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sup Sup Forums

ever fantasize about being inside your sister's womb while a bunch of guys take turns fucking her, then she gives birth to you and you slide out covered in strangers' cum then she licks you clean and breastfeeds you?


honestly? no.

could you pretend you have, just for the purposes of this thread?







>inside your sister's womb while
thats the part where i'm out

/d material my sick friend, better go there

I just got an extreme boner

no and you should seek professional help.


obviously I'd need help, I don't know how to organize all this on my own

what the actual fuck

Well, hang on. Maybe OP's sister is THAT good looking that he'd commit incest, vore, bukkake and be born all over again.

you must be fun in parties

Holy fuck my sides

Once a day, twice on a Sunday.

This really activates my almonds

What in the name of fuck

Aren't babies normally born bald?

Yes, im a good goy so i touch myself all the time to such extreme degeneracy, as you all should.
Oy vey!


if she gives birth to you, wouldn´t she be your mum?

no, they have hair but it falls off quickly after birth and gets replaced.

shhh don’t use logic in an autist thread


not always. plenty of kids come out with full heads of hair.

hey guys I came out of my moms vagina with an erection does that mean i'm technically not a virgin?


how many times are you going to make this thread?

Oddly enough, yes.

Crypto finds this really interesting

Not that I know of, no.



Best thread on this board in a while

Kill yourself


In order for this to exist, someone had to have become so depraved and sexually jaded that only this could get them off
Think about that

I don't agree with them having to get bad enough that it's the *only* thing, but it would have had to progress far enough that they thought this was ok. OP just has intimacy issues with his sister and sexual dysfunction, combining the two in a way that he thinks it's ok for this to happen.

If you're still here, OP, ask your sister if the two of you can blow her boyfriend together. Have him cum on your face, then have her lick it off. Then spend the rest of your days masturbating to the memory, days which will probably be very short as you should kill yourself in a double murder/suicide afterwards.