33yo virgin cause of small dick , help me fap today with your videos kik erikalfonso

33yo virgin cause of small dick , help me fap today with your videos kik erikalfonso

Virgin because you have no attractive qualities not small dick. Stop reducing your entire shitty being down into one factor. Get a life.

Dude you’re dick is 17 inches, the average dick size is 5. You are way above average assuming that rape measurer is right.

cm.... cm

Your dick is actually bigger than a lot of pornstars

Do you even know what centimeters are? muricafag

>33yo virgin bc i think its about things >like dick size

>that camera angle

even though this is bait. 17 cm is above average lose weight and maybe trim your whole body a little

is this peak bait or peak retardation

ゴシ! もう一人のファゴットがいます!

過去1年の間に/ b /にfagotスレッドの明らかな侵入があります。 WTF?


Why does your ruler start at 3?


Copy pasta bait-seen many times before.

14cm is not above average, but it's still not that small.

you're probably a virgin because you are an obese faggot with no confidence.

>Dude you’re dick is 17 inches, the average dick size is 5. You are way above average assuming that rape measurer is right.

What a brainlet HAHAHAHAAHHA

OP, I'm having trouble doing any comparison. How long are you in freedom units?

So i hope you’re smart enough to calculate it

Loose weight, or else those numbers are just for show.

Youre not even that small OP, youre just awkard and ugly.

plzz22 kik slut

You are either complete idiots or you are baiting by pretending to eat obvious bait

You are into PE too... Nice. My dick is thin just like yours. Measure the width of the dick, not the girth btw
yours is like 1.6, like mine, which is thinnish

must be weird being such a stupid fatass that you mash the ruler into your belly thinking it makes your dick longer. that's at best 14 cm//5.5 inches

Ruler starts at 3.
17-3 = 14 cm ~5,5 inches

I have a smaller dick than you and I've has sex with around 30 women.

5.5inch is still global average.
Although if we're rebooting the old "Under 6 inches is small!" meme then I guess it's "small".

Real talk though you have length of it does look on the skinny side.

dude 17cm is slightly above average, you retard

She won't see you're dick until you're ready to seal the deal so it's not this one..

Ruler is 3cm in his fat

is it as thin as his