Americans will defend this faggotry

americans will defend this faggotry

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as long as it makes money why not.

Your ass makes money if you shave and market it properly. Go try it, faggot.

stop making this thread every fucking day

It’s not faggotry. It’s relevant to the interests of most users of Sup Forums.

>go try it, faggot.

You speaking from experience as a rent boy huh faggot?

america america lmao

Wait... is that a boy?

congratulations on being really fucking slow to realize

ITT: Amerifarts trying to justify the decay of their own society.

Wow thanks.
Stupid me for not realising 2 seconds after I saw the picture.

Well, I guess we know who's gonna be new trap queen on Sup Forums in a few years.

Is that a girl or a boy I can't tell anymore.

it's a boy

For you b tards that are actually tards...that is indeed a boy that is a child

I'd do his sons

Damn his good a makeup for a kid.

You know, I used to like Liev, but the whole progressivedad.webm kind of ruins it for me.

if this triggers you so much why don't you go back to your safe space, snowflake?

It's a Comic-Con cosplay, idiot

I'm not defending it. Pedos get the gas chamber. Very soon. Who is that guy anyway? Looks like an inbred Liev Schreiber

>Liev Schreiber
Have we got a surprise for you...

why do you guys care


his name is Liev Schreiber, he's an actor with queer kids

it's his son at a comic con retard


I'm just waiting for the news to put up a story about rape allegations.

Oh look! A Dad with his faggot ass Son.

this, ideally with HD video

it's a cocksucker in training

Better start now while he's still young

>implying you wouldn't amuse yourself in his hot little mouth


I would piss inn his mouth while his dad cockslaps him

Is that a boy too?



But how old?

he is definitely sexing his son, jews...

They're jews, wtf do you expect.

True story

Even better


I would fuck his ass so fucking hard

then at the moment of orgasm, cut his dick off with a blunt knife

because that's what I like

Kill all trannies

Where's Stalin to send them to gulag or bring nuclear apocalypse to those capitalist parasites

poor mommy ignoring the obvious

This kid is going to be sad when puberty kicks in and makeup just makes him ugly

Best he can hope for is to be a makeup artist mayb

Inevitably he will also be called a massive faggot

believe it or not usa is babylon the great and will soon fall just as both babylon and rome once did.

allowance of such degeneracy is only the beginning

Fuck off Shill