people here don't like Rick and Morty now

I get why people here don't like Rick and Morty now


>Reddit & Memey

>reminder that if you complain about depression you don't actually have it

>But anxiety keeps you up

No it doesnt. If i were unemployed i could sleep 16 hours a day. In fact i do just that on work free days.

Picrelated is a post I just saw on imgur

tfw i would trade my bipolar depression with regular depression

tfw i would trade my paranoia which i feel bugs crawl in my skin with anxiety

>tfw i would trade my paranoia which i feel bugs crawl in my skin
That's not paranoia man. That's straight up hallucinations. Paranoia can cause delusions, but not hallucinations. You need help. Like now.

You're pretty special. Aren't you?

Is this another one of those "Sup Forums can't deal with Rick and Morty's super deep and depressed characters because it reminds them of themselves" threads?

Why can't Rick and Morty fans just accept some people don't like the show?

The first few episodes were entertaining. But they got way too preachy way too fast.

Anxiety and depression are two different things

When the fuck is season 3 you plumbuses



>some fans make crappy memes so I am unable to enjoy a show

Fuck off kid

>rmeme & memey

do you guys realise when you say shit like this is worst that the show you're trying to make fun off

>I dislike thing because people I dislike like thing

Are you mentally like 13?

Normies who use Facebook, tumblr, reddit, imgur etc. see a lot of Rick & Morty on their normie sites so when they come here and try to fit in they massively overcompensate by shitting all over what they perceive to be a "normie" show - or at least what they believe authentic Sup Forums would perceive a normie show to be.

starts next month i believe

its a great time to be alive

r+m is one of the greatest examples of kino there will ever be, it's ridiculous how underrated it is

reddit detected

>browses imgur
>hates a show because others like it
>probably insults everyone by calling them reddit and cuck
paranoia is awful, definitely trade it for anything, definitely commit seppuku before the schizophrenia may kick in

>not using reddit for the variety of topics, ama's and trends to keep you from being bitter, cynical and alienated compared to most people

>not also using Sup Forums to keep you grounded with hard truths, more niche content and right-leaning views that is hard to find elsewhere

holy shit, literally lereddit: the post

please never come here again you massively pointless waste of oxygen

you're a loser

Why are the bugs so anxious?

>anyone upset by the above post are irreversibly sad, bitter and antisocial

i don't know that user but of course i'm a fucking loser autist turboneet what did you expect?
go back to

my only complaint are the musical numbers.

why the fuck would you include musical shit on a cartoon made for adults?

Not too late to change, user.

oh god /r9k/ get the fuck out with your meme "mental diseases"

When did I say I didn't like it, you dumb projecting fuck? I said I can see why Sup Forums, a board notorious for reactionary hate of whatever imgur and Reddit like, would dislike this show. Man you are stupid

depression and anxiety are both memes
schizophrenia probably isn't

Why do I see so many of these memes now?

That's what I would like to know.

mostly because there are too many fucking children on this board in their brooding years and haven't grown the up yet.

The first season was decent. I didn't care for it but I can at least understand why some people would like it. The second season had absolute shit writing, storylines, and character interaction with boring animation.

Really makes you think.

Elaborate more, it's just good for discussion/clarification purposes if nothing else. In a board full of inferences you shouldn't be surprised that someone gets upset anyway if you make a statement and don't pick a side.

Because it is pretty to consider oneself tortured and broken. It's a common thought pattern among people that are mentally 15

I think Rick and Morty is an ok show that sometimes gets off on self-congratulatory babby existentialism. Memeboards like Reddit and imgur are of course all in on identifying with that because it makes them feel smart and damaged because a large number of them are incredibly stupid. This causes people on Sup Forums, a board full of actually depressed lonely people that need to find an excuse to be on the opposite team of whatever 'normies' like, to hate the show simply because of the dumb childish circle jerk self-aggrandizing memeing that imgur and Reddit like to subject each other to in order to convince themselves what smartypantses they are for enjoying a show that dips it's toes into ideas like nihilistic insignificance. That was a bit of a ramble but you can probably get the gist